Shooting in Las Vegas

883,258 Views | 4892 Replies | Last: 4 yr ago by BMX Bandit
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Rapier108 said:


Automatics are illegal, but they wont care.
Fully legal if you're willing to pay for them, go through the extremely extensive background check, and then pay the required fees and taxes. A fully automatic weapon can cost into the tens of thousands of dollars with historical types (Thompson, BAR, Stg44, etc.) going for six figures if they're in pristine condition. Also, the gun must have been made before 1986 to be legal.

But people willing to go through all of that are highly unlikely to commit crimes with the weapons.

Very likely his gun was either purchased illegally, or he modified it illegally.

He had to get them illegally, no way those were legal, especially if what they are saying is true that he was on the police radar.
Presley OBannons Sword
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AggieHank86 said:

Presley OBannons Sword said:

AggieHank86 said:

crowman2010 said:

it would have been quite easy to put a folding stock rifle into a rolling suitcase with 10-12 100rd drum mags without even being noticed.
or a std weaponb in a golf case.
you could disassemble an AR and dang near fit it in a backpack. it wouldn't be hard to get stuff inside at all.
Who knows what this guy was using. A bit early for all the speculation. I am simply saying that there is no NEED for this to have been some sort of disassembled or folded weapon.

I personally own a hard case for transporting golf clubs on an aircraft. I could easily wrap at least five perhaps six weapons in towels to prevent noise and fit all of them in that case. It even locks, to prevent anyone from looking inside.

Ammo and the like in a second suitcase. Less luggage than the average Vegas traveler.
yeah, sorry, I wasn't arguing against your point, just continuing the line of thought that it wouldn't be hard to get virtually anything you wanted into a hotel
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This just makes me sick. We should be concentrating on the dead and injured, but the left and right politics and gun control coming from this is going to be horrible.
Sapper Redux
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NAP Violator said:

People are saying that it sounded like a damn SAW, which is a heavily regulated gun. There is no way this was obtained legally.

SAW doesn't sound like that.
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garc said:

BallerStaf2003 said:

Mental health is the greatest threat to our safety in these attacks. There have been way more crazy lone wolf shooters than muslimnterrorists.

People with major mental health issues should not be able to purchase a gun.

you cannot buy a gun if:

  • Were convicted of a crime that carried a sentence of more than one year, or a misdemeanor that carried a sentence of over two years
  • Are a fugitive (i.e. there's a felony or misdemeanor warrant for your arrest)
  • Are an addict
  • Are diagnosed mentally ill, which can include being involuntarily committed, found not guilty by reason of insanity, or found unfit to stand trial
  • Reside in the US illegally
  • Are dishonorably discharged from the military
  • Had a restraining ordered issued against you (i.e. found guilty of harassing, stalking, or threatening a partner or the child of your partner)
  • Were convicted of domestic violence (i.e. convicted of using or threatening to use a deadly weapon against a spouse, former spouse, parent, guardian of the victim, etc.)
  • Have renounced your US citizenship

Obviously that's not good enough if crazy people keep killing others.
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TruckGuy said:

I agree. I just stayed at Mandalay two weeks ago and make multiple stops a year in Vegas. There are literally thousands of people an hour entering and leaving the hotel/casinos with large bags of luggage. He would have been able to move everything he needed without even being noticed. You do not need a key card to get in, you do not need a key card to get on the elevator; he could have simply walked in, went upstairs, and opened fire.

Prayers all around, I am afraid the number will rise above 50.
no key cards? Wow. We stay at Venetian usually, and you need one for all elevators.
NAP Violator
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Dr. Watson said:

NAP Violator said:

People are saying that it sounded like a damn SAW, which is a heavily regulated gun. There is no way this was obtained legally.

SAW doesn't sound like that.
I'll take your word for it. Those magazines appear to be quite large though.
Ervin Burrell
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SeattleAgJr said:

workplace violence.

we can never know the reason behind this.


At least you got to politicize a massacre though.
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BallerStaf2003 said:

garc said:

BallerStaf2003 said:

Mental health is the greatest threat to our safety in these attacks. There have been way more crazy lone wolf shooters than muslimnterrorists.

People with major mental health issues should not be able to purchase a gun.

you cannot buy a gun if:

  • Were convicted of a crime that carried a sentence of more than one year, or a misdemeanor that carried a sentence of over two years
  • Are a fugitive (i.e. there's a felony or misdemeanor warrant for your arrest)
  • Are an addict
  • Are diagnosed mentally ill, which can include being involuntarily committed, found not guilty by reason of insanity, or found unfit to stand trial
  • Reside in the US illegally
  • Are dishonorably discharged from the military
  • Had a restraining ordered issued against you (i.e. found guilty of harassing, stalking, or threatening a partner or the child of your partner)
  • Were convicted of domestic violence (i.e. convicted of using or threatening to use a deadly weapon against a spouse, former spouse, parent, guardian of the victim, etc.)
  • Have renounced your US citizenship

Obviously that's not good enough if crazy people keep killing others.

I think we will find that these guns were obtained illegally.
No Spin Ag
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cone said:

the worst part of human tragedy social media is the culture war tension over motive

we live in a garbage society that really doesn't care about loss of human life and grieving that loss
This is so true. Every time something like this happens all so many want to do is to see if the person/people responsible were black, white, muslim, etc. Then they get their talking points ready. If it was a Muslim, then the person represents every muslim in the world and all muslims should be kept out, kicked out, and stomped out. If it's an African American, pretty much the same except the kick out cause they're Americans. If the killer is white, well he's obviously just suffering from mental health issues and of course can' represent the rest of white Americans. The leftists f'ktards though will say the guy represents all white conservatives because it helps fir their narrative.

Now if only each side wold accept the fact the one, or a few people, do not represent an entire people, then we'd get somewhere.

But it's easier, and probably more enjoyable disgustingly, for people to hate and hate with the broadest brush possible.

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Where did you see he was on the police radar? For what reason?
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backintexas2013 said:

Where did you see he was on the police radar? For what reason?

Watching on the news, they said it a couple of times. No idea what that means and it may ultimately be proven false.
My Dad Earl
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TurkeyBaconLeg said:

AggieUSMC said:

Cue the cries for gun control in 3......2.....1.....
I am not in favor of gun control, but you have to admit this tragedy will be ripe for the control nuts to get mileage for their cause.

Automatics are illegal, but they wont care.
I don't hold it against people who want gun control. In the end, both sides ultimately want the same thing: safety. I can see the merits of both sides of the argument. I am all for the second amendment, but I can also see the perspective of those who are calling for tighter regulations.

And please correct me if I'm wrong, but automatics are legal but have tight limits on how they can be bought and sold. They are not illegal to possess entirely.
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can we keep all the politics off this thread, no need to highjack, can we please just stick with the basic facts of the shooting?
Definitely Not A Cop
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BallerStaf2003 said:

Mental health is the greatest threat to our safety in these attacks. There have been way more crazy lone wolf shooters than muslimnterrorists.

People with major mental health issues should not be able to purchase a gun.

I don't necessarily disagree with your last sentence but my problem with it is the word major. What becomes a major mental health issue?

The biggest problem is that we really don't know a whole lot about how the brain works. 70 years ago, we gave a Nobel to a man who invented the lobotomy, which essentially is just poking a piece of metal inside someone's head until their brain is so destroyed that they can't get angry anymore. Absolutely barbaric when you think about it.

Now we treat mental health a lot like we did physical health back in the early part of the last century. Just keep medicating on drugs with severe side effects until you can't feel it anymore. But the problem is that that's not a cure, that's just mitigating symptoms. Until mental healthcare proceeds to a point to where we can actually cure mental illness, I find it hard to take someone's rights away forever for no other reason than that they were born unlucky.
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And please correct me if I'm wrong, but automatics are legal but have tight limits on how they can be bought and sold. They are not illegal to possess entirely.
Correct; the process to purchase one is expensive (not counting the cost of the gun itself which will be very high), time consuming, and extensive.
"If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves." - Sir Winston Churchill
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TelcoAg said:

cone said:

the worst part of human tragedy social media is the culture war tension over motive

we live in a garbage society that really doesn't care about loss of human life and grieving that loss

Read the first page of this thread and look at how much of that garbage started flowing before the body count even came in
i'm pretty sure i read the whole thread

it's perfect in it's own awful way, from all sides
Sapper Redux
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NAP Violator said:

Dr. Watson said:

NAP Violator said:

People are saying that it sounded like a damn SAW, which is a heavily regulated gun. There is no way this was obtained legally.

SAW doesn't sound like that.
I'll take your word for it. Those magazines appear to be quite large though.

They are. The SAW is a 5.52 automatic weapon. It makes a different sound when fired. Tough explain, except to say it's a higher pitch and faster. That's a 7.62 he's firing. I'm 99% sure. Acoustics can always make fools of us, but it sounds like an AK that's been modified.
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He checked in 9-28.

He was using the Woman's ID.

She was is out of the country.
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Demon 8 said:

scottimus said:

I listened to the cycling of the weapon.

Lots of deceleration in the shooting cycle.

Too much to think it was select fire.

I almost want to say bump stock?

I agree. The sound is definitely not a weapon that was manufactured to spray full auto. Also, the massive dump of ammo without interruption leads me to believe it was a drum mag.
Definitely a drum mag, maybe he got his hands on a RPK.
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In all seriousness, one has to consider the target chosen.

My guess is either he chose the target simply because it was a large, soft target, and dude just wanted to go bsc.

Or, a crazy antifa type, looking to exterminate "deplorables" for the cause.

If I were betting, I'd say the latter. But I'm horrible at gambling, so there is that. We will see, though.
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Bag said:

can we keep all the politics off this thread, no need to highjack, can we please just stick with the basic facts of the shooting?
Too late. The WaPost already has its spin going.
Presley OBannons Sword
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Dr. Watson said:

NAP Violator said:

People are saying that it sounded like a damn SAW, which is a heavily regulated gun. There is no way this was obtained legally.

SAW doesn't sound like that.
too slow for a SAW
No Spin Ag
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Bag said:

can we keep all the politics off this thread, no need to highjack, can we please just stick with the basic facts of the shooting?
The basic facts are that people are dead and they shouldn't be. The f'kingPOSas$hole who did this didn't get to be beaten, tortured, and die a slow death in prison. And right now both extremes of the political sides are either giddy with "I told you so", or "they're not all like this".

Please note that what I types in quotes is what's said by both sides, it just depends on who the killer is.

Surprisingly neither can figure it the f'k out that if they can each say the same thing then they're both right and wrong.
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No, sir. I can tell you that most hotels do not require a key card to get on the elevator. The Venetian might be one of the very few where a key card is required to go upstairs. I know for a fact that Mandalay and Luxor do not. So I would assume all MGM properties are that way.

Although in this case, it sounds like he was staying at the Mandalay Bay. So having a key card wouldn't have been a problem.

Also, most of the pools require key cards to get in, people hangout at the "cool" hotels asking people for their extra key cards to get into the pool parties, its pretty common. So again, I do not think that would have changed anything.
"If you are reading this, I have passed on from this world — not as big a deal for you as it was for me."
T. Boone Pickens
Presley OBannons Sword
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Dr. Watson said:

NAP Violator said:

Dr. Watson said:

NAP Violator said:

People are saying that it sounded like a damn SAW, which is a heavily regulated gun. There is no way this was obtained legally.

SAW doesn't sound like that.
I'll take your word for it. Those magazines appear to be quite large though.

They are. The SAW is a 5.52 automatic weapon. It makes a different sound when fired. Tough explain, except to say it's a higher pitch and faster. That's a 7.62 he's firing. I'm 99% sure. Acoustics can always make fools of us, but it sounds like an AK that's been modified.
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Leaving for Vegas in Wednesday morning. Will make sure to keep clear of that area.
Stay safe.
Texans make the best songwriters because they are the best liars.-Rodney Crowell

We will never give up our guns Steve, we don't care if there is a mass shooting every day of the week.

A man with experience is not at the mercy of another man with an opinion.
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this level of premeditation

it's gonna be hard to screen someone like that out of mental illness

this dude was high-functioning
Presley OBannons Sword
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Leaving for Vegas in Wednesday morning. Will make sure to keep clear of that area.
really makes you think
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Dr. Watson said:

NAP Violator said:

Dr. Watson said:

NAP Violator said:

People are saying that it sounded like a damn SAW, which is a heavily regulated gun. There is no way this was obtained legally.

SAW doesn't sound like that.
I'll take your word for it. Those magazines appear to be quite large though.

They are. The SAW is a 5.56 automatic weapon. It makes a different sound when fired. Tough explain, except to say it's a higher pitch and faster. That's a 7.62 he's firing. I'm 99% sure. Acoustics can always make fools of us, but it sounds like an AK that's been modified.


But the acoustics have me curious. I wonder if the reverb made it sound like he was firing at a higher rate.
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NAP Violator
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cone said:

this level of premeditation

it's gonna be hard to screen someone like that out of mental illness

this dude was high-functioning
Yep. He apparently had cameras setup to see the police coming. This guy was extremely well prepared.
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Dr. Watson said:

NAP Violator said:

Dr. Watson said:

NAP Violator said:

People are saying that it sounded like a damn SAW, which is a heavily regulated gun. There is no way this was obtained legally.

SAW doesn't sound like that.
I'll take your word for it. Those magazines appear to be quite large though.

They are. The SAW is a 5.52 automatic weapon. It makes a different sound when fired. Tough explain, except to say it's a higher pitch and faster. That's a 7.62 he's firing. I'm 99% sure. Acoustics can always make fools of us, but it sounds like an AK that's been modified.
The SAW( Squad Autmatic Weapon) is a 5.52 5.56 automatic weapon. And 100% correct, SAWS do not sound like that, that is 7.62 without a doubt.
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the real acceptance comes knowing we live in largely free country

and as such we always live on the knife's edge of this sort of tragedy

all that something like this takes is motivation (regardless of what it is) and will power

this dude clearly had the will. there's a level of planning here that's really unsettling.
Definitely Not A Cop
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I could totally see the TSA start showing up at hotels for large tourist destinations.
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