AGC said:
Zobel said:
when he decries the injustice of it.
The injustice of what?
This entire narrative is predicated on the idea that there is injustice being done toward this person. I think this is begging the question.
Dude it's the post gigem responded to. It's one of the criticisms I clarified for you a few posts before that. I get that you're onboard with a vax mandate and sincerely hope no one dies from covid but this is obtuse.
I'm not onboard with a federal mandate. I'm doubly not onboard with an pseudo mandate through executive overreach in OSHA. We've had state and local vaccine requirements in the past, so I think those have precedent and are legal. I'm ambivalent toward those.
Who is gigem?
The point I'm making is what is the injustice? Where, specifically, is justice being denied? In a company requiring a vaccine as condition of employment? In a local public health department doing it? Or a state? Or a school district?
Does it matter what the penalty is? If it is $5 is it still injustice? If like in Texas it means during a pandemic an unvaccinated child may not be able to attend school is that injustice?
You're talking about hypotheticals - which is why I asked earlier whether you were describing something that actually happened or not.
Waving your hands and saying "this is injustice" is really confusing when it's not clear what is unjust.