Can you at all demonstrate that the Grand Canyon sits on a similar fault and is made of the same materials? Can you point to any other canyons formed in the same way?
Oh, so because it doesn't work for your model/beliefs it's my fault I wasn't around to observe when the Grand Canyon was formed? I'll take Chinese Water Torture formed canyons for $500, Alex.
The Toutle "Little Grand Canyon", over 120 feet deep, formed during Mt. St. Helens eruption. I pointed.
So you're extrapolating from one event that all events are similar in nature.
I posted an event and was challenged to show another such event, and did so. Considering the entirity of ancient universe/earth science is based primarily on extrapolation of appearance of age the shifting sand (pun intended) is squarely under your feet. It's comical you just used that phrasing in a dismissive attempt, to deflect the undeniable reality of either example.
How about focus on the facts shown from them happening? You know, like a scientist. Polystrate trees formed in a matter of months that we were formerly told would take many years. Extrapolate the amazing impacts of these observed science across the potential outcome of a single cataclysmic flood hundreds of thousand times more intense and over a prolonged period.
I look at the shock and surprise at the meteorologist witnessing the impact of a few inches of rain in Houston and understand the difficulty to fathom an actual Genesis flood.