quote:Which, if you think about it, is absolutely absurd.quote:It's a fact that there is an unpardonable sin. If a person dies without repenting, they were not pardoned.
But how would anyone but God know. They wouldn't. So stating it as fact is wrong.
As has been pointed out many times on this board, you can go murder 26 people in brutal, horrifying ways and as long as right before you die, say, "I accept Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior" and POOF, you are saved!
Why worship a being that is so childish? What type of enlightened intelligence would say, "You know, you never really believed in me, so now you must suffer...forever."
What type of deity, that knows all, that has created everything, has such low self-esteem that it must punish something so insignificant (in the grand scheme of all creation) as a human for not worshipping it.
When Humans treat anybody like what is described above they are considered to have a mental illness.