You have his comment backwards. He's not questioning your financial knowledge, he's surprised someone with expertise in that area would lack so much knowledge in another.
quote:No there really aren't many. In fact given how many people are in academia there are incredibly few. And most of those at the ICR are operating outside their degrees specialty. Even still, with examples like those, their beliefs aren't founded in evidence but rather faith, and many of those few acknowledge that. They get absolutely humiliated when having to compare evidence with other scientist. It's no accident YEC is virtually dead in academia. To pretend there isn't a correlation between learning and rejecting YEC is to shield yourself from a clear reality.
Hmm..ok. There are many scientist who hold PHD's from Academia who reason a young earth, and not only the PHD holders at the ICR, although they are a lot smarter than me (and most of you I suspect):
quote:This. I actually think OA1 is probably a helluva trader. I may not respect traders that much, but that doesn't mean I have a problem with his investment advice, necessarily.
You have his comment backwards. He's not questioning your financial knowledge, he's surprised someone with expertise in that area would lack so much knowledge in another.
quote:This is a ridiculous statement which only someone with little respect for academia could have made.
Hmm..ok. There are many scientist who hold PHD's from Academia who reason a young earth, and not only the PHD holders at the ICR, although they are a lot smarter than me (and most of you I suspect):
BTW Dr. Lyle dismisses the huge problems the speed of light presents for creationists by saying since the evidence contradicts Genesis it must be wrong and we simply don't understand things well enough to resolve the conflict.
That isn't science
t does not remotely trouble those of us who like Sir Isaac Newton who say design demands a designer
Trickster god.
I like it.
EDIT- The big problem you are leaving out is the "Why". What point does instantaneously creating multiple geological layers of Dino bones have?
Trickster God told you what he did? You should love it!
quote:Hold on. You're telling me my starting point is wrong because you have tools that can take existing (I say created) conditions/laws/observations/whatever and calculate what they would mean backwards had they not been created?
You have this completely backwards. When our tools reached a level that we could calculate the age of the universe they were shocked by how old it was.
There's a fundamental misunderstanding of science here. Your STARTING point is not "what does the evidence say?" but rather "The Bible is literally true."
If the Bible didn't exist, no scientist in history would have concluded the Earth was 6000 years old. That should tell you something but it won't as you use a conclusion as your premise.
quote:No one does this. You desperately want to believe it as it's the only thing to cling to but it isn't true. What reason would scientists in historically Christian nations have for doing this for the last several hundred years? In fact, many went out looking to prove the bible only to do the opposite.
1. Assume universe and earth are ancient
quote:Yup, got lots of that. Starlight alone discredits your views.
2. Gather data
quote:Name one instance. Just one. And speaking of discarding data, about that starlight...
2. Discard data that contradicts assumptions.
3. Justify predetermined conclusions using data that confirms conclusions.
quote:The irony here is that you are utterly naive and blind to reality if you believe scientist would enjoy any manner of success if they went about their work this way. Science works! It wouldn't if they did what you say.
Your statement on how science works is awfully naive. I don't think that anyone, in any field of science, would claim that with a straight face.
quote:Not only you not have evidence of this vast conspiracy but you don't have evidence of a young earth either. All you can do is desperately cling to a literal interpretation of your holy book that even most christians don't take
You guys are true believers in the integrity of science. No, there are never any scandals in science. Scientists aren't mere mortals. No, they'resaintsmen of integrity, dedicated to find the truth no matterwhere the money may liethe opposition.
You guys have convinced me. Truth will always out in science. Of course, it may take a couple of hundred years, but who's counting?
Do you ever step back and think how remarkably similar you sound to religious zealots?
You guys are true believers in the integrity of science. No, there are never any scandals in science. Scientists aren't mere mortals. No, they'resaintsmen of integrity, dedicated to find the truth no matterwhere the money may liethe opposition.
You guys have convinced me. Truth will always out in science. Of course, it may take a couple of hundred years, but who's counting?
Do you ever step back and think how remarkably similar you sound to religious zealots?
quote:That's because we aren't desperate to cling to anything. Did science suddenly stop working? Did technological advancements cease? Is there any evidence that the scientific method is ineffective for learning? Or that instances of human beings lying or cheating have fundamentally undermined the process?
You guys are true believers in the integrity of science
quote:Literally no one said this. No one. All you have is a straw man. And an unwillingness to truly address points. I don't blame you, you can't argue evidence so what else do you have?
No, there are never any scandals in science.
quote:Again, it's a pitiful strawman. You are arguing that individual scientist acting immorally has somehow undermined ALL of science, and therefore you can believe the earth is young like a niave child by ignoring all scientific findings (which are everywhere) which discredit your claim. Scientific forgery doesn't work because someone else is always going to test it. Reality is the true test of scientific effectiveness.
Scientists aren't mere mortals. No, they'resaintsmen of integrity, dedicated to find the truth no matterwhere the money may liethe opposition
quote:So your argument is that a massive cover-up involving literally every single accredited university department of geology, physics, cosmology, biology, archaeology, chemistry, and every other field which disproves a young earth over the last several hundred years has taken place and won't be revealed for another few hundred? That's what your banking on when you ignore starlight disproving your worldview?
You guys have convinced me. Truth will always out in science. Of course, it may take a couple of hundred years, but who's counting?
quote:I always have actual religious zealots like you to remind me how different I sound and how different I reason, and how much more evidence I have. Now how about you actually try and address some points. Let's start with that evidence scientists ignore and that starlight issue (just one of countless others, but it's an easy one to understand)
Do you ever step back and think how remarkably similar you sound to religious zealots?
quote:I have an open mind.
You guys are true believers in the integrity of science. No, there are never any scandals in science. Scientists aren't mere mortals. No, they'resaintsmen of integrity, dedicated to find the truth no matterwhere the money may liethe opposition.
You guys have convinced me. Truth will always out in science. Of course, it may take a couple of hundred years, but who's counting?
Do you ever step back and think how remarkably similar you sound to religious zealots?