=D Entertaining thread now. Quoting Star Wars and such. haha.
Squareone, thanks for not insulting me because you don't know me. However, I am going to stick up for my fish buddy and say that you don't know him either. So why insult him by calling a tool since you don't know him? Just my opinion on that subject.
To your note about me not knowing what I am arguing for and against. Maybe I may be lost in what you are trying to say. I did mentioned that I agreed with some of your statements. I am just stating that you are not seeing the entire picture. There are great people in bonfire, but you seem to fail to acknowledge that. Instead, you seem to be emphasizing on all the negative junk. Kind of like media. Media is just trying to attract attention and rile people up. In my opinion, you are playing the devil's advocate.
How you feel about bonfire? Is probably the same way as me (to an extent). Putting two years into it, you will walk away with great friends from it. You will want nothing but the best for it. That is why I am still involved in it going into a third year and that is why I am defending it. Cool?
Squareone, just refresh me on your arguments and what I am suppose to be opposing or supporting again since I am not doing so in your opinion.
Before I hit the bed...
As Homer Simpson once said... 'Doh!'
haha, I don't know any knowledgeable quote. I guess that will do.
P.S. Fitch, I am getting old. I don't know how spectacular I am going to be at load site this next year, but I will definitely see you there. =D