Well, our home is now Lost Central. My girls did great studying for their last test before the break, so we watched Season 6 LAX 1 and 2, and then when my wife got home, we all watched Season 1 04 - Walkabout.
Season 6 episode 1 is a really fantastic episode, and once you know what you know, you realize (at least I think so) that Bernard and Rose already know they're in the after-life in the first scene on the plane. Rose tells Jack, "You can let go now" and that "They made it." And when Bernard sits down she tells him how much she missed him, to which one of my kids scoffed "He was gone like 5 minutes."
I doubt either of them will figure it out until the series finale, and I hope so as well, because getting those great ending connections are really worth it, and I think my favorite of all is actually Charlie and Claire (and Aaron).
Unfortunately I realized that the appearance of the temple is where I've always felt like the show had its misstep, with Dogen the Japanese stereotype ,another 60 others we've never seen before, and John Lennon Jr. as his sidekick/translator.
They make it sound like the water in the spring has literally never been muddy/cloudy before, but think nothing of it before dumping Sayid in there. And it's just a lot to get introduced to. Dogen refused to speak English even though literally every other person speaks English. Even when he's shouting orders to seal the temple from the MiB, he's still being the a-hole yelling in Japanese and the other guy has to translate.
We've nicknamed Smoke Monster Locke as Smock, and Terry O'Quinn's performance is just next level. I don't think any other actor in the show could pull off the double acting job of him playing relative normal Locke at the airport in the flash sideways and the intensity of the MiB on the island.
My only other eye roll in all this is the fact that Juliet falls seemingly at least 100 feet and takes a hydrogen bomb to the face, but still makes it 20 minutes into Season 6 before dying.