*** UAP THREAD ***

459,984 Views | 5343 Replies | Last: 19 hrs ago by TCTTS
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Seems a little *too* obvious, but interesting nonetheless...

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On the Vegas Cybertruck incident: The focus needs to be on getting help for veterans with PTSD and related mental health issues.

From CBS News...

"...in an interview Friday, a former girlfriend of Livelsberger's said he told her he suffered a traumatic brain injury while serving in the Middle East.

"'He loved the Army and he gave his life and his mind for it,' Arritt said.

"Experts told CBS News that Livelsberger may have been the latest illustration of an ongoing concern facing the U.S. military's most elite special operators the heightened risk of brain injury, traumatic stress and mental health struggles.

"According to the National Center for PTSD, research on veterans from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan suggests that 10% to 18% of those troops are likely to have post-traumatic stress disorder and be at risk for other mental health problems. Depression rates among troops returning from overseas range as high as 24%.

"The high-risk, high-intensity career has for years raised concerns about the toll that long-running exposure to combat violence can take on special forces soldiers.

"A CNN report Friday said Livensbeger visited military behavioral health services multiple times.

"Arritt said Livelsberger suffered a traumatic brain injury before she met him while deployed in the Middle East and he told her it caused a change in his behavior. He said he didn't want to get treatment for it.

"'He felt it would ruin his career if he sought help,' she said. "'All he wanted to do was deploy and get back to it.'

"He suffered a lot of memory problems as a result of injuries he sustained during his service, including poor concentration, brain fog and headaches, she said.

"Arritt, a registered nurse, said she recognized these as symptoms of a TBI because she had worked on wards for service members with brain injuries and amputations at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center from 2008 to 2009.

"'I understood him, even if he didn't know the words for it,' she said.

"Arritt said he had guilt over some of his actions while deployed, expressing concern that his actions may have contributed to the deaths of innocent civilians.

"She said Livelsberger went through periods of isolation while they were together. 'He would disappear and just go cold for a couple of weeks. He was depressed but he always wanted to get through the depression. He recognized it and he was working on it. He pushed himself hard to get through it.'

"Arritt described Livelsberger as kind and said she was shocked at his actions.

"'I never saw him angry or act impulsively and he was always thoughtful in the things he did,' she said.

Link to full article in the replies.
G Martin 87
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Well, this is a connection I didn't see coming! I've posted elsewhere about our vacation trip to Las Vegas, during which we stayed at (drumroll) Trump International. We left the hotel on the morning of New Year's Day to spend the day hiking in the Valley of Fire State Park. By our estimation, we missed the Cybertruck arrival and subsequent explosion by a couple of minutes. We've been following the story from our car on our way back home, and the LAST thing I expected was a possible connection to UAP and the NJ drones.

As for why he did this in front of Trump Tower, it absolutely makes sense if his primary goals were to limit casualties and damage while drawing the maximum media attention possible. The valet line in front of the Trump entrance was not busy, and the ceiling would have shielded the hotel above the lobby level.
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Holy crap. Glad you and your family are safe.
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Mr President Elect
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I get that him snapping and going crazy should be our default position, but
1) that isn't fun
2) If the gov is hiding this stuff, this seems right out of their playbook. I don't think the govt would have trouble coercing an ex to conjure that up if they made her as fearful as they did him; especially after his death.
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No doubt, and I wouldn't put it past the more corrupt factions of our government, but then we're venturing even more into super conspiracy theory land.
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So a Congressman now admits the Govt is assessing if these so-called 'drones' are either NonHuman Intelligence or...China. Great choice!

- That's an extremely interesting admission, in light of (still unverified) assertions made by the alleged LV Trump Hotel bomber Matthew Livelsberger in his email to @ShawnRyan762 that both CHINA and US are secretly operating advanced "gravitic" drones. Reverse-engineered from what, I wonder?

- The public is entitled to be sceptical that the msm narrative pushed by @DeptofDefense is that Livelsberger was merely bitter after a breakup with his wife. The allegations he makes must be publicly investigated. Why was DOD so quick to dismiss his motives?

- This was a highly trained SF operative who could have blown the hotel sky high. His bomb was a desperate publicity stunt (albeit grossly reprehensible).

- If it really is Livelsberger's body in the cybertruck explosion, he died in the clear (and perhaps deluded) belief he had an important message to disclose. He named locations, grave and possibly criminal actions/events and implicated key officials. Allegations of a grave Government cover-up.

- Livelsberger asserted in his email that he was cleared to Top Secret SCI USAP UAP level, presumably 'Unacknowledged Special Access Program' (USAP) intel on UAPs (Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena). Was he? Will the Government answer that Q?

- It will now be a test of Government transparency to see if @FBI @DHS @CIA OGA and @DeptofDefense can convincingly prove his shocking claims are just some deranged conspiracy theory.

- AND will the pusillanimous politicans in Congress actually show some spine and investigate these serious allegations?
Ghost of Bisbee
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Where's beetlejuice… need his take here
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Ghost of Bisbee
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lol you all miss him!
Some Junkie Cosmonaut
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I do admit, on the surface, damn near everything that has transpired since July… the dubious assassination attempt… Biden being replaced… Elon inserting him as "shadow POTUS"… wild advancements in A.I./quantum computing… the drone situation… and now this… all feels bonkers insane. It's weird how living it in real time desensitizes one to just how nuts it all reads on paper, on a macro level.
El Gallo Blanco
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TCTTS said:

I do admit, on the surface, damn near everything that has transpired since July… the dubious assassination attempt… Biden being replaced… Elon inserting him as "shadow POTUS"… wild advancements in A.I./quantum computing… the drone situation… and now this… all feels bonkers insane. It's weird how living it in real time desensitizes one to just how nuts it all reads on paper, on a macro level.

Yep. That's why spending quality patio time at night, disconnected, preferably with a J and a few cocktails, is so important. Gotta take it back to the old school on a regular basis to avoid being overwhelmed by it all.
G Martin 87
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El Gallo Blanco said:

TCTTS said:

I do admit, on the surface, damn near everything that has transpired since July… the dubious assassination attempt… Biden being replaced… Elon inserting him as "shadow POTUS"… wild advancements in A.I./quantum computing… the drone situation… and now this… all feels bonkers insane. It's weird how living it in real time desensitizes one to just how nuts it all reads on paper, on a macro level.

Yep. That's why spending quality patio time at night, disconnected, preferably with a J and a few cocktails, is so important. Gotta take it back to the old school on a regular basis to avoid being overwhelmed by it all.
We brought our own provisions with us for the trip to save a little money. (Our room had a full kitchen.) I can confirm that Fresca makes a good highball with Fireball whisky. We had a few after the police finally allowed guests back into the hotel Wednesday night.
Ghost of Bisbee
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Elohim and elohims, some faithful and some fallen. Consciousness and dimensions.
Realms. Talks on the hill.

Scientifically validated, across time and environment.

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Great read. It's taken me over a year to try and understand the why, especially with what happened to me personally, but I'm definitely starting to go into the camp of universal consciousness and our soon to be understanding of how important that reality is and the direction we are going with it.
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For clarity, Christians hold a universal consciousness is NOT perennialism, but a partial aspect, in that all genuine seekers will find Logos, or Consciousness itself, which tends to relate to us Sacramentally.

If accurate, there is nothing to fear from these investigations and speculations, EXCEPT for lying trickster entities using such a reality to lead away from a supreme creator Spirit.

And I do think such entities / dimensions can be scientifically validated, BECAUSE we have so many subjective cases of group DMT trippers describing something like an objective and shared reality - the way our blindfolded selves would describe feeling different parts of a "really there" large animal.
Houston Lee
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Redstone said:

Elohim and elohims, some faithful and some fallen. Consciousness and dimensions.
Realms. Talks on the hill.

Scientifically validated, across time and environment.


I fully think this is on target. But, it makes me wonder who benefits the most from all of these billions of humans wondering around gaining knowledge, love and having experiences all simultaneously in multiple universes? It's GOD.

If this stuff is correct, GOD is the main network motherboard of all of us. We are all connected and just extensions of GOD. This is how GOD is all knowing.

It's genius. Individuality we all have our own experiences, but it gets shared with the "collective".

Looks like we are all doing work and in the process GOD gets stronger and stronger.
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Guy could be a legit whistleblower and silenced.
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Seriously, listen to The Telepathy Tapes podcast. Your mind will be blown.

"Mind reading," which might be more accurately considered "emerging consciousness," is IMO indisputable.
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Currently #5 in all podcasts after a brief stint at #1 when it eclipsed Joe Rogan a week or so ago. Though I've read enough to get the gist, I still need to listen.
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Also, a reminder that season two of UFOs: Investigating the Unknown debuts this Wednesday, January 8th at 8 PM Central on National Geographic, with episodes dropping on Hulu the next day. Six episodes over the next six weeks...

I've said this before but, IMO, season one, from 2023, is the single best docuseries on the subject. In terms of quality, it's the most professional and well-produced, while information-wise it's the most comprehensive and up-to-date (reinforced by season two looking to cover Grusch and expand in other areas).

For those looking to catch up, you can find season one here…


… or you can watch all five episodes from season one edited together into a single mega-documentary for free at National Geographic's YouTube channel…

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How spooky should we get, buddy? How about this:

All non-verbal persons can communicate with each other.

No matter the physical location.
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Now, let's really think the metaphysical through. Agnostic I understand.

But what probing person can be an atheist?
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At the risk of getting super-nerdy/philosophical, I'm basically in line with what Houston Lee said above.

Based on everything we're learning about quantum mechanics, combined with other scientific theories and yes, even certain religious philosophies, I'm increasingly of the opinion that God/consciousness (which is basically the same thing in my book) is the baseline/default of reality, from which all dimensions, universes, space, time, matter, gravity, etc springs. If so, one theory is that all living beings, from NHI to humans to animals to plants, etc are manifestations of a desire by that God/consciousness to essentially filter himself/itself into an infinite amount of experiences, in order to A) interact with an "other" besides himself/itself (basically, the ultimate act of empathy), and through those interactions B) gain experiences of love, hate, knowledge, etc that are shared/absorbed into the "collective," as Houston Lee put it.

To that end, if we indeed are all connected on a base level, via a baseline consciousness - and are basically all one and the same - it wouldn't surprise me if, like you said, certain non-verbal persons can communicate with each other, there's such thing as remote viewing, etc. Hell, my guess is we're all capable of telepathy to some degree, but it's an ability that simply hasn't been "unlocked" for most of us yet.

Where I draw the line/differ from a lot of people is that, regardless if all of the above is true, the concept of hell simply makes no sense to me. An all-powerful, all-knowing God who forces billions of souls into existence against their will, knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt that the majority of them (non-Christians) are going to burn in hell, is literally the most evil, sadistic thing I can imagine. It's an ultimatum/eternal "or else" masquerading as "choice" and "love." To that end, a "savior" who "saves" us from… himself... and what he's going to do to us if we don't love him back… isn't love. It's manipulation and abuse. It's also Santa Clause for adults, and IMO, reeks of a story twisted by man to keep power and to keep other men in line.

However, I absolutely believe in intelligent design and, like I said, am becoming more and more convinced, via study after study, that a quantum consciousness/God is, indeed, the baseline of all reality (or at least our reality). In fact, the winners of the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics proved that reality isn't local, which obviously hints at an "underlying" reality beyond the three dimensions we experience. I just don't believe in an underlying "hell" that we're sent to if we don't get the right test answer in our limited time on this vastly uneven, vastly unfair playing field we call Earth. A much more compassionate, and far more beautiful story, IMO, is that God is us and we are God, to the point that no matter how our lives are lived in this existence, they continue on in and contribute toward a greater consciousness/goal, one we rejoin/"remember" once we die.
Jugstore Cowboy
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You and I probably have similar thought processes, just at different points and with less certainty on my part.

I don't necessarily think all experiences are under the same umbrella.

But I know how much these conversations have broken into the mainstream based on conversations with IRL friends. People seem much more comfortable talking about "weird things."

*and since I'm replying to you, I inevitably ended up with multiple edits. ****, sorry for all the typos.
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Ha, I try not to bring up aliens, consciousness, etc in real life, but yeah, I've definitely noticed that not only do those conversations organically come up more and more with friends and family (almost always started by someone else), but I've been shocked at how open-minded most of them are to not just the existence of NHI, but NHI already on earth, consciousness, just how bat**** strange quantum mechanics are, etc. It certainly feels like it's all becoming mainstream now.
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TCTTS said:

At the risk of getting super-nerdy/philosophical, I'm basically in line with what Houston Lee said above.

Based on everything we're learning about quantum mechanics, combined with other scientific theories and yes, even certain religious philosophies, I'm increasingly of the opinion that God/consciousness (which is basically the same thing in my book) is the baseline/default of reality, from which all dimensions, universes, space, time, matter, gravity, etc springs. If so, one theory is that all living beings, from NHI to humans to animals to plants, etc are manifestations of a desire by that God/consciousness to essentially filter himself/itself into an infinite amount of experiences, in order to A) interact with an "other" besides himself/itself (basically, the ultimate act of empathy), and through those interactions B) gain experiences of love, hate, knowledge, etc that are shared/absorbed into the "collective," as Houston Lee put it.

To that end, if we indeed are all connected on a base level, via a baseline consciousness - and are basically all one and the same - it wouldn't surprise me if, like you said, certain non-verbal persons can communicate with each other, there's such thing as remote viewing, etc. Hell, my guess is we're all capable of telepathy to some degree, but it's an ability that simply hasn't been "unlocked" for most of us yet.

Where I draw the line/differ from a lot of people is that, regardless if all of the above is true, the concept of hell simply makes no sense to me. An all-powerful, all-knowing God who forces billions of souls into existence against their will, knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt that the majority of them (non-Christians) are going to burn in hell, is literally the most evil, sadistic thing I can imagine. It's an ultimatum/eternal "or else" masquerading as "choice" and "love." To that end, a "savior" who "saves" us from… himself... and what he's going to do to us if we don't love him back… isn't love. It's manipulation and abuse. It's also Santa Clause for adults, and IMO, reeks of a story twisted by man to keep power and to keep other men in line.

However, I absolutely believe in intelligent design and, like I said, am becoming more and more convinced, via study after study, that a quantum consciousness/God is, indeed, the baseline of all reality (or at least our reality). In fact, the winners of the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics proved that reality isn't local, which obviously hints at an "underlying" reality beyond the three dimensions we experience. I just don't believe in an underlying "hell" that we're sent to if we don't get the right test answer in our limited time on this vastly uneven, vastly unfair playing field we call Earth. A much more compassionate, and far more beautiful story, IMO, is that God is us and we are God, to the point that no matter how our lives are lived in this existence, they continue on in and contribute toward a greater consciousness/goal, one we rejoin/"remember" once we die.
I'll share something that really hit me extremely hard when I was spending so much time in the Gateway Process. Never shared this before - even with my wife. During a very deep meditation session, in a hotel room during a business trip of all places, I had someone/something give me 3 very specific prompts. I can't explain how I received it, but it was very real to me.

1) We are incredibly loved.
2) Love is all that matters. Love is what gives us purpose and allows us to experience.
3) Evil is real and wants nothing more than for you to not experience that love.

I also had a very surreal experience in another session separate from the one above where my very inner being wanted to 'Go Home'. Not going to lie - that one still lingers with me today.

I will also say that I spent much of my childhood/adolescence being 'visited' by recently deceased relatives in dreams. I had an extremely close relationship with my grandfather on my dad's side and had multiple visits in dreams where he explained to me that he was OK and I couldn't go where he was at. Same thing happened with other close relatives. My mom recently shared with me that she had similar experiences with her mother in an extremely surreal and vivid dream.

I 100% believe that the next 10 years will flip our very understanding of everything upside down.
Houston Lee
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When it comes to LOVE, you can love others and you can also love yourself.

Now…I wonder if GOD loves itself? Since it appears that "we" are "part" of GOD, maybe it's no wonder we are truly loved…

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