guadalupeag said:
TCTTS said:
Because Grusch's character/record speaks for itself, as has been outlined numerous times in this thread?
Because, as I already stated, it's not at all weird that all those guys know each other?
Because it's disingenuous to automatically assume that Travis Taylor is a "nut," and therefor assume that because Grusch knows him he's a "nut" too?
Because Joes does this over and over again, and is the "issue" I felt needed addressing, rather than the one that was clearly a bad faith effort to smear someone (Grusch) simply because Joes doesn't want any of this to be true?
Does this really need explaining?
Has it? Just because you say Grush is credible doesn't make it so. If he is socializing with known UFO profiteer's that absolutely calls his testimony in to question.
You're right. Me saying Grusch is credible doesn't make it so.
But you're missing the larger point that I'm trying to make, which is that dozens of reputable, high-level government officials, Top Gun pilots, NASA scientists, etc
have all gone on the record as vouching for him as credible.
I'm merely taking their word for it.
Not to mention, every last one of Grusch's highly impressive credentials have been verified by multiple individuals, both in and out of government. Grusch literally delivered the daily briefing to the President, for crying out loud, while having one of the highest security clearances someone in his position can achieve.
These are FACTS that not even his detractors are disputing.
So, together - the multitude of reputable individuals vouching for him, along with all of the many indisputable facts about his career - point to someone who is almost assuredly credible and trustworthy.
In other words, IMO, not believing THAT many reputable people, and setting aside THAT many facts and credentials, in order to arrive at the predetermined, untrustworthy "nut job" label, simply based on Grusch's association with certain UAP enthusiasts, is just as much a "leap of faith" as so many "believers" here are accused of taking.
It's hypocritical, not to mention a bad faith effort, and that's what bugs me.
Joes isn't simply "calling his testimony into question," he's declaring Grusch a "nut job" because Grusch associates with people who happen to believe the exact same things he does, which, to me, is such a nonsensical accusation. Stratton, Taylor, Corbell, Knapp, Coulthart, etc all believe, to varying degrees, that the government is hiding proof of UAPs. This is the exact same thing that Grusch believes. So why is it such a no-no that Grusch is associating with these folks, especially when two of them were literally employed by the Pentagon, and were privy to all kinds of info the public has yet to see, while the other three have proven beyond connected, with a multitude of verified sources sharing info with them as well?
Is it because they make money off the subject? Or are - excuse me - "UFO profiteers" as you pejoratively call them? Again, none of these people are getting anywhere close to rich off of this subject, so I don't see what the problem is with them finding ways, via podcasts or the occasional book or whatever, to support themselves in their pursuit to uncover what they believe to be the truth. Also, no one is denying that any of them - Grusch included - are "conspiracy guys." Like… that's
the point. They believe in a conspiracy and are actively trying to prove it. So why
wouldn't they ban together, pool their resources, have each others backs, etc? Now, do some of them make errors in judgment from time to time? Sure. They're human beings. But by and large they all come across as good, passionate people who are simply after the same thing Grusch is... not money, but the truth.
It's just super weird to me that ALL of the reputable individuals vouching for Grusch, and ALL of the credentials I mentioned are
instantly thrown out the window because of Grusch's association with people who believe the exact same things Grusch does, and for some reason meet Joes arbitrary standard of who gets deemed a "nut job."
Also, I'm not saying, "Don't question David Grusch." I'm simply saying, "If you're going to question David Grusch, how can you so easily dismiss the mountain of facts and evidence pointing to him being a highly reputable person?" How and why does his association with Corbell and the like suddenly wipe that mountain off the map?
THAT'S the kind of stuff I'm talking about ignoring. THAT'S where the "disingenuous" label comes from.
Because, again, Joes is doing the same thing he's accusing us of doing - ignoring facts to settle on a predetermined result we "want" to be true.
I'm not calling out his skepticism.
I'm calling out his hypocrisy.