Been thinking about this a lot lately. Yes, these are obviously two GIANT assumptions, but...
1) Assuming "the phenomenon" is real, and we have confirmation/disclosure within the next five-ish years of its existence on Earth...
2) Assuming we also achieve artificial general intelligence (AGI) within the next five-ish years, a timeframe many experts now seem to agree on...
... what are the chances, in the 300,000-ish year existence of Homo sapiens, that we see the greatest discovery in the history of our species (1) - AND - the greatest achievement in the history of our species (2) at basically the EXACT same time, both in the third decade of the 21st century?
That would have to be more than coincidence, right? I'm not explicitly saying either one would be responsible for the other, but man, one would have to think the two are related in some way, right?
Seeing as UFO sightings exploded right around the time we detonated the first atomic bomb, I wonder if our development of AGI gives off a similar ping, to whoever might be watching/listening, that we're about to achieve yet another world-changing milestone. Or maybe the former is a signal of sorts, and it's only a matter of time - say, 85-ish years - until a civilization who can split the atom achieves AGI. And perhaps our development of AGI is what spurs those listeners/watchers to finally need to intervene in some way? Crazy, I know, but just thinking out loud, as the movie idea part of my brain starts spinning.
Either way, what a time to be alive...