I didnt want to make a new thread for Terrifier 3 as I didnt think it was a good enough movie to start a new thread about.
It now has 87% critic rating on rotten tomatoes, which I feel like is very high for how poor the movie was.
I mean, I didnt go in expecting an oscar winner here, because the first two were just a creepy/funny clown going around with a trash bag full of murder tools and ultra-gory executions...
if you are wondering, people are walking out because
a child is murdered off screen in front of his sister in the first 5 minutes. You hear him say "Juliette, I told you not to come into my roo---and is interrupted by screams and the sound of an axe cutting him to pieces. Later, you are shown his room filled with bloody body parts and viscera. honestly, that was the most disturbing part of the entire movie, not the gore.
They try to tie the movie together with some "story" and "lore" from the first two movies, but it seems like it was just a waste of time. Why even bother? There was basically no story for the other two either so who cares?
Some of the kills were pretty crazy, just like the first two movies - Honestly, I found myself laughing at most of it.
It's a gold mine when you find patience.