My completely worthless thoughts and questions:
I miss some minor details on first watch, but I immediately noticed the reflection in Gene's glasses being in color.
I get the hair color and frumpy clothes, even the mind numbing job, but why did they write her to be such a tool with that dude and the whole discussion. I can see her being weird around the Karens but why tie yourself to that complete loser?
Howard's wife is over. She asked about chances of charges and then even with the potential civil suit, but I think that scene was needed to show that Kim completely washed her past and will take any consequences. Now there can be a spin off when she sheds loser bang partner and the Karens and ends up reapplying to the bar and representing all forms of Florida Man (yeah, hoping more than potential fact). She didn't take any of the sandpiper money so she is at her new starting point.
Don't know why we see that car (didn't notice it was burned out) but I'm betting on a final scene that rolls overhead and showing Gene/Jimmy/Saul like the open grave to the bed scene where he meets his demise in the desert he despises so much.
Much, much better Jessie scene with the rain and noise so his voice was better and he looked more like the old character in that time frame.
Glad Lalo was not an afterthought, throw away line.
Person Not Capable of Pregnancy