Roy running the city streets, and eventually hopping in a rickshaw cab because of his bad knee, seemed like an homage to Billy Crystal running the streets of NYC on New Year's Eve to find Sally.Thunder18 said:zip90 said:
Wife and I watched again to see how many references to Rom Coms we could get:
Bantr Handles - Bossgirl and LDN152 - You got mail
I am just a coach standing in - Notting Hill
You complete the team - Jerry Maguire
As you wish - Princess Bride
*When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life coaching - When Harry met sally
I have to go - Sleepless in Seattle
Couples interview at game - When Harry met Sally
Higgins meeting his wife at the game- Love Actually (Airport screen)
You had me at Coach - Jerry Maguire
As fast as they were flying,I am sure we missed a few.
Ted also said "I'll have what he's having" at the kebab place
"I came here tonight because when you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with someone, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible."
*edit: just realized I think it had already been listed.