I agree bringing back Palps can feel a bit lazy, but at this point, I think it would be difficult to spin Rey vs Kylo as the ultimate conflict and make it the saga conclusion. It needs something more than that, mostly because the first 2 films were setting up a different scenario...
There are 2 themes that we've seen heavily since TFA:
1. Kylo is in constant conflict to turn and become Ben Solo again. He has tried to literally kill this conflict but he's been unsuccessful. Hate & anger currently drives him because the call to the light remains.
2. Kylo & Rey have an internal / unbreakable connection.
It's a repeating them, much like other things that have come full circle in the saga. IMO, their connection and his call to the light are all connected and Palps will, once again, be the spark that ignites a major change in a character.
We might be surprised at how it plays out, they've already shown Dark Rey after all... but regardless, Palps was probably needed to bring finality to it all.