dcaggie04 said:
Ulrich said:
BernArnold said:
fig96 said:
evan_aggie said:
Wife and I thought it was overrated (in reference to RT 97%).
She thought 6.5/7 out of 10 and I was more 7/7.5 out of 10. Eitherway, I'm surprised that others didn't feel just a little let down.
You would both have been in the 97%.
yeah it's not a 97/100 score.
It means 97% of critics rated it positively. On a 10 scale you could argue that would be anything basically above a 5.
So 97% thought it was at least above average ... possibly great. Somewhere in that range.
I thought we established that a 5 means it is a badly flawed movie.
Well, if a critic gave a movie a 5/10, it would be noted as "rotten" under the RT scoring. Movies get a "fresh" rating if it gets a score of 60% or better.
Thats why I said ABOVE a 5 i.e. 6 or more.
My own rating scale is
awesome (a must see, nearly flawless)
great (appeals to most, superior in many ways)
very good (appeals to many, qualities well above average)
good (general appeal, some good aspects, worth watching)
above average (appeals to some, has some redeeming qualities)
average (nothing to separate it from mediocrity, watchable)
below average (some detracting qualities, barely watchable)
poor (bad in many ways, not worth watching)
bad (intolerable, bad in every way, someone should be shot)
horrible (indescribably bad, shoot everyone involved)
unwatchable (not worth the celluloid it's printed on)
Unfortunately most people rate movies like 5/10 is bad. thats odd to me. it's literally average. and 7/10 is above average.
It's not school grading where 7/10 is a C because really everyone is going to be above a 60 unless they just quit.
I hate the 4 or even 5 star ratings. not enough granularity. although the 5 star ratings with half stars is basically the same thing.
but critics actually pander to movies (imho) and you rarely see below a 2/4 or 2.5/5. Thats ridiculous. And they give out 4-star way too freely.
Now personally I will admit I don't see a lot of 1,2,3,4 out of 10 movies because I don't see bad movies usually. But I have rated movies 0,1,2,3 out of 10. and critics should if they see them all.