So I decided to do some statistical analysis (ok I just counted). Went back to the end of the show time and started logging and counting peoples take on the show by username. Went through the entire 35 or so pages from then to now.
Put most people in one of three buckets - positive, negative, and mixed+undecided+neutral
If I found a clear positive or negative stance about the entire episode in comments I counted them for that bucket.
If I found positives and negatives and a mixed review I put it in the middling bucket.
If people were undecided or said overall positive and they didn't mind the Dany MQ turn but it was rushed the also went in that bucket.
There were some people who I never found a clear comment about the episode overall. They may have commented positively or negatively or just jokingly about one aspect of the show. I did not include those.
A few were a little questionable so I took a guess based on tone and/or context and then put ?? after.
If I have you bucketed wrong you can tell me - I'm not trying to prejudice this thing. I will say all the positives were generally totally positive or mostly positive. I tried not to overestimate those that liked it. A few that are negative have ?? because while they were mostly negative they never said outright love or hate but I defaulted to hate in those cases.
don't be offended by the order either - that's mostly the order I found them in. but I moved a few later from neutral to negative mostly just based on my gut or later posts that got more negative.
My count currently though is:
Love it - 49
Hate it - 23
Other - 32 and most of these are didn't mind Dany's turn to the Mad Queen but it was rushed a bit
Let me know if I am dead wrong about your position but check your posts first, especially your first post about the episode as a whole.
No doubt episodes 3 and 4 were much more disliked.