****** Game of Thrones - Season 8 ******

2,219,539 Views | 14667 Replies | Last: 2 yr ago by Prosperdick
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Yeah I am hoping we get a replay of the event from other angles next episode.
Disclaimer: Views expressed in this post reflect the opinions of Texags user bonfarr and are not to be accepted as facts or to be accepted at face value.
The Debt
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Urban Ag said:

I re-watched the last five minutes 4 or 5 times last night and it seems to me that Arya attacked from above and behind the NK. And Bran, right at the end, seems to be looking above the NK's head. If actually ran by or through the WW there would be no reason for her to leap at him. She had to have been in the tree, or on a rood or ledge.

Maybe she'll actually explain it next episode.

Maybe she was on Drogon and he was shaking off all the undead and Arya fell off ontop of the NK.
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OldShadeOfBlue said:

I was just making a joke but to dive into your question, the idea that the dead can't go south of the wall is a common misconception probably taken from the books. The show never actually states the rule that the dead can't go south of the wall and it's never even mentioned that the wall is magic.
Several times in the last few pages I've posted the quote from Benjen Stark where that's exactly what he says.
Zombie Jon Snow
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Brian Earl Spilner said:

In all my time on the Entertainment Board, I don't think I've ever seen a thread grow so fast for such an extended period of time. We must be adding 10+ pages daily.

I've been trying to catch up all week and have failed.
ditto... business trip and was out 1.5 days and it was 14 pages longer. wow.
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bobinator said:

Only issue there is like I said they clearly aren't 'napping,' we can see their eyes in that video I posted a few pages back.

And you could be right, we just don't have any evidence of that in the show. The only thing we do have is what Benjen said, and he directly says 'the dead cannot cross' not just that certain dead things cannot cross.

"In the books" they are definitely already wights. The already have the blues, they have basically the same conversation about not decomposing and that theyve been dead a while, but they also go on to reason that they probably didnt die where they were found at all (although no one snaps to the conclusion that they had walked to where they were found themselves)
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Mamas' don't let your babies grow up to be White Walkers
Don't let 'em raise dead folks or fight them old crows
Let 'em be maesters and blacksmiths and such
Mamas' don't let your babies grow up to be White Walkers
'Cause they'll never stay north and they're always fightin Jon Snow
Even with the Night King they love
Zombie Jon Snow
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Urban Ag said:

he/she is trolling

the thread has still gone to *****.....

there is some god discussion within too though. but it's hard to wade through the garbage now. kind of expected though with the last season and bandwagon jumpers - typically the worst fans and most critical in any medium.

Urban Ag
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The Debt said:

Urban Ag said:

I re-watched the last five minutes 4 or 5 times last night and it seems to me that Arya attacked from above and behind the NK. And Bran, right at the end, seems to be looking above the NK's head. If actually ran by or through the WW there would be no reason for her to leap at him. She had to have been in the tree, or on a rood or ledge.

Maybe she'll actually explain it next episode.

Maybe she was on Drogon and he was shaking off all the undead and Arya fell off ontop of the NK.
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This is kind of what I mean though by the writers fumbling a couple of times. It's not that it's too far fetched to make it make sense, they just didn't.
Brian Earl Spilner
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Re: AA, PtwP, prophecies, etc.

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The Debt said:

pete_claw98 said:

The Dothraki charge is what they do. See earlier battle. They charge in and slaughter people. Flaming, dragon glass coated swords should work for awhile.

For incompetence of command, Queen Daenerys is set administrative punishment. 10 lashes.


That is the most mind blowing thing in this thread
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Urban Ag said:

I re-watched the last five minutes 4 or 5 times last night and it seems to me that Arya attacked from above and behind the NK. And Bran, right at the end, seems to be looking above the NK's head. If actually ran by or through the WW there would be no reason for her to leap at him. She had to have been in the tree, or on a rood or ledge.

Maybe she'll actually explain it next episode.
The behind the scenes of this makes it pretty clear she jumps at him from behind, not from in the tree or anything

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bobinator said:

I think the idea here is that the Night King needs more White Walkers to help raise his army, so in exchange for the live babies he wasn't harming Craster. But how exactly they established that relationship would be interesting, haha.

Night King: *stands there menacingly*
Craster: "Well... I'm dead..."
Night King: *still standing there*
Craster: "I'm uh... not dead... want a snack?"
Night King: *still standing there*
Craster: "What about some ale?"
(twenty minutes later)
Craster: "What about a LIVE BABY?"
Night King: *nods*

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I definitely think Cersei's baby is a loose end. I wonder if she'll now marry Euron in order to "legitimize" it and we could have another classic GOT deadly wedding.

Also, you have to assume there's some more interesting stuff in those books that Sam stole.

Background on the Mad King is still expected. Presumably, some sort of meddling the 3ER was involved in.

Qyburn definitely has some tricks up his sleeve. He looked at that wight rather inquisitively.

And I still think there has to be some way for the Stark name to continue. Maybe Podrick marries Sansa and their kid is given the Stark name?
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Brian Earl Spilner
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Sansa deserves Pod. She's had it rough. She deserves quality dick and that golden voice.
Charlie Conway
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OldShadeOfBlue said:

Charlie Conway said:

aTmAg said:

OldShadeOfBlue said:

At first I thought Arya may have been waiting for the Night King at the Godswood. On my rewatch yesterday I think I found a clear hint that Arya did in fact sneak past the White Walkers. As the Night King is reaching for his sword it shows a close up of a White Walker and you can see something slightly blow his hair by. I think Arya just legit runs through them as they're all facing Bran.
In Hardhome, the WW don't seem particularly fast (running wise). I can't think of a time that I have ever seen a WW (including the NK) run. So it may not be ridiculous that Arya can run through them from behind before they can react.

Except in the very first scene of the entire show they are seen running quickly through the woods and moving very fast
They don't show the white walkers until much later in the show.
They show one in the first 10 min. of the pilot
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TheDraw said:

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"I'm Mary Poppins Y'all"
M.C. Swag
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Great Article:

Can Game of Thrones Return to its Complex Roots?

Lot's of good tidbits in there. Especially the one about '3 BIG reveals' that made D&D gasp (1) Shireen's death by burning. 2) Hodor entymology 3) TBD.)

The passage I like the best:

This is the time when the show will reveal what it is ultimately about, and what its ultimate message is - and shifting from the battle between the living and dead to the one between the living and living indicates, at least for now, that Game of Thrones is indeed about the game of thrones. Yet the irony is that this term isn't meant to be glorified. In the books, the phrase is used almost exclusively by Cersei, Littlefinger, and people mocking the elites for how they think about power; in the show, it's a cynical, self-aggrandizing assertion from a villain. As my colleague Riley McAtee has noted, "The [book] series as a whole is called A Song of Ice and Firethe throne itself was never meant to define the entire story," but the show's direction seems to emphasize it nonetheless, while already wrapping the "ice" part of the title.
I always thought that HBO choose 'Game of Thrones' as their title because it sounded cooler and was more palatable to viewers than 'A Song of Ice & Fire.' Now it seems like that decision has morphed the objectives of the story to what HBO believes was the focus all along.
jackie childs
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TheDraw said:

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is that an umbrella to reflect lighting?

Yeah, you won't need that this episode
Urban Ag
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TheDraw said:

Caption This

NK: I think I have Ligma

Bran: Ligma? I am unfamiliar with it.

NK: Come on man, you know, Ligma?

Bran: Sorry I have never heard of....

NK: Lig-ma-balls!

Bran: Ahhh. Humor. Funny.
Zombie Jon Snow
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bobinator said:

This is kind of what I mean though by the writers fumbling a couple of times. It's not that it's too far fetched to make it make sense, they just didn't.

Here is my attempt.....

Note: If you saw the filming - they flew Arya in horizontally on wires for the kill. Dumb. they had no context for her getting that high. And NK was facing the tree so she did not come from there. And she seemingly would have had to have passed the WWs behind him......

Well on that note.... i kind of had a vivid half sleeping dream last night and in my head it went differently..... might have been better (????) although a lot is the same.

Naturally I assume a little more proximity of people here then maybe was the case, but it could have been made this way.

In my "dream" version:

We see the wights getting closer and closer to Bran, Theon fighting furiously.. until one of them manages to touch Bran and stops......the wights in the courtyard all stop. Exterior you see the NK turn and look that direction. He knows where Bran is now and raises the dead to fight Jon and so he can leave. Then Dany and Drogon save Jon with the fire... Jon proceeds to pursue the NK and WWs as he did....

Grey Worm sees Dany in trouble with Jorah and sprints for them (for his queen).
He slides through the snow/ice on his knees and slashes down like 30 wights from behind and joins Jorah with Dany between them protecting her. Jorah still goes down in the end though. Grey Worm stays with Dany.

We see the Mel and Arya prophetic discussion scene inside the castle and Arya realizes and runs off...... the Hound follows trying to keep up and protecting her 6.

Meanwhile Jon sees that Dany is protected and turns to see the WWs entering the godswood area. He takes off at a dead sprint too - to protect Bran slaying wights as he goes. He encounters Viserion and is trapped by Viserion who is still wreaking havoc outside the castle - but Gendry enters the area and while he is frozen in fear Jon escapes and Tormund comes in knocks Gendry down and out of harms way of dragon fire. Gendry and Tormund play cat and mouse with the dragon keeping him busy.

Cut to a scene of Arya going full bore parkour mode leaping, jumping, sliding, ninja style around the castle..... she flashes by Jamie and Brienne fighting on the walls who are like "wtf"......the Hound follows at a slower pace trying to keep up and protect her and just running through things or killing things in his path..... finally she leaps over the edge of the walls and......the when Hound reaches the edge looks over and says "**** that" and stops. He instead joins Jamie and Brienne ato the walls.

We see Theon in the godswood firing the last of his arrows and getting desperate as the WWs approach. A panning shot of the WWs (and you might notice a subtle flash of someone in black on the far side of the courtyard past an opening - but probably only notice it on a rewatch).....and Theon makes his desperate attack and is killed by the NK as we saw it.

The WWs and NK approach Bran.... the NK draws his spear and is smirking. But from behind Jon has entered the courtyard and is attacking from behind the WWs. They turn and form a barrier between him and the NK. Jon battles 1, 2, 3 of them killing a couple. But eventually he too is near defeat, is stabbed repeatedly, drops to his knees exhausted and bloody. They pull away his sword. The remaining WWs grab Jon and drag him to the feet of the NK. Bloody and defenseless Jon looks up at the NK while being held for the kill......

The NK turns back to Bran to deal with him first....... Bran is looking at him but then his gaze goes up....Jon is yelling "No!!!"...... a single leaf from the weirwood falls and Brans eyes follow it down to the snow at the NK feet. The NK looks down too confused, his smirk no longer there.....snow falls on him too from above.... then suddenly he looks up and Arya is crashing down from through the branches above - he catches her dagger arm and her neck like he did, she drops the blade and catches it below killing him the same way with the other hand.

The End.

It's not much different really but
1. establishes Arya's ninja mode better
2. Gives Grey Worm a bit more of a heroic redemptive moment with his queen
2. gives Jon a more immediate impact on events at the end
3. allows an understanding of how Arya got there - you can assume she swooped in from behind the tree while they were distracted by Jon's efforts and scaled it swiftly.
4. and her angle of attack from above makes sense coming down from the tree

it might give away the Arya moment a bit more i suppose - but for me it is better if it is not completely (literally) just a miracle falling out of the sky.

oh well...... i'm sure we each have our own variations we think might be better.
Zombie Jon Snow
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Has this been posted yet? Sorry if so..

Zombie Jon Snow
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In the GOT humor thread. yeah.
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I like your changes. I'd change one thing and add one thing:

The change would be to somehow make Arya get stuck or something that makes the audience not expect her to kill the NK. The way you have it, I think people would expect Arya to come flying in at any moment. I'm not sure what that impediment would be...

The addition would be something before your scenario starts. It bothered me how Dani landed her dragon just to get it swarmed by wights. I realize they did it to get her on the ground so that Jorah could die protecting her, but it made no sense for her to do that. What I would have preferred her to land for a legit reason. What I thought up was this:

Make the dragons unable to hover. In reality that is damn hard and takes a lot of energy (which is why humming birds and small insects do it, but not larger birds.. sure as hell not dragons). So maybe have her do a high speed pass that is reasonably close but not too close (and not too helpful). So then have her land, while blasting a landing zone around herself. Then she blasts with accuracy around Jon (because she isn't moving at 150 knots anymore). Jon yells to her to take out the NK, but she tells him that she tried but he doesn't burn. So then he runs off towards the gate and while she was distracted, the wights close in and jump on her dragon and Jon has no idea.
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Here is a pretty good conversation between two GOT nerds. My kind of homies. I would only say that Jon does convince the north the fight for Dany because honor demands it. Dany gave her army to save the north and now they need to fulfill their end of the bargin.

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Trident 88
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OldShadeOfBlue said:

At first I thought Arya may have been waiting for the Night King at the Godswood. On my rewatch yesterday I think I found a clear hint that Arya did in fact sneak past the White Walkers. As the Night King is reaching for his sword it shows a close up of a White Walker and you can see something slightly blow his hair by. I think Arya just legit runs through them as they're all facing Bran.
The White Walker's hair moving because Arya ran past him has been mentioned lots of times already! Haven't you read the thread?

Of course, you haven't! Because you're not a bloody idiot with nothing but spare time on his hands, are you?

I don't know who has OCD and who is just trolling, but this thread is frickin herpes, man.
Zombie Jon Snow
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aTmAg said:

I like your changes. I'd change one thing and add one thing:

The change would be to somehow make Arya get stuck or something that makes the audience not expect her to kill the NK. The way you have it, I think people would expect Arya to come flying in at any moment. I'm not sure what that impediment would be...

The addition would be something before your scenario starts. It bothered me how Dani landed her dragon just to get it swarmed by wights. I realize they did it to get her on the ground so that Jorah could die protecting her, but it made no sense for her to do that. What I would have preferred her to land for a legit reason. What I thought up was this:

Make the dragons unable to hover. In reality that is damn hard and takes a lot of energy (which is why humming birds and small insects do it, but not larger birds.. sure as hell not dragons). So maybe have her do a high speed pass that is reasonably close but not too close (and not too helpful). So then have her land, while blasting a landing zone around herself. Then she blasts with accuracy around Jon (because she isn't moving at 150 knots anymore). Jon yells to her to take out the NK, but she tells him that she tried but he doesn't burn. So then he runs off towards the gate and while she was distracted, the wights close in and jump on her dragon and Jon has no idea.
yeah i like those.... i had thought of the Arya thing but felt it was long enough as is... i tried to make her last appearance maybe far enough back that people are now distracted by Jon's coming in and his impending death too. but i get your point.

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Zombie Jon Snow said:

aTmAg said:

I like your changes. I'd change one thing and add one thing:

The change would be to somehow make Arya get stuck or something that makes the audience not expect her to kill the NK. The way you have it, I think people would expect Arya to come flying in at any moment. I'm not sure what that impediment would be...

The addition would be something before your scenario starts. It bothered me how Dani landed her dragon just to get it swarmed by wights. I realize they did it to get her on the ground so that Jorah could die protecting her, but it made no sense for her to do that. What I would have preferred her to land for a legit reason. What I thought up was this:

Make the dragons unable to hover. In reality that is damn hard and takes a lot of energy (which is why humming birds and small insects do it, but not larger birds.. sure as hell not dragons). So maybe have her do a high speed pass that is reasonably close but not too close (and not too helpful). So then have her land, while blasting a landing zone around herself. Then she blasts with accuracy around Jon (because she isn't moving at 150 knots anymore). Jon yells to her to take out the NK, but she tells him that she tried but he doesn't burn. So then he runs off towards the gate and while she was distracted, the wights close in and jump on her dragon and Jon has no idea.
yeah i like those.... i had thought of the Arya thing but felt it was long enough as is... i tried to make her last appearance maybe far enough back that people are now distracted by Jon's coming in and his impending death too. but i get your point.
What about this:

Maybe have Jon see her dragon fly over his head off minus Dani plus a bunch of wights. He can't see Dani from where he is anymore, and turns to run back in that direction to help her, but stops himself (realizing this is not about Dani, but about the NK). He does see Arya doing ninja stuff (closer to the gate) and yells to her to help Dani. Arya nods and ninjas away in that direction, and John continues towards the NK. Arya runs out the gate and for whatever reason, there is something that makes her unable to get to Dani (maybe at this time Jorah and Greyworm are already there). Maybe it is fire, a bunch of freshly reanimated wights, or whatever. She stops and looks around (the audience thinks she is looking around for a way around the obstacle to help Dani... later they will figure out that she was saying, "F-this.. I'm gonna help Jon") The camera cuts from her to John making his way to the NK and we don't see her again until she flys in to kill the NK.
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smokeythebear said:

I definitely think Cersei's baby is a loose end. I wonder if she'll now marry Euron in order to "legitimize" it and we could have another classic GOT deadly wedding.

Also, you have to assume there's some more interesting stuff in those books that Sam stole.

Background on the Mad King is still expected. Presumably, some sort of meddling the 3ER was involved in.

Qyburn definitely has some tricks up his sleeve. He looked at that wight rather inquisitively.

And I still think there has to be some way for the Stark name to continue. Maybe Podrick marries Sansa and their kid is given the Stark name?

Jon Snow is going to tell Dany he is going back to the North and he will take the Stark name,the Starks were his real family anyway.

Daenerys will give Gendry the Barratheon name and he and Arya will rebuild that House.
Disclaimer: Views expressed in this post reflect the opinions of Texags user bonfarr and are not to be accepted as facts or to be accepted at face value.
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bonfarr said:

Daenerys will give Gendry the Barratheon name and he and Arya will rebuild that House.

Not jumping on you personally, but do y'all really think Arya wants to get married? Even to Gendry, who she cares for? The idea of Arya of all people making a strategic marriage just seems crazy. She told Ned is S1 "Thats not me" when he told her he'd marry her to a lord, and nothing she's done since then makes me think she's willing to get married for the sake of an alliance. Or any other reason, really. Sansa, yes. For all that she's endured Sansa is still the Lady of Winterfell and understands the strategic importance that marriage holds in their society. But I just don't see that in Aryas future. I'm sure she'll sleep with Gendry again (assuming she liked it, lol). I don't see her marrying anyone.
The Debt
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MW03 said:

The Debt said:

pete_claw98 said:

The Dothraki charge is what they do. See earlier battle. They charge in and slaughter people. Flaming, dragon glass coated swords should work for awhile.

For incompetence of command, Queen Daenerys is set administrative punishment. 10 lashes.


That is the most mind blowing thing in this thread

Dany: I found your dragonglass
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This was a show designed to buck the trends. To pierce the tropes and show us something new. But now it has devolved into a gelatinous blob of disappointment and embarrassment. You have become the very thing you swore to destroy.
I still enjoy GOT, but I'm not blind to what it has become.
I still enjoy GOT, because it has good spectacle, but I am aware that it lacks the great writing of the earlier seasons.
And because it's missing that great writing, the show has missed an opportunity for objective greatness.
Which is regrettable.
So I completely agree with all his points, but I still enjoy the show, albeit on a very superficial level.

And I used to get very upset about such missed opportunities for greatness, but witnessing the total collapse of GOT, ST, LOTR, and SW these past few years has actually been cathartic for me. The death of those beloved franchises hasn't killed me. I actually feel refreshed. I can ramble on to greater places, now.
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Render said:


This was a show designed to buck the trends. To pierce the tropes and show us something new. But now it has devolved into a gelatinous blob of disappointment and embarrassment. You have become the very thing you swore to destroy.
I still enjoy GOT, but I'm not blind to what it has become.
I still enjoy GOT, because it has good spectacle, but I am aware that it lacks the great writing of the earlier seasons.
And because it's missing that great writing, the show has missed an opportunity for objective greatness.
Which is regrettable.
So I completely agree with all his points, but I still enjoy the show, albeit on a very superficial level.

And I used to get very upset about such missed opportunities for greatness, but witnessing the total collapse of GOT, ST, LOTR, and SW these past few years has actually been cathartic for me. The death of those beloved franchises hasn't killed me. I actually feel refreshed. I can ramble on to greater places, now.

Dolorous Ed is still alive!
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