****** Game of Thrones - Season 8 ******

2,218,761 Views | 14667 Replies | Last: 2 yr ago by Prosperdick
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To poke a little fun, this show is called Game of Thrones, not Jon vs the Night King. They defeated evil so that they can fight to rule Westeros.

The entire saga is called "The Song of Ice and Fire," not, "The Song of Wolves and Lions."
Fat Bib Fortuna
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aTmAg said:

MuckRaker96 said:

For the morning crowd, here's the official standings after 3 episodes for the Tex Ags Game of Game of Thrones

AgSquirrel97 40+21 = 61
Urban Ag 40+18 = 58
Spreadsheet Ag 40 + 18 = 58
Geoff H. 40 + 15 = 55
Texas Aggie '99 40 + 12 = 52
Walton Loads 30 + 21 = 51
oldag00 30 + 21 = 51
TxRunner97 30 + 18 = 48
Derek J. 30 + 18 = 48
Brian Earl Spilner 30 + 18 = 48
Rex Racer 20 + 21 = 41
Saint Arnold 20 + 18 = 38
wangus12 20 + 18 = 38

Andy W. 20 + 15 = 35
ChipolteMonger 30 + 15 = 35

Myles Moore 20 + 12 = 32

CoachRTM 10 + 18 = 28

What does the addition mean?
Sorry, I had it on the middle of the night post. FIrst number is how many multiple choice questions you've gotten right (10 points each). Second is how many death pool choices you've gotten right - the people who died last night (3 points each). The total is your total score.
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And that death was only possible because he made bran a personal priority. Had he just let wights swarm bran or just ignored bran and let everybody else become a part of his army, brans existence is irrelevant.

It goes back to him being a force of nature vs being a force of revenge. I think he needed to be more fleshed out. Brans abilities provide an opportunity for it, we just ran out of time I guess.
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Zombie Jon Snow said:

AgLiving06 said:

M.C. Swag said:

gigemJTH12 said:

No I get it. I'm just saying that in that movie the shark is the only villain. So comparing the shark to the Night King doesn't work bc my entire point was that I'm okay Cersei is the final challenge bc she was the entire show.

The night king was hardly ever around.
yes, i understand. Cersei had more screen time. That is a basic fact.

But dude, they've been building the WWs since the beginning. The 'winter is coming' motif is a direct link to them (winter = death = WW). The prince who was promised prophecy (which was the entire plot arc for Dany and Jon) was a consistent theme as well. The PWIW isn't some prophesized hero sent to overthrow 1 crazy queen. They were meant to FIGHT BACK THE NIGHT.

The NK was an immortal who could raise the dead, control the dead, had a zombie dragon, and to some varying degree, control the weather. That man was just defeated. How can we as an audience feel any sort of suspense about the conflict with Cersei in comparison to what they just defeated? I mean hell, Arya could literally sneak through a pack of zombies to stab the NK...she could assassinate Cersei in her sleep. Boom. game over.

My point is; the NK literally and thematically was the big bad. He was ICE. He was WINTER. He was DEATH. They just beat that. Now I'm supposed to buy that Cersei is the last challenge? She's the reason Jon was resurrected amongst smoke and ash?

Here's my hot take on this.

I think Jon was resurrected to defeat the NK.

Other's have said it, but they think Sam is the one writing "The Song of Fire and Ice."

So I think Jon dies in the last episode and Sam is writing about his friend's life and death.

Doubtful - I mean he literally didn't defeat the NK. At best he assembled the forces that did. But that doesn't seem worthy of resurrection imho.

Meaning he has a bigger arc to play out. And it isn't Cersei that's not his battle literally. Although he will support Dany in that.

It appears to me now that he had to be resurrected for the ultimate end - ruling as the King. Meaning Dany dies. Or he dies and Dany rules - can no longer be together.

Sam writing the story is possible of course - but it could go either way still. As king or as the ultimate sacrifice for Dany.

It could be that GRRM originally planned to resurrect Jon to kill the NK, but HBO changed it. HBO was sorta stuck killing Jon Snow because of the books, and the rest was up to them.
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I skipped about 140 posts that I'll go back and read later...but its also really disappointing that we had an army of undead, and a dude with one hand involved in the fight, but no payoff. Jamie, you sir, are no Ash Williams.
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Ranger222 said:

Can we talk a little about Melisandre in terms of her role in this entire series? I'm fine with everything she did last night. Lit some swords, lit some wood, told Arya what her true purpose was. Ok great, no problems here.

I'm just not satisfied with her ending and really her meaning. So her destiny was to strike out the terror of the night and bring light -- accomplished. But why then, if this was her real purpose, was she messing around with Stannis for so long and his pursuit of the Iron Throne? She just realized after she left Winterfell what her true purpose is and just been hanging out?

We can say that her line to Arya about stamping out "blue eyes" and the call back to season 4 (?) was "great writing", but when she first found Arya with Gendry, she cared little about her if she knew then that Arya would ultimately kill the NK and that was Melisandre's true mission in the assist. She still cared more about Gendry then! I think it was more of the writers going back and using something of little consequence back in season 4 to play it up here because it was convenient. "Blue eyes" was not even emphasized in Melisandre's quote in season 4.

And this also plays into what the 'Lord of Light' wants with Jon and his true purpose....she says that Beric has served his purpose and now will die once the LoL is finished with him. Well....the NK is defeated. What is Jon's purpose now with the LoL? Here is a bigger question -- once that task is completed, is Jon just gonna die as he was brought back to serve one role?
If Melisandre is right about killing Brown, Blue, and Green eyes, it would mean Arya has to also kill Cersei, since she has green eyes. They haven't shown Arya kill anyone with green eyes yet. If it's just brown and blue, then Mel's prophecy isn't correct.
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Ranger222 said:

Can we talk a little about Melisandre in terms of her role in this entire series? I'm fine with everything she did last night. Lit some swords, lit some wood, told Arya what her true purpose was. Ok great, no problems here.

I'm just not satisfied with her ending and really her meaning. So her destiny was to strike out the terror of the night and bring light -- accomplished. But why then, if this was her real purpose, was she messing around with Stannis for so long and his pursuit of the Iron Throne? She just realized after she left Winterfell what her true purpose is and just been hanging out?

We can say that her line to Arya about stamping out "blue eyes" and the call back to season 4 (?) was "great writing", but when she first found Arya with Gendry, she cared little about her if she knew then that Arya would ultimately kill the NK and that was Melisandre's true mission in the assist. She still cared more about Gendry then! I think it was more of the writers going back and using something of little consequence back in season 4 to play it up here because it was convenient. "Blue eyes" was not even emphasized in Melisandre's quote in season 4.

And this also plays into what the 'Lord of Light' wants with Jon and his true purpose....she says that Beric has served his purpose and now will die once the LoL is finished with him. Well....the NK is defeated. What is Jon's purpose now with the LoL? Here is a bigger question -- once that task is completed, is Jon just gonna die as he was brought back to serve one role?
It could be that she she knew the prophecies but mistook the 'who" in them. Then everything clicked in her mind later.
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I think it's definitely going to be Arya that kills Cersei the question is what face will she use to do it? There is some speculation that she took Little finger's face but I'm sure Cersei knows he is dead by now.

Has she killed anyone close to Cersei whose face she can use?
Definitely Not A Cop
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Fenrir said:

And that death was only possible because he made bran a personal priority. Had he just let wights swarm bran or just ignored bran and let everybody else become a part of his army, brans existence is irrelevant.

It goes back to him being a force of nature vs being a force of revenge. I think he needed to be more fleshed out. Brans abilities provide an opportunity for it, we just ran out of time I guess.

You could say that. You could also say that the only reason that Bran stayed in the Weirwood in the first place is because he knew exactly what was going to happen. If the NK hadn't planned on killing him personally, then he wouldn't have sat there waiting in the first place. But then you would have people complaining that Bran and the NK didn't get a showdown.

I'm kind of torn on whether or not hearing the NK talk would have cheapened him.
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aTmAg said:

Ranger222 said:

Can we talk a little about Melisandre in terms of her role in this entire series? I'm fine with everything she did last night. Lit some swords, lit some wood, told Arya what her true purpose was. Ok great, no problems here.

I'm just not satisfied with her ending and really her meaning. So her destiny was to strike out the terror of the night and bring light -- accomplished. But why then, if this was her real purpose, was she messing around with Stannis for so long and his pursuit of the Iron Throne? She just realized after she left Winterfell what her true purpose is and just been hanging out?

We can say that her line to Arya about stamping out "blue eyes" and the call back to season 4 (?) was "great writing", but when she first found Arya with Gendry, she cared little about her if she knew then that Arya would ultimately kill the NK and that was Melisandre's true mission in the assist. She still cared more about Gendry then! I think it was more of the writers going back and using something of little consequence back in season 4 to play it up here because it was convenient. "Blue eyes" was not even emphasized in Melisandre's quote in season 4.

And this also plays into what the 'Lord of Light' wants with Jon and his true purpose....she says that Beric has served his purpose and now will die once the LoL is finished with him. Well....the NK is defeated. What is Jon's purpose now with the LoL? Here is a bigger question -- once that task is completed, is Jon just gonna die as he was brought back to serve one role?
It could be that she she knew the prophecies but mistook the 'who" in them. Then everything clicked in her mind later.
This is my thinking. Her vision in regards to Arya in season 4 could have just been colors of eyes being snuffed out. She didn't understand the significance until much later.
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aggie93 said:

C@LAg said:

no way Arya sniffs anywhere near the NK.

That is not her kill.
Actually I think Arya stabbing the NK with the Valyrian Dagger just as he is about to kill Bran while saying "Valar Morgulis" would be perfect and in line with the story.
I was pretty damn close with my prediction.
"The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help."

Ronald Reagan
Brian Earl Spilner
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jtstanley4621 said:

A second thought: why did Melisandre revive Jon in the first place after he got stabbed? Seems like he ultimately didn't serve much of a purpose in the battle. He was about to die. If she serves the lord of light, why did he want Jon there?

Really gonna be interesting to see the many-faces god tie in that's definitely coming
Jon is the singular reason there was an army to fight the dead in the first place.
El Chupacabra
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Jim01 said:

Don't want to read much because I hate theory talk, but hell that was an awesome episode.

Arya kicking ass, and pulling a Rey with the knife drop.

Wasn't there a 'knife drop' scene in an earlier episode of GOT?
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AustinAg2K said:

BowSowy said:

Dr. Not Yet Dr. Ag said:

I've now watched the episode twice, I figured out my biggest issue with it. I'll preface this with stating that I really enjoyed the episode. I have no issues with the glaring strategical issues on the side of the living; however, I cannot get past the continuous continuity errors.

They are just obnoxiously evident on repeat viewing. Characters who were previously surrounded on all sides, suddenly surrounded on one side, or not surrounded at all anymore. Greyjoys being immediately overrun, then suddenly not. The continuity errors were just nonstop every 2-3 minutes for about a 30-40 minute stretch. If you don't believe me, have a rewatch. These are issues that could easily have been fixed, it's really just sloppy filmmaking.
The biggest one for me, and the one that pissed me off, was how Grey Worm was at the front of the Unsullied army when the wave of wights hit then a few minutes later, he's destroying the moat bridge behind the Unsullied army.
I feel like it really makes Grey Worm seem dishonorable. He basically let all the other Unsullied die, while he's like, "I'm out."
Completely agree, although I guess it was expected after his scene with Missandei last week. Like I said earlier, he should've died on the battlefield
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bonfarr said:

I think it's definitely going to be Arya that kills Cersei the question is what face will she use to do it? There is some speculation that she took Little finger's face but I'm sure Cersei knows he is dead by now.

Has she killed anyone close to Cersei whose face she can use?
I think it's going to be Jamie.

Speaking of, does the show/books address the height issue? Can a 4.5 foot tall girl gain the height of a 6 foot person just by wearing their face? Is it sorta just "magic" just like the voices? If we accept that she takes over every aspect of their physical appearance then she could become the Mountain and let Jamie "meet" with Cersie. Then Jamie could kill her.
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El Chupacabra said:

Jim01 said:

Don't want to read much because I hate theory talk, but hell that was an awesome episode.

Arya kicking ass, and pulling a Rey with the knife drop.

Wasn't there a 'knife drop' scene in an earlier episode of GOT?
she did the same drop in her spar with Brienne
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KidDoc said:

The worst was Beric being swarmed then suddenly he is dying in a quiet room with Mel, Hound, Arya? Wut?.

I saw it as they wanted to make a point that he was being mortally wounded but the lord of light wasn't done with him until Arya was safe in that room, so he kept willing him on a little further
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You don't need him to talk to get him fleshed out better.
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Orlando Ayala Cant Read said:

I'm still pretty new to GoT. Haven't read the books, and binge watched to catch up to this season. I don't know near as much about it as a lot of you but what I DO know is that Game of Thrones Snobbery is very real and very annoying. I'm in groups where people are trashing "casual fans" or "simpletons" for enjoying last nights episode and its pretty obnoxious to say the least.
This is true. The reverse is also true. With a fan base as large and dedicated as this one, it happens. Even here on this very thread.

Watched again and spent a night marinating. Still not satisfied. Let me highlight some more thoughts on this. I mean, whine about it.

  • Jon is a great man but probably the worst general the North has ever seen.
  • The actual main chunk of the show was good to great. I just hate how they decided to resolve it so quickly at the very end.
  • I consider myself a pretty hardcore fan, but I am still confused on what exactly the point of Bran is in the show. I guess he truly is the counterpoint to the NK. Who he himself has been rendered completely pointless.
  • I am a also a die hard fan of Ramin Djawadi but that piano music was NOT good at setting the tone. Way to jarring for what was occuring on the screen. It felt disjointed.
  • As mentioned by others, the continuity of the battle was extremely jarring in its pacing. That opening scene of the literal wave of undead washing over the Unsullied front lines was incredible. Then it goes to individual baddies attacking heroes one by one, then back to unstoppable horde, then to Arya playing peek a boo, back to endless unstoppable horde, back to individual zombie Red Shirts going down one by one, and back, etc.
  • Speaking of the peek a boo, it was great at building tension. But what was the point of that tension buildup? It didn't go anywhere or do anything. Again, felt only halfway thought through.
  • Jorah went out like a *******ed man. He was the heroic death we needed.
  • Sam did not have a good time.
  • The crypt massacre felt contrived to me somehow. Can't quite put my finger on it really though.
  • If you give fan service, at least follow through with it. A la Ghost.
  • Lyanna Giantsbane, what else needs be said?

I could go on about individual points but overall I think the populace falls into two camps. What was the MAIN story arc of the show? Is it the petty human squabbling over a throne or the powerful existential threat to life in general. I think you can guess where I pitched my tent by my phrasing there. As I had mentioned in another post, I was scared that they were going to run out of time and I knew that one of these arcs was going to get short shrift at the end. I chose the wrong one to care about but I know I am not the only one either. Hence all the back and forth here. And ultimately I believe this is why I was disappointed. I cared about the NK and the Great War and to see the entire undead story just put in the trash and taken out in a single episode is extremely meh to me. Such things happen in stories like this sometimes though.
Francis Macomber
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AustinAg2K said:

Ranger222 said:

Can we talk a little about Melisandre in terms of her role in this entire series? I'm fine with everything she did last night. Lit some swords, lit some wood, told Arya what her true purpose was. Ok great, no problems here.

I'm just not satisfied with her ending and really her meaning. So her destiny was to strike out the terror of the night and bring light -- accomplished. But why then, if this was her real purpose, was she messing around with Stannis for so long and his pursuit of the Iron Throne? She just realized after she left Winterfell what her true purpose is and just been hanging out?

We can say that her line to Arya about stamping out "blue eyes" and the call back to season 4 (?) was "great writing", but when she first found Arya with Gendry, she cared little about her if she knew then that Arya would ultimately kill the NK and that was Melisandre's true mission in the assist. She still cared more about Gendry then! I think it was more of the writers going back and using something of little consequence back in season 4 to play it up here because it was convenient. "Blue eyes" was not even emphasized in Melisandre's quote in season 4.

And this also plays into what the 'Lord of Light' wants with Jon and his true purpose....she says that Beric has served his purpose and now will die once the LoL is finished with him. Well....the NK is defeated. What is Jon's purpose now with the LoL? Here is a bigger question -- once that task is completed, is Jon just gonna die as he was brought back to serve one role?
If Melisandre is right about killing Brown, Blue, and Green eyes, it would mean Arya has to also kill Cersei, since she has green eyes. They haven't shown Arya kill anyone with green eyes yet. If it's just brown and blue, then Mel's prophecy isn't correct.

She's killed like a hundred plus Freys off camera.
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Zombie Jon Snow
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aTmAg said:

bonfarr said:

I think it's definitely going to be Arya that kills Cersei the question is what face will she use to do it? There is some speculation that she took Little finger's face but I'm sure Cersei knows he is dead by now.

Has she killed anyone close to Cersei whose face she can use?
I think it's going to be Jamie.

Speaking of, does the show/books address the height issue? Can a 4.5 foot tall girl gain the height of a 6 foot person just by wearing their face? Is it sorta just "magic" just like the voices? If we accept that she takes over every aspect of their physical appearance then she could become the Mountain and let Jamie "meet" with Cersie. Then Jamie could kill her.

Well she became Walder Frey right.

Boiling Denim
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Good: The Unsullied, Lyanna, Theon, Red Witch pre-battle hype, the Library scene, and the music

Bad: Cavalry charge, the film lighting, dragon "battle", Jorah saves the day out of nowhere, the Arya kill shot,

Ugly: Jon being worthless, Valeryian steel swords being worthless, White Walkers being worthless, Dany leaving her dragon on the ground to get swarmed, the constant battle cuts where characters were seconds from death with dozens of dead on them only to cut back with one or two needing to be dispatched for a clear breakaway

I'm predicting the path the show runners have taken will be a case in Film Study Classes on what not to do. Lesson 1: Don't hype up the big threat for 7 seasons and kill them off in 1 episode and still leave the minor threat to deal with afterwards. The remaining episodes will feel pedestrian in comparison.

The amount of GoT runtime left is the equivalent of Frodo throwing the ring into Mount Doom at the end of the second movie...
Francis Macomber
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Ranger222 said:

Can we talk a little about Melisandre in terms of her role in this entire series? I'm fine with everything she did last night. Lit some swords, lit some wood, told Arya what her true purpose was. Ok great, no problems here.

I'm just not satisfied with her ending and really her meaning. So her destiny was to strike out the terror of the night and bring light -- accomplished. But why then, if this was her real purpose, was she messing around with Stannis for so long and his pursuit of the Iron Throne? She just realized after she left Winterfell what her true purpose is and just been hanging out?

We can say that her line to Arya about stamping out "blue eyes" and the call back to season 4 (?) was "great writing", but when she first found Arya with Gendry, she cared little about her if she knew then that Arya would ultimately kill the NK and that was Melisandre's true mission in the assist. She still cared more about Gendry then! I think it was more of the writers going back and using something of little consequence back in season 4 to play it up here because it was convenient. "Blue eyes" was not even emphasized in Melisandre's quote in season 4.

And this also plays into what the 'Lord of Light' wants with Jon and his true purpose....she says that Beric has served his purpose and now will die once the LoL is finished with him. Well....the NK is defeated. What is Jon's purpose now with the LoL? Here is a bigger question -- once that task is completed, is Jon just gonna die as he was brought back to serve one role?

They retconned that quote to try to make it seem like they didn't pull this out of their asses. It was just last season Melisandre told Dany to send for Jon bc she and him were the Pwip.
G Martin 87
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C@LAg said:

No one going to comment on the 30 seconds of silent monologuing by the Night King in front of Bran, conveniently allowing time for Arya to magically teleport in and kill him? If he had just walked up to Bran and taken his shot.....

Classic villain trope.
And he would have gotten away with it too, if not for that meddling kid.
Francis Macomber
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Boiling Denim said:

Good: The Unsullied, Lyanna, Theon, Red Witch pre-battle hype, the Library scene, and the music

Bad: Cavalry charge, the film lighting, dragon "battle", Jorah saves the day out of nowhere, the Arya kill shot,

Ugly: Jon being worthless, Valeryian steel swords being worthless, White Walkers being worthless, Dany leaving her dragon on the ground to get swarmed, the constant battle cuts where characters were seconds from death with dozens of dead on them only to cut back with one or two needing to be dispatched for a clear breakaway

I'm predicting the path the show runners have taken will be a case in Film Study Classes on what not to do. Lesson 1: Don't hype up the big threat for 7 seasons and kill them off in 1 episode and still leave the minor threat to deal with afterwards. The remaining episodes will feel pedestrian in comparison.

Lesson two, stop making creative decisions based on fan service and internet feedback.
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C@LAg said:

No one going to comment on the 30 seconds of silent monologuing by the Night King in front of Bran, conveniently allowing time for Arya to magically teleport in and kill him? If he had just walked up to Bran and taken his shot.....

Classic villain trope.

There are theories online that being in the presence of someone lets Bran "download" info on them and that's why he has a blank stare when seeing someone for the first time (numerous examples). I wonder if the Night King's whole trip and pursuit of the three eyed raven is simply an effort to be remembered/ his story to be told (another spoiler that he is possibly a Stark *******), and he knows that Jon Snow and a Stark 3ER will know what to do with his story. Seems like the best way to not just abandon his character mid-season.
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  • I consider myself a pretty hardcore fan, but I am still confused on what exactly the point of Bran is in the show. I guess he truly is the counterpoint to the NK. Who he himself has been rendered completely pointless.

I think D&D are, too. Like someone said earlier about Varys, once they ran out of source material they don't really know WTF to do with Bran without the books.

On the off chance GRRM ever finishes the books (probably a higher chance of me banging Kate Beckinsale), we'll get much, MUCH more explanation and detail and maybe even an entirely different sequence of events.

Anyway, I'm really stoked for Howland Reed's appearance next week - I'm sure exclusive show watchers will be relieved to see him return to the screen for such a pivotal moment.
CNN is an enemy of the state and should be treated as such.
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Zombie Jon Snow said:

aTmAg said:

bonfarr said:

I think it's definitely going to be Arya that kills Cersei the question is what face will she use to do it? There is some speculation that she took Little finger's face but I'm sure Cersei knows he is dead by now.

Has she killed anyone close to Cersei whose face she can use?
I think it's going to be Jamie.

Speaking of, does the show/books address the height issue? Can a 4.5 foot tall girl gain the height of a 6 foot person just by wearing their face? Is it sorta just "magic" just like the voices? If we accept that she takes over every aspect of their physical appearance then she could become the Mountain and let Jamie "meet" with Cersie. Then Jamie could kill her.

Well she became Walder Frey right.

Yeah, but she was sitting down. So I still wasn't sure about that yet.
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Just for what it's worth, it could be possible that the night king isn't dead.... I highly doubt it, but it would be kinda crazy if that were the case. They turn back to the actual game of thrones, then the night king returns right at the end. That might be dumb as hell but yeah

By the way maybe I'm rusty but what exactly do we know about the blade Arya used to kill the night king? I feel like I remember Sam coming across mention of that blade in a book somewhere, but don't totally remember fully. Can someone fill me in on that?
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Bran seemed very unconcerned about the NK possibly killing him, like he knew Arya was lurking.

Her Syrio move to drop the dagger from one hand and catch it in the other was Walt Frazier cool.
Zombie Jon Snow
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Boiling Denim said:

Good: The Unsullied, Lyanna, Theon, Red Witch pre-battle hype, the Library scene, and the music

Bad: Cavalry charge, the film lighting, dragon "battle", Jorah saves the day out of nowhere, the Arya kill shot,

Ugly: Jon being worthless, Valeryian steel swords being worthless, White Walkers being worthless, Dany leaving her dragon on the ground to get swarmed, the constant battle cuts where characters were seconds from death with dozens of dead on them only to cut back with one or two needing to be dispatched for a clear breakaway

I'm predicting the path the show runners have taken will be a case in Film Study Classes on what not to do. Lesson 1: Don't hype up the big threat for 7 seasons and kill them off in 1 episode and still leave the minor threat to deal with afterwards. The remaining episodes will feel pedestrian in comparison.
I doubt that. I'm sure they have much more coming.

they didn't just lead up to this battle and show us NOTHING after it and keep it all really well under wraps because they have nothing else to show us.

Actually they obviously built it all and pointed to this episode because everyone knew it was coming and it elicited so much discussion and building excitement. And that allowed them to talk about that - and not anything else. It was a pretty smart misdirection if you ask me.

They literally only previewed stuff up to E3 intentionally. All anyone talked about for 2 years leading up to this and the media appearances etc was this battle. So nobody ever got grilled on anything after this battle. Minor stuff about Cersei but not really. And the media blitz is mostly over in anticipation so now we all just gotta wait and see.
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aTmAg said:

bonfarr said:

I think it's definitely going to be Arya that kills Cersei the question is what face will she use to do it? There is some speculation that she took Little finger's face but I'm sure Cersei knows he is dead by now.

Has she killed anyone close to Cersei whose face she can use?
I think it's going to be Jamie.

Speaking of, does the show/books address the height issue? Can a 4.5 foot tall girl gain the height of a 6 foot person just by wearing their face? Is it sorta just "magic" just like the voices? If we accept that she takes over every aspect of their physical appearance then she could become the Mountain and let Jamie "meet" with Cersie. Then Jamie could kill her.

Can they take the face of any dead person.or just of a person they killed?
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