****** Game of Thrones - Season 8 ******

2,219,239 Views | 14667 Replies | Last: 2 yr ago by Prosperdick
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DannyDuberstein said:

Drogon smashed the big crossbow to bits.

But i do think people are underestimating Cersei. She blew up the whole damn Sept of Baelor. I think she inflicts some big main character damage in some way. Of course, i thought NK would do more too
Forgot about that. Hmmm.

I think everyone needs to sit back and relax. They haven't disappointed us yet. They still have 3 episodes to show us Brans importance, why the NK story line was there, etc. Remember, the NK took out a lot of Dany's army. Things are a bit more even now.
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Do I have to be a patreon memeber? It won't let me watch it now.

I'm very curious tho, bc if the Night King comes back, then he is really indestructible and the whole thing is pretty pointless.
The Wizard of Oz
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For me, the episode was visually spectacular, but I feel robbed on the plot line.

I figured that the Night King would have had more depth to him. More agency. I hate that the viewers are educated on the NK's intentions exclusively by one line from Bran in the War Council scene.

I really thought there was more to the NK than Bran's "I'm a living encyclopedia, so he wants to kill me, and then kill everyone else".

And then, Deus Ex Arya inexplicably uses one of the Godswood's invisible Tarzan vines to swing up on the NK? Come on...
Quincey P. Morris
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I think it's assuming a lot to think they only had one scorpion. Especially given that there's one in the opening credits right now.
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The NK storyline and Bran's role have been given to us. I'm not sure what else people are looking for there. They spelled it out already
Anagrammatic Nudist
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Social Media Influencer said:

Cromagnum said:

Dude, who goes this crazy?

That's why I would never watch this show in a public place. People overreact when they're in groups to try to top each other. It's fine for an NBA playoff, but not a show like this.

This is from a soccer game, it's a popular meme.
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The best it could do was a flesh wound. Cersei may have another qyburn invention to kill a dragon or two, but i dont think it will be via crossbow
combat wombat™
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gigemJTH12 said:

combat wombat said:

I'm not complaining, I'm glad they didn't die, but a lot of people in this episode should have died who didn't. For example, Brienne should have died. Jamie should have died. Tormund, Greyworm, Sam, Dany.

These people were out in the front lines being hit by wave, after wave, after wave of wights. I don't care how good a fighter you are - at some point the sheer volume of wights coming after you is going to bury you.

Jamie? No way. He is obviously the biggest tie back to Cersei. Seeing him actually completely flip on her and try to kill her is one of the most interesting story lines they have left.

Maybe the most intriguing honestly.

You misunderstand. I'm not saying that Jamie should have died for the sake of the story. I'm saying that, based upon the circumstances that he was in during the battle, there is no way that he would have survived. The sheer number of whights would have buried him, almost literally, and he would have died.
Quincey P. Morris
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They shot Drogon in the shoulder. I think it's safe to assume it could do more if it actually found it's mark.
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Remember last week when someone found that guy with high billing on the IMDB? The long lanky skinny guy? Did he show up last night? If he did he didn't stand out.
Definitely Not A Cop
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Ranger #007 said:

I think it's assuming a lot to think they only had one scorpion. Especially given that there's one in the opening credits right now.

Yeah I'm betting Cersei surprises them with a ****load of them.
Bunk Moreland
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You misunderstand. I'm not saying that Jamie should have died for the sake of the story. I'm saying that, based upon the circumstances that he was in during the battle, there is no way that he would have survived. The sheer number of whights would have buried him, almost literally, and he would have died.

Agreed. At the end with the sweeping montage showing him, Brienne + Pod? basically getting consumed. They weren't even swinging their swords so it's basically telling you they're dying as the castle falls...then like 5 minutes later when Arya does her thing and they all die, they just get up and are still alive. Meh.
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I think Bronn will betray Cersie and join Jamie/Dany.
Duncan Idaho
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Enjoyed the episode but I did not find the resolution of the night king to be satisfying.
M.C. Swag
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gigemJTH12 said:

I'm torn, I get that the NK and White Walkers are the "final boss" in the sense of the toughest challenge.

But they also were a very very very small portion of the actual screen time this show had.

7 seasons of the best show of all time and they had maybe an hour and a half total screen time?? I'm sure it's really close to that. Other than Hardhome they were only showed in very small spurts.

So with that being said, the battle against them not being the final battle, and it being against the shows most frequent villlain, Cersei, also makes a whole lot of sense.

The shark in Jaws had a very small portion of screen time but it was the primary antagonist. Keeping your main villain in the shadow is one of the best mechanisms for building tension, intrigue, and suspense. "Screen time = importance" is a rationalization doesn't sit well with me at all.
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Oh okay gotcha. Yeah and inside the castle when him and brienne were back against that wall...idk how they survived.

I think too many wights breached the wall from
A believable standpoint. It should have been much less so all the surviving seems more realistic.
Definitely Not A Cop
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The Wizard of Oz said:

For me, the episode was visually spectacular, but I feel robbed on the plot line.

I figured that the Night King would have had more depth to him. More agency. I hate that the viewers are educated on the NK's intentions exclusively by one line from Bran in the War Council scene.

I really thought there was more to the NK than Bran's "I'm a living encyclopedia, so he wants to kill me, and then kill everyone else".

And then, Deus Ex Arya inexplicably uses one of the Godswood's invisible Tarzan vines to swing up on the NK? Come on...

I thought they explained his intentions back three seasons ago with Bran and TCOF, but what would have made it better for you?

Honestly, I'm thinking more and more about the idea of the NK touching Arya causes her to be a sleeper agent of some sorts and taking out someone we didn't expect.
The Dog Lord
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bangobango said:

Alt shift x is adamant that the NK is coming back. I think he is in denial, but I hope he is right. Fight with Cersi is going to feel so stupid, especially if they march down to face her in Kingslanding.
The NK is done, but it would be hilarious if the "Bran is the NK" theory came true at the very end. The fighting on here would be glorious.
Dr. Not Yet Dr. Ag
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I've now watched the episode twice, I figured out my biggest issue with it. I'll preface this with stating that I really enjoyed the episode. I have no issues with the glaring strategical issues on the side of the living; however, I cannot get past the continuous continuity errors.

They are just obnoxiously evident on repeat viewing. Characters who were previously surrounded on all sides, suddenly surrounded on one side, or not surrounded at all anymore. Greyjoys being immediately overrun, then suddenly not. The continuity errors were just nonstop every 2-3 minutes for about a 30-40 minute stretch. If you don't believe me, have a rewatch. These are issues that could easily have been fixed, it's really just sloppy filmmaking.
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One thing I predicted incorrectly was that I thought they would not kill off the NK in episode 3. That it was too early to finish the arch that has been building since the first few minutes of S1E1.

One thing that I did predict correctly was that that most of the people we love would live. The show has become far too predictable on that front since the source material ran out.
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The Wizard of Oz said:

For me, the episode was visually spectacular, but I feel robbed on the plot line.

I figured that the Night King would have had more depth to him. More agency. I hate that the viewers are educated on the NK's intentions exclusively by one line from Bran in the War Council scene.

I really thought there was more to the NK than Bran's "I'm a living encyclopedia, so he wants to kill me, and then kill everyone else".

And then, Deus Ex Arya inexplicably uses one of the Godswood's invisible Tarzan vines to swing up on the NK? Come on...
In previous seasons it showed the Children creating the Night King to destroy man. The best way to do that is to destroy the 3ER and then wipe out all men.

If you re-watch the NK death, you can see Bran shift his eyes away from the Night King as if looking at or for something, and the Night King with the curious head tilt. Arya completely disappeared for about 20-30 mins. She was likely hiding and has a history of sneaking up on people. The dead don't seem to be very observant so I don't find this too far fetched.

First viewing I was thinking wtf. Second, I think she either came from a tree above and was able to get the drop on the WWs behind, or used her Faceless Man skills somehow to hide among the dead/WWs.
Bunk Moreland
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For the Arya kill...how much better would it have been for Arya to have taken Bran's face, and when the NK gets close to him Bran(Arya) gets out of the chair and stabs him? Then real Bran could have been his raven sitting and watching on a tree branch with someone having hid him nearby.
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Brian Earl Spilner said:

Thoughts on what happens going forward:

I would be disappointed if Varys doesn't play some role going forward. For the entirety of the show, he has been plotting to help Dany, even from KL. He might get the Golden Company to flip on Cersei.

Cersei ****ed up by paying off her entire debt because now the Iron Bank has no interest in her winning the war. So, I think that will be a factor as well.

It's all about gathering support from the remaining Seven Kingdoms, and I think Varys and the Iron Bank will be major factors.

Which large armies are still left in play? Dorne?
Good question. Remember that Cersei has the woman that murdered their King and Crown Prince imprisoned. (Those may not be the correct titles).

What's left of the Knights of the Vale? Also, what's happened to the little weasel, the Stark's cousin, that would be Lord of the Vale?

So much for the wind up, here's the pitch. What about the Tully Army in the Riverlands? Dany and Jon's forces will have to come through there to get to KL. Edmuire (SP?) Tully and the Tully forces were last seen when Jamie in command of the Frey forces used him to take the castle from the Blackfish. By the way, we never saw the Blackfish dead, just heard he was. Ed Tully is the Stark's cousin as well, with little if any love for Jamie.
The person that is not willing to fight and die, if need be, for his country has no right to life.

James Earl Rudder '32
January 31, 1945
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Would have been cool but I'm pretty sure the NK would have known it wasn't him.
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M.C. Swag said:

gigemJTH12 said:

I'm torn, I get that the NK and White Walkers are the "final boss" in the sense of the toughest challenge.

But they also were a very very very small portion of the actual screen time this show had.

7 seasons of the best show of all time and they had maybe an hour and a half total screen time?? I'm sure it's really close to that. Other than Hardhome they were only showed in very small spurts.

So with that being said, the battle against them not being the final battle, and it being against the shows most frequent villlain, Cersei, also makes a whole lot of sense.

The shark in Jaws had a very small portion of screen time but it was the primary antagonist. Keeping your main villain in the shadow is one of the best mechanisms for building tension, intrigue, and suspense. "Screen time = importance" is a rationalization doesn't sit well with me at all.

The citizens of Jaws also didn't spend 75 episodes feuding with a neighboring town with the most powerful and nasty ***** in the world leading the way. Bad comparison.
Orlando Ayala Cant Read
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I'm still pretty new to GoT. Haven't read the books, and binge watched to catch up to this season. I don't know near as much about it as a lot of you but what I DO know is that Game of Thrones Snobbery is very real and very annoying. I'm in groups where people are trashing "casual fans" or "simpletons" for enjoying last nights episode and its pretty obnoxious to say the least.
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Did Gilly and the baby survive? I don't recall seeing her at all once the dead in the crypt went all Thriller on the womenfolk.
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Ranger #007 said:

gougler08 said:

Did whichever dragon that was getting molested by wights die? Or does Dany still have both?

I thought that was the one that showed up and was watching over her at the end when Jorah died.

That was Danny's favorite, Drogon. Jon was riding Rheagal until he crash landed him.
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You also have the annoying fanboys defending every little thing so take your pick.

Good episode for action and battle lovers but the plot line was weak.
Zombie Jon Snow
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Bunk Moreland said:

For the Arya kill...how much better would it have been for Arya to have taken Bran's face, and when the NK gets close to him Bran(Arya) gets out of the chair and stabs him? Then real Bran could have been his raven sitting and watching on a tree branch with someone having hid him nearby.

That works - real Bran inside the hollowed out tree maybe. lol. But the raven in the tree so the NK senses Bran but it's really Arya in the chair.

That would have worked pretty well. Her rising would have been a WTF moment. Then the reveal after the kill.

I like it actually.
combat wombat™
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Bunk Moreland said:

For the Arya kill...how much better would it have been for Arya to have taken Bran's face, and when the NK gets close to him Bran(Arya) gets out of the chair and stabs him? Then real Bran could have been his raven sitting and watching on a tree branch with someone having hid him nearby.

Aw, wouldn't Bran have to be dead for her to use his face?
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Great episode. Who the hell knows where it goes from here. Again nk is probably not gone forever, he's the devil/winter/hard times/Mother Nature/Sauron. He'll be back, but probably not this show.

Cersi is much smarter than danaris / Jon. They are actually fairly dumb but have fate/destiny/magic stuff so that's a pretty big edge.

Maybe they resurrect Varys as the brain to outwit cersi

Anyway seems like the goal now is for the survivors with a new perspective to kill off the ruling elite and make a free, prosperous middle class under a benevolent breaker of chains for a happy ending.

Sort of the opposite of real life.
Zombie Jon Snow
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Nope - faceless have used faces of the living too.... it was shown in the temple with Jaqen using Arya's face actually.
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Yep. Wasn't it revealed by Bronn that the NK can 'sense' him via the mark on his arm. He knows where he is at all times?
Nobody cares. Work Harder
combat wombat™
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Zombie Jon Snow said:

Nope - faceless have used faces of the living too.... it was shown in the temple with Jaqen using Arya's face actually.

I remember that. I thought it was a mind game.
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