Dax went all out
Dax went all out

Ramrod said:
Can't get it to embed for some reason
redline248 said:Sam: "Whew, what a battle, eh Aegon?"wangus12 said:
So the really big question is how does Jon/Sam/Bran break the news to the rest of the world that he is actually a Targ?
Jon: *sideways glance at Sam
Dany: "What now?"
Sam: "uh, hmm? Nothing?"
Dany: "Why did he just call you Aegon?"
Jon: "Sam get's a little carried away. He hasn't slept much."
Sam: "The Old maester at castle black was called Aegon. I am a bit tired."
Bran: "We don't have time for this. Jon is really Aegon Targaryen, son of Lyanna Stark and your brother Rhaegar. He's the rightful king."
Jon: "Bran!"
Dany: *retches..."your my nephew...we had..." *retching continues
Confused now. I read an article that showed a family tree showing Elia Martell as the mother of Aegon. Rhaegar had two wives - Lyanna and Elia.Zombie Jon Snow said:Marcus Aurelius said:
So is John Snow actually a cousin of Daenerys?
She's his aunt.
His father is her brother - Rhaegar.
Daenerys was MUCH younger than her brother Rhaegar. In fact he was actually dead before she was born.
So Jon/Aegon and Dany are very close in age - using show years he is slightly older.
Her brother Rhaega died at the age of 22 something in the battle of the Trident in 281 during part of Roberts Rebellion.
Lyanna gave birth to Jon/Aegon shortly after that at the Tower of Joy either late 281 or early 282.
And Rhaegar's mother Rhaella gave birth to Dany in 282 - her mother died in childbirth and she as a baby and her older brother Viserys (age 6) went into exile escaping from Dragonstone to Essos.
Robert and House Lannister murdered Rhaegar's wife Ellia Martell and their two children Rhaenys and Aegon when they sacked King's Landing. So it was assumed they would kill the Targ children too - that is why they fled.
Marcus Aurelius said:Confused now. I read an article that showed a family tree showing Elia Martell as the mother of Aegon. Rhaegar had two wives - Lyanna and Elia.Zombie Jon Snow said:Marcus Aurelius said:
So is John Snow actually a cousin of Daenerys?
She's his aunt.
His father is her brother - Rhaegar.
Daenerys was MUCH younger than her brother Rhaegar. In fact he was actually dead before she was born.
So Jon/Aegon and Dany are very close in age - using show years he is slightly older.
Her brother Rhaega died at the age of 22 something in the battle of the Trident in 281 during part of Roberts Rebellion.
Lyanna gave birth to Jon/Aegon shortly after that at the Tower of Joy either late 281 or early 282.
And Rhaegar's mother Rhaella gave birth to Dany in 282 - her mother died in childbirth and she as a baby and her older brother Viserys (age 6) went into exile escaping from Dragonstone to Essos.
Robert and House Lannister murdered Rhaegar's wife Ellia Martell and their two children Rhaenys and Aegon when they sacked King's Landing. So it was assumed they would kill the Targ children too - that is why they fled.
Who is the real blood mother?
Urban Ag said:
and to make it even more confusing, in the books, Aegon (the son of Ellia Martell and Rhaegar Targaryen) actually isn't dead, or so one group claims, and also was taken to Essos and raised by former best friend of Rhaegar, John Connington, and a group maesters/septas and warriors. They employ the Golden Company and invade Westeros right about the time Dany is taken prisoner by the Dothraki.
I'm really glad HBO left that turd out.
Belton Ag said:
I hope all of these theories come true in the final 10 minutes of the last episode.
Are you going to change your handle to reflect the new reality?Zombie Jon Snow said:Marcus Aurelius said:Confused now. I read an article that showed a family tree showing Elia Martell as the mother of Aegon. Rhaegar had two wives - Lyanna and Elia.Zombie Jon Snow said:Marcus Aurelius said:
So is John Snow actually a cousin of Daenerys?
She's his aunt.
His father is her brother - Rhaegar.
Daenerys was MUCH younger than her brother Rhaegar. In fact he was actually dead before she was born.
So Jon/Aegon and Dany are very close in age - using show years he is slightly older.
Her brother Rhaega died at the age of 22 something in the battle of the Trident in 281 during part of Roberts Rebellion.
Lyanna gave birth to Jon/Aegon shortly after that at the Tower of Joy either late 281 or early 282.
And Rhaegar's mother Rhaella gave birth to Dany in 282 - her mother died in childbirth and she as a baby and her older brother Viserys (age 6) went into exile escaping from Dragonstone to Essos.
Robert and House Lannister murdered Rhaegar's wife Ellia Martell and their two children Rhaenys and Aegon when they sacked King's Landing. So it was assumed they would kill the Targ children too - that is why they fled.
Who is the real blood mother?
Oy....yes it is confusing.
Rhaegar FIRST married Elia Martell - she is the mother of Aegon and Rhaenys - all three of them (Elia, Aegon and Rhaenys) were killed by the Lannisters in the sack of Kings Landing.
But before that:
Recently discovered by Sam at the Citadel - Rhaegar had that marriage annulled.
And Jon saw in a vision that Rhaegar then married Lyanna Stark - who he had been accused of kidnapping.
Rhaegar died but Lyanna was pregnant already and gave birth to the guy we know as Jon - but she named him Aegon also. So Jon/Aegon has the same name as his half brother who is dead Aegon.
That's hilarious. Oysters, Clams and Cockels is my favorite GOT podcast. Not the most in depth, but really entertaining. They did a "Knights Re-Watch" in between seasons and the companion podcast was great to listen to in between episodes.Ramrod said:
Can't get it to embed for some reason
Former Banger of Wildling StrangeZombie Jon Snow said:
Zombie Dragonrider Aegon Targaryen the Undead: Formerly known as a Stark ******* also Former Commander of the Night's Watch, Former King of the North, Master of Cave Sex and Current Banger of Aunts, First of His Kind.
Banger of Aunts. There's your new handle....Zombie Jon Snow said:
No. Not unless I start being called Aegon in the show.
I still feel like Jon Snow. And I'm still a zombie.
I guess I could go full tilt and try to rival Dany (my aunt) with my titles:
Zombie Dragonrider Aegon Targaryen the Undead: Formerly known as a Stark ******* also Former Commander of the Night's Watch, Former King of the North, Master of Cave Sex and Current Banger of Aunts, First of His Kind.
nice.Marcus Aurelius said:Banger of Aunts. There's your new handle....Zombie Jon Snow said:
No. Not unless I start being called Aegon in the show.
I still feel like Jon Snow. And I'm still a zombie.
I guess I could go full tilt and try to rival Dany (my aunt) with my titles:
Zombie Dragonrider Aegon Targaryen the Undead: Formerly known as a Stark ******* also Former Commander of the Night's Watch, Former King of the North, Master of Cave Sex and Current Banger of Aunts, First of His Kind.
Zombie Jon Snow said:
No. Not unless I start being called Aegon in the show.
I still feel like Jon Snow. And I'm still a zombie.
I guess I could go full tilt and try to rival Dany (my aunt) with my titles:
Zombie Dragonrider Aegon Targaryen the Undead: Formerly known as a Stark ******* also Former Commander of the Night's Watch, Former King of the North, Master of Cave Sex and Current Banger of Aunts, First of His Kind.
So wait a minute... did I miss something? They didn't bang in the snow, right? That would not be a whole lot of fun.Champ Bailey said:Zombie Jon Snow said:
No. Not unless I start being called Aegon in the show.
I still feel like Jon Snow. And I'm still a zombie.
I guess I could go full tilt and try to rival Dany (my aunt) with my titles:
Zombie Dragonrider Aegon Targaryen the Undead: Formerly known as a Stark ******* also Former Commander of the Night's Watch, Former King of the North, Master of Cave Sex and Current Banger of Aunts, First of His Kind.
When I saw where they landed after flying the dragons, last night, I thought to myself, "Cave Sex is happening."
hunter2012 said:
I was thinking about this during all the interactions who all at Winterfell has a death warrant(some may be de facto) in the North right now?
- Tyrion - being the accused that attempted to kill unconscious Bran & being a Lannister he also killed Tywin and is accused of murdering Joffrey
- Jaime - escalated the conflict by assaulting Ned(the warden of the North) and presumed to be apart of the Red Wedding plot
- Dany - maybe not have death warrant, but she's seen as illegitimate ruler of the north and whose father killed both Ned's father & Brother the heir
- Jorah - wanted for slave trading(a capital offense in the 7 kingdoms)
- Jon - forsook his Night's Watch vows
- Sam - stole some books/ pseudo broke his Night's Watch vows
- Theon(soon to be there) - for sacking Winterfell
- Sansa - Also accused of murdering Joffrey
- The Hound - Still on Aria's list
We're only missing Cersei at this point right?
aTmAg said:So wait a minute... did I miss something? They didn't bang in the snow, right? That would not be a whole lot of fun.Champ Bailey said:Zombie Jon Snow said:
No. Not unless I start being called Aegon in the show.
I still feel like Jon Snow. And I'm still a zombie.
I guess I could go full tilt and try to rival Dany (my aunt) with my titles:
Zombie Dragonrider Aegon Targaryen the Undead: Formerly known as a Stark ******* also Former Commander of the Night's Watch, Former King of the North, Master of Cave Sex and Current Banger of Aunts, First of His Kind.
When I saw where they landed after flying the dragons, last night, I thought to myself, "Cave Sex is happening."
Jon - forsook his Night's Watch vows
I wonder if he pulled out a red wig and said "I was wondering if you could wear this, you know, to spice things up a bit."Champ Bailey said:aTmAg said:So wait a minute... did I miss something? They didn't bang in the snow, right? That would not be a whole lot of fun.Champ Bailey said:Zombie Jon Snow said:
No. Not unless I start being called Aegon in the show.
I still feel like Jon Snow. And I'm still a zombie.
I guess I could go full tilt and try to rival Dany (my aunt) with my titles:
Zombie Dragonrider Aegon Targaryen the Undead: Formerly known as a Stark ******* also Former Commander of the Night's Watch, Former King of the North, Master of Cave Sex and Current Banger of Aunts, First of His Kind.
When I saw where they landed after flying the dragons, last night, I thought to myself, "Cave Sex is happening."
Maybe, IDK. If he did have cave sex, I think it's pretty much established that's the only thing that gets him going.
HBO Exec: Hey George good to see you. Thanks for coming in, really. So here's the thing.....we've been looking at our production budget and, well, all of these character, there's a bunch, and we just had a few last minute questions for you before we really turn our show writers loose.BenFiasco14 said:
So are we to assume that Young Griff is indeed a fraud since HBO completely punted on that storyline?
hunter2012 said:
I was thinking about this during all the interactions who all at Winterfell has a death warrant(some may be de facto) in the North right now?
- Tyrion - being the accused that attempted to kill unconscious Bran & being a Lannister
- Jaime - escalated the conflict by assaulting Ned(the warden of the North) and presumed to be apart of the Red Wedding plot and pushed Bran out of the tower.
- Dany - maybe not have death warrant, but she's seen as illegitimate ruler of the north and whose father killed both Ned's father & Brother the heir
- Jorah - wanted for slave trading(a capital offense in the 7 kingdoms)
- Jon - forsook his Night's Watch vows
- Sam - stole some books/ pseudo broke his Night's Watch vows
- Theon(soon to be there) - for sacking Winterfell
We're only missing Cersei at this point right?
Excellent stuff!Urban Ag said:HBO Exec: Hey George good to see you. Thanks for coming in, really. So here's the thing.....we've been looking at our production budget and, well, all of these character, there's a bunch, and we just had a few last minute questions for you before we really turn our show writers loose.BenFiasco14 said:
So are we to assume that Young Griff is indeed a fraud since HBO completely punted on that storyline?
GRRM: Sure guys, happy to help. Fire at will.
HBO Exec: Ok, greaaaaaat. So George, this "Young Griff/Aegon Targaryen character in book he really a Targ? Does he really have a legitimate claim to the throne?
GRRM: Now that's an interesting question for sure. You see, there has always been some mystery about the validity of both Targaryen children dying in the sack of Kings Landing. They were so badly beaten it would have been nearly impossible for anyone other than the parents to identify so them. So it quite plausible that.....
HBO Exec: Riiiiiiiight. We're going to go with "no". Okay next question. Victarion Greyjoy......just seems hard to believe that some foul mouthed sailor wins Dany over and uses some horn to control her dragons. Agree?
GRRM: Well hold on, there is some very powerful magic in the dragon horn. Legends and lore from Asshai, ancient runes, described the horn as being able to...
HBO Exec: Yeah, already did that with Mance and the hillbillies from the north pole, nothing burger George. Nothing burger. So, another "no". Ok George, how about Quentyn Martell? Introduced and dies in the same book. Gets laughed at and cooked by a dragon. Really, any bearing on the big picture?
GRRM: I gotta tell you, Quentyn Martell was a really fun POV for me to write because it tied so well in the marriage pacts that were made between Martell's in Dorne, really interesting stuff..
HBO Exec: Allrighty, also a "no". Ok George, last question. Lady Stoneheart. We're kind of thinking Cat just needs to stay dead, what are jeopardizing with the overall story here....
GRRM: Well the books didn't even begin to illustrate her importance in the ongoing guerilla war in the Riverlands, Lady Stoneheart will go on to be quite a factor in the....
HBO Exec: Hey George, wow times flies and I have another meeting starting up, thanks again for coming in...
GRRM: Wha...