Why not Longclaw? Seems kind of random to give him a new sword at this point in the story.
Because we all want to see him complete his redemption arc.MuckRaker96 said:
I'm not sure why we're all so eager to see Jaime with a Valaryian steel sword fighting; he had to get his ass saved by Dickon Tarly vs. Random Dothraki #37 last year. Can Gendry make Jaime a Valryian steel hook to wear?
I think only because they made the point in S6 of Sam stealing Heartsbane from his dad's castle before he and Gilly went to the Citadel. That would seem, to me at least, to be a very random thing to film and include if it did not have some specific purpose down the road. Unless it was to get one more Valaryian blade in to the mix for showdown with the WW's.Brian Earl Spilner said:
Why not Longclaw? Seems kind of random to give him a new sword at this point in the story.
That's just too much to expect of a six episode season that concludes the series.TXRunner97 said:
Unannointed LongClaw will be worthless against the night king.
and the general chaos of battle I can imagine it being destroyed.
I bet this wont happen at winterfell either.
The night king will move south with his growing army after the living escape through the crypts of winterfell to the white river and then to White Harbor eventually to the Trident where Rheagar was killed.
CapCityAg89 said:
Heartsbane was called out at the super awkward dinner where Sam's father emasculated him. Also mentioned early I think by Dam when talking about his inheritance.
Depends on who is leading the writing. Maybe they make Sam enter battle and when he's about to get smoked he trips and the sword kills the Night King as he is engaged with Jon. Snow is too honest to admit he killed the king, Sam gets credit and now fat nerds with no GFs have a hero who gets everything in the end. Mom's basements rejoice around the world.Urban Ag said:
Or maybe, just maybe, Sam has a greater destiny to fulfill than just really smart, fat, friend.![]()
CapCityAg89 said:
Heartsbane was called out at the super awkward dinner where Sam's father emasculated him. Also mentioned early I think by Dam when talking about his inheritance.
Urban Ag said:
That's awesome.
Supports my (probably lame) theory. Jorah is a "redemption" character and his destiny is to die to save or protect Dany. Jorah is given Heartsbane. Dies attempting to protect Dany. Dany is forced to take up Heartsbane when Jorah falls. Heartsbane is Lightbringer and Dany becomes Azor Ahai, the Princess that was Promised
Oh, yeah. I forgot that Littlefinger delivered his bones to her.Brian Earl Spilner said:
Cat was sent his bones. Not sure what was done with his body, but it's gone.