CoachRTM said:
I want the final shot to be of the Knight King sitting on the iron the throne...
... but mainly because I want to see the public's reaction to it.
Trident 88 said:
Just a quick addition to the list of excellent scenes:
In the Dragonstone throne room:
Tyrion: (referring to the scroll from Bran that's in Varys' hand) Who's that for?
Varys: Jon Snow
Tyrion: Did you read it?
Varys: (using his best "official" voice) It's a sealed scroll for the King in the North.
Tyrion: (takes a slow sip of wine) What's it say?
Varys: Nothing good.
I do enjoy the Tyrion/Varys conversations.
Brick Tamland said:
I want to see the Night King get ahold of all three dragons, reanimate them, and conquer Westeros. They said the "long night" is coming so...
Brick Tamland said:
I want to see the Night King get ahold of all three dragons, reanimate them, and conquer Westeros. They said the "long night" is coming so...
And Dany's vision of King's Landing being destroyed and under snow..
Rustys-Beef-o-Reeno said:
Is it just me or would a hammer that big be wayyyy to heavy to actually wield unless you were the hound or the mountain and not scrawny gendry?
Something darker would be in line with the story. But the story is, in part, George RR Martin's attempt to do the Lord of the Rings. And that story ends, in part, with a marriage ceremony.Carl Underguard said:
That side by side thrones thing is a fairytale ending. Is that what y'all want?
Dany still needs to be betrayed for love so this is the most likely contender imowangus12 said:
So Cersei talked about hiring sell swords. Any chance Daario is worked back into the fold since he originally led a company of them. He could accept Cersei's offer and then betray her once they are in Westeros. Or maybe he is really pissed at Dany for leaving him, now she wants Jon, and he does assist Cersei
You think they're actually going to have time to pay that off? I don't.claym711 said:
Tyrion's little woe is me speech about why his Dad hated him, like he chose to be a dwarf, etc., was such a tired foreshadowing that he is not a Lannister.
The three main Allies are all going to have a claim to the throne. But they will "break the wheel". Snooze
The hammer will do nicely against all those brittle dead folks. Hard to walk with legs broken in half.The Debt said:
A hammer without obsidian....gendry is gonna be dead in the first 90 secs
This might have already been covered, but has anyone else noticed that all the main characters have been dressed in black this season?
Sex Panther said:
I think the final shot of the series is Jon and Dany sitting on separate thrones side by side, indicating they got rid of/melted down the Iron Throne.
#1 said:
From Reddit:Quote:
The Jon / Daenerys wedding invitation will be insufferable...
[]Baegic 1278 points 12 hours ago
Dear Tyrion Lannister, You have been invited to the wedding of Queen Daenerys of the House Targaryen, the First of Her Name, The Unburnt, Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, Queen of Meereen, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Protector of the Realm, Lady Regnant of the Seven Kingdoms, Breaker of Chains and Mother of Dragons and Jon Snow of House Targaryen, First of His Name, The Resurrected, Rightful King of the Andals, The Rhoynar, and The First Men, The King In The North, The 998th Lord Commander of The Night's Watch, Savior of The Free Folk, Slayer of The Dead, The White Wolf, The Son of Ice and Fire, The Prince That Was Promised. Please let us know if you will be coming as soon as possible. Thanks!