***Mr Robot Season 2***

29,253 Views | 229 Replies | Last: 8 yr ago by Sex Panther
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Enjoyed last night's Ep, too.
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Yep.. Best episode of the series so far, I think. It reminds me of episode 2 or so of Breaking Bad where they were struggling on what to do with Crazy 8.

For those who like that sort of thing, there is a movie called Bully that is about a true life case of murder. There is no movie/show I can think of that gave me a sense of dread and worry like that one. It's as if I was a passive participant in the murder and would be in deep crap along with the characters on screen when the police find out. It's hard to describe.
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Had to catch up as well - loved the Alf/90s theme intro. I'm still enjoying the season very much - still plenty of questions and the prison revelation was a good one. Haven't had a pure "HOLY ****" moment in a show quite like that FBI Hotel Lobby shooting.
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I'm finally caught up on this show, and my only ongoing theory is that there is no Tyrell Wellick.

I thought the prison thing was pretty obvious (in as much as he was definitely being held somewhere, maybe not a prison, but at least an asylum or something. The basketball thing is what made me think it was probably prison.) But I also had the benefit of binge watching. I think when you watch episodes back to back you're able to more easily pick up on the little things and the patterns.
Hickory High
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I'm finally caught up on this show, and my only ongoing theory is that there is no Tyrell Wellick.

How? There's been characters other than Elliot in which Tyrell was involved.
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Mostly based on two scenes.

The scene in the car when Tyrell is talking to Mr. Robot and threatens to tell Elliot who Mr. Robot is. I believe this is the only character in all of season one who interacts with Mr. Robot.

The scene with Elliot and Tyrell's wife in the finale of Season 1. Elliot asks Joanna if she knows where Tyrell is, and she kind of smiles and answers "who are you?" It's also just a bizarre scene. Elliot says/thinks "she can hear us" and some other stuff that makes us think that she knows a lot about him.
Lorne Malvo
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Mostly based on two scenes.

The scene in the car when Tyrell is talking to Mr. Robot and threatens to tell Elliot who Mr. Robot is. I believe this is the only character in all of season one who interacts with Mr. Robot.

The scene with Elliot and Tyrell's wife in the finale of Season 1. Elliot asks Joanna if she knows where Tyrell is, and she kind of smiles and answers "who are you?" It's also just a bizarre scene. Elliot says/thinks "she can hear us" and some other stuff that makes us think that she knows a lot about him.

I read somewhere that Tyrell's wife said in another language to Elliott, "I'll kill you if you hurt my husband". Something similar to that. I think Tyrell is a real character but this show has fooled me a couple times lol.
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To be fair, a third crazy twist like that would probably send people screaming into the streets, but there's definitely something off about Tyrell's character. Also if the Tyrell part of Elliot's character is the one that actually pulled off the hack, then it makes sense that the Mr. Robot part of Elliot's character would want to "kill" that part so that they don't remember anything. Also explains why nobody can find him while Elliot is in prison.

The case against is really easy though because there is a lot of evidence that Tyrell is real. Or at least as real as anything in this show may or may not be.

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this whole season is a horror movie
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Two super solid eps in a row. Hopefully they can build on this momentum even more and end the season strong.
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I stopped watching this show half way through the Alf episode.
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You're missing out...great show!
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What's up with all of the awkward conversations with Angela?
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this whole season is a horror movie

Fight club meets Total Recall meets Event Horizon.
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But yeah that was a good episode again.
Sex Panther
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That was intense
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That was awesome.
Dr. Gonzo
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Man, the last 3-4 episodes have been amazing, have really gotten back to season 1 form, IMO.

So many questions, from this last episode:

1. Did anyone see what was in Elliot's room that Mr Robot wanted?

2. Any guesses as to whose address the calls are coming from?

3. Darlene and Angela still alive?

4. Does Elliot have another personality emerging?

Cant wait for next weeks episode.
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What if Elliot pulled the trigger?
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It has definitely felt like they are building toward a reveal that Tyrell is another of Elliot's personalities, but that seems to conflict with the Season 1 episodes in which people like Gideon interacted with both Tyrell and Elliot and would have noticed if they were the same person.
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I'm going to be very, very disappointed if there's yet another "Gotcha!" surprise this season / another character we've come to know isn't real.
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the brownout scene where Dom is running down the street towards the restaurant is burned into my memory
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It has definitely felt like they are building toward a reveal that Tyrell is another of Elliot's personalities, but that seems to conflict with the Season 1 episodes in which people like Gideon interacted with both Tyrell and Elliot and would have noticed if they were the same person.
I sort of let a few episodes build up and then watch so I have to catch up on this thread, but as I posted higher up, I 100% thought this was the case until the most recent episode.

After the scene with Joanna now I don't see how it could possibly be true.

Sex Panther
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Yeah I understand the thinking that Tyrell is one of his personalities, but I don't know any way that could be possible.

One thing's for certain, he isn't actually dead or at least something is up with him... we definitely haven't seen the last of that character.
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Surely not, because if he's really dead, then I'd probably be done watching this show. One thing that will turn me off to a show completely is when they waste the viewer's time, and they have dedicated A LOT of time to Tyrell being alive. Hell, one entire character is only around because of it.

But the scene with Joanna and with Joanna's driver/henchmen/bodyguard/whatever make it impossible that Elliot is Tyrell. Up to that point I was still 100% certain they were the same person.
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What. The. ****?

That had to be the most I-can't-tell-if-that-was-uber-pretentious-or-uber-awesome episode yet. But I'm leaning toward awesome.

That said... did this show just give its first subtle hint that we may very well be veering toward the supernatural and/or sci-fi? The way the White Rose asked Angela about believing in something so much that it becomes real simply by will... questioning Angela's definition of "real"... the way it then almost hauntingly faded to black over Angela's face... and the way she was then acting in that doorway conversation with her old boss was just so weird. Granted, that change could have come about by her simply learning a very pertinent fact or being given a more distinct ultimatum (and that slow fade to black did lead directly to the end of Elliot's lucid dream), but something about the manner in which that sequence unfolded has me thinking this show might eventually be about way more than a hacker with a personality disorder and two global titans with a secret project/agenda. And I've honestly never considered the fact that both Elliot and Angela - who each lost their parents all those years ago to an E-Corp incident - now happen to find themselves at the very center of one of the most unprecedented events in modern human history. Like White Rose says, their parents died for a reason. And if it wasn't an accident - if Elliot and Angela were somehow guided to this moment by influencing factors - that's more than just the meddling of two global titans... that would take an almost supernatural effort. In that sense, it almost feels like when Lost revealed that it was really building toward a time travel show.

Or maybe I'm just reading way to much into it.

Either way, I can't wait to see where this goes next.
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Did anyone else notice that all the songs in that episode were from the original "Back to the Future" movie soundtrack? Between that and the sequel coming up in Elliot and Angela's conversation on the train in the previous episode, I'd say they are strongly hinting at something.
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You're right! I remember thinking one was for sure, but they definitely all were.

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Just when I feel like I have a grip on this show, they go and do something like this that thoroughly confuses the **** out of me, but leaves me thoroughly intrigued to tune in the next week.
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It's possible that White Rose is from the future and can only spend a limited amount of time in the past, or has information about the future and a limited amount of time in which to change history. Someone from the future or with information about the future would be able to identify the critical moments and people in the past that led to, say, the start of World War I, or the rise of Hitler prior to World War II. I seem to recall the E Corp CEO himself making a reference to one of those situations in a prior episode. What if the reason Elliot can't remember some of the things he's supposedly done is that he hasn't done them yet?
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You legitimately just blew my mind. Now I'm going to be disappointed if that's *not* the plot. Crazy as it sounds, that's the first logical explanation of White's Rose's time obsession I've heard so far, and actually might kind of explain Elliot's disorder, among other things.
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You legitimately just blew my mind. Now I'm going to be disappointed if that's *not* the plot. Crazy as it sounds, that's the first logically explanation of White's Rose's time obsession I've heard so far, and actually might kind of explain Elliot's disorder, among other things.
same here. That makes sense and if you figured it out, major kudos to you. I am sure texags will bust you for spoiler alert.

wait, white rose is that you?
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Not sure if this has been covered yet, so if it has I apologize...Here are the meanings of he names of some of the characters (it is set up as follows First name meaning/ Last name meaning):

Main Characters
  • Elliot Alderson: boldly and rightly or "Jehovah is God"/Noble defense
  • Mister Robot: Master servant
  • Tyrell: derivative of the Scandinavian God of battle, "Tyr"
  • Joanna: God is gracious
  • Darlene: beloved
  • Angela Moss: messenger of God/Moses

  • Romero: a person on a religious journey
  • Trenton: refers to the surname Trent, which means swift
  • Mobley: the clearing

  • Philip Price: friend of horses (also a name of one of the 12 apostles)/Enthusiasm or ardent/fiery
  • Terry Colby: powerful, ruler of the people/Coal or Dark
  • Susan Jacobs: lily or pure, innocence/Son of Jacob
  • Scott Knowles: Gaelic speaker/hilltop or peak
  • Sharon Knowles: refers to fertile plain near the coast of Israel/Peak
  • Gideon Goddard: to hew down or cut off/Strong or Brave

In the Bible, Gideon was chosen to free the people of Israel, condemn their idolatry and destroy the idol of Baal. After Gideon's death, the Israelites returned to the worship of Baal.

  • Dominique Dipierro: of the lord/Of Peter, or the Rock (first Pope's name)
  • Agent Santiago: Translation of Hebrew name Jacob, which comes from Sany Yago, first used to denote Saint James the Great, the brother of John the Apostle

Dark Army
  • Ze Zhang: In Chinese- To plant or grow...In Portuguese- Joseph...In Hebrew- Wolf...Zhang means Archer
  • White Rose: White symbolizes bad luck, death and failure/Roses have been an important icon through out Chinese history (more on this in a bit)
  • Cisco: Frenchman
  • Leon: the lion
  • Ollie: elf army

Additional Characters
  • Fernando Vera: bold journey/faith or truth
  • Shayla Nico: question/fairy palace (makes sense with the drugs) and form of "Nike" Greek goddess of victory (whose wings symbolized he fleeting nature of victory...in this case...love? To also note, Nike was the daughter of Styx who was the goddess of the river of the same name located in the Greek underworld)
  • Krista Gordon: follower of Christ/spacious fort
  • Ray: Old French for King
  • Antara: second note in Hindustani music (however, Antar means warrior)
  • Mr. Sutherland: South Land

A few things from this.

Ze Zhang and Tyrell
First, in Chinese mythology a famous Archer diety is named Houyi, who is married to a diety named Chang'i. Houyi was called on to protect China/mankind. he is famous for destroying 9 sunbirds that were threatening humanity by shooting them with arrows. he also conducted numerous other quests that earned him the title of ?Marquis Pacifier of the country"

His wife, Chang'e, was the Goddess of the Moon. She is always accompanied by a White Rabbit. Now, in "alice in Wonderland", the White Rabbit is synonymous with time and also chasing wisdom. While Whiterose does not have a white rabbit near her (from what we have seen), her white rabbit could be her obsession with time.

Houyi and Chang'e represent the Yin and Yang, which ties into the Zhang/Whiterose personality (order/chaos...light/dark///Sun/moon).

Another interesting note is that the God Tyr descends from the Roman God Mars. Tyr lost his hand to the wolf Fenrir (refer back to the name Ze).

This makes me wonder if Tyrell and Whiterose are actually working at cross-purposes rather than working together.

Elliot and Angela
To me, the meaning of their names makes Angelas and Elliots relationship a lot more interesting, especially with her disdain for Shayla last season and now with her interactions with white rose.

Philip Price and Whiterose
Now, looking at the name Philip (lover of horses), in Chinese culture horses represent the protagonist of action and also represents the 7th zodiac animal in the Chinese culture. Houyi was also known for riding horses.

Interestingly enough, the number 7 plays a large role in Christianity, with the most well known numerology being the "7 deadly sins"...or the "7 gifts of the Holy Spirit".

Bottom line, I think religion plays a much larger role on this show than I thought it did before. What if this is the ultimate battle between good and evil and Elliot is a believer that has lost his memories and is being used as a pawn in the fight?

In something that might only be interesting to me...The Mogwai are Chinese demons that inflict harm on humans. It is common for the living to redress their sins by sacrificing money to gui by burning paper banknotes so that gui can have funds to use in their afterlife.

Here is the picture of the masks worn by the Dark Army, in the show:

*I fully admit I could be way off base, but I feel like there is a tie in with the characters names and a battle between a supernatural god and evil.

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