By the way, Sansa was always a ***** to Jon. I find it interesting that she's now going to him for help.
She was a ***** to everyone
Sansa has changed a lot. She was very mentally strong in a way during the Joffrey days when she was still pretty young, in that she never did anything to completely get ****ed over or freak out in front of him or Cersei, as terrified as she was.
She got a little stronger during the Tyrion marriage, because he was gracious and she was lucky to get taken out of the city. But after going through the hell she has with fu**-head Ramsey, she's really been able to get a little tougher and I hope very soon, more revenge-minded. Just what she had to endure with him day after day shows she's strong in ways. Not everyone could've handled that.
She was terrified still when Theon was trying to help her escape before Brianne and Pod came along, but I think she would've killed herself rather than go back. She played it smart for a long time, but I think her anger will come out more and more. And having Brianne with her now will only boost this.
Gotta hand it to her being the little ***** she was in the first season and coming this far. I think they've developed her very well. I hope she gets a little piece of Ramsey at his death, but there will be quite a line for that ****er!
I just wish Arya, Sansa, Jon, Rickon and Bran will actually see each other at some point!