Tristane was going to KL. Do you expect him to be surrounded by lannisters?
This is not a fully formed thought.
The issue is that nothing was shown that would indicate the sand snakes left the dock. it's bad writing or a crucial scene was left on the cutting floor. Either way that makes it a plot hole.
so.....did you think they were still standing on the dock then? weeks later?...you needed to see them leave the dock?
logic dictates they left the dock....you don't have to show it.
It's not a plot hole. A plot hole is a logical inconsistency or something that is impossible to have happened as shown. It is neither illogical nor impossible for them to have walked off the dock and later gotten on a different boat. Its not even a continuity error. Its simply something not shown so as not to give away the surprise.
I can't even believe it's a discussion. Seriously, first Doran was shown and Ellaria was there with ONE sand snake (hell thats some
foreshadowing there as I thought " i wonder where the other 2 Sand snakes are?").....then when i saw them on the ship it took milliseconds to think "oh.....must have followed him".
Unreal that anyone thinks this is a plot hole.