I just don't buy the approach that some things won't matter in the books because they don't in the show. The show has to make choices. Currently there are theories about just about every person/group in the book playing a secret game that could have a huge impact on the overall story. Literally all of them actually could in the book, but it wouldn't work for a show.
Now, I do agree that Dorne isn't likely going to be THE main thing driving the final story. The story really is about the core of characters that have been there from the beginning. The Dornish, Ironborn, etc. simply play a role in relation to these characters. They could play a significant role though, and it still matters to the story.
This. People complain that things are moving too slowly and that "nothing happens" in an episode but gripe if the story line they like gets lessened/cut. If the show keeps that many separate story lines, each episode barely has enough time to have 1 thing happen at each location. The show is just trimming fat in order to make the main story move well.
Look at all the different story lines from just episode 1 of this season:
1) Winterfell with the Boltons
2) The North with Sansa, Theon, Brienne, and Podrick
3) The Wall
4) Mereen
5) Wherever the Dothraki hoard is with Dany
6) Jorah and Dhaario etween Mereen and Dothraki hoard
7a) King's Landing - Cersei and Jamie
7b) King's Landing - Margary
8) Dorne
9) Arya in Braavos
With 10 separate sections in a 60-minute episode, that's 6 minutes per section. How much can happen in that time?
Now add the potential other story lines of the Iron Islands and the Riverlands, they have to start to make the existing plots less important for the show to work in an episode-by-episode format.