I've given a stupid amount of thought to which quality Marvel Comics characters haven't appeared on film yet, and what could help bring a tad bit of levity into future MCU films. Tonight, after too much coffee, I finally had an epiphany. Are you ready?
Rick Jones. He's the Forrest Gump of Marvel Comics. An ordinary, not too bright rural kid who ends up at the center of several key events:
-accidentally responsible for Bruce Banner becoming the Hulk
-accidentally helped the original Avengers meet each other by blabbing on a ham radio
-sidekick and new Bucky to Captain America
-leader of the Teen Brigade that offers radio support to the heroes
-temporary alter ego to the original Captain Marvel
-Spacefaring w/ Rom the Space Knight
-cancer cured by the Beyonder
-became a Hulk-like monster himself
-died in the snap
And on and on.
Unsurprisingly, I'm not the first person to think of this (in fact it may have been mentioned already somewhere in this thread):
Yet currently in the MCU his number of appearances stands at zero and his number of mentions at one. If you're trying to recall that one mention and happen to have blinked at the 2:27 mark of The Incredible Hulk, you missed it. In a montage sequence setting up the beginning of the movie, Rick Jones's name appears on a list of known associates of Bruce Banner for less than one second
So he does at least technically already exist in the MCU.
https://www.cbr.com/marvel-sidekick-rick-jones-missing-mcu/Not sure this is exactly a blockbuster idea, but it could be a fun one-off D+ movie about some young social media (or
something to replace the HAM radio angle) dork who inadvertently plays a role in several pivotal events throughout the MCU.