I think you're reading way too much into that tweet. That's not what he's saying at all. These premiers ALWAYS make for inflated, over-the-top reactions from the usual suspects, caught up in all the hype and red carpet glamor, etc, who are invited to said premiere *by* Disney. So he's essentially saying, "take the glowing reviews from the people at the premiere with a grain of salt," same as I try to qualify every time I post reactions from these things. Concurrently, whenever Disney has these premieres, they've started holding simultaneous screenings for other press/critics, at regular old press screenings, across New York and other parts of LA. When the movie's good, often, reactions from those screenings match the enthusiasm from the premiere screenings. But when a Marvel movie is somewhat of a dud, or a bit flawed, the non-premiere reactions usually aren't as glowing, show some holes, etc. And Rocha is simply differentiating between those two in this instances.