*** MARVEL CINEMATIC UNIVERSE *** [Staff message on OP]

3,735,020 Views | 28789 Replies | Last: 14 hrs ago by RikkiTikkaTagem
double aught
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TCTTS said:

Well that guy seems condescending.
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Maybe they'll have middle ground and give Gunn a writer's credit since he already wrote the script
Bruce Almighty
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Maybe Gunn will be kept on in secret as some kind of advisor.
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TCTTS said:

He's right in a sense, about how big corporations operate. They're run by lawyers, accountants, and p*****s who have wormed their way into high-salary management positions and make every decision out of fear for their jobs. For Disney to rehire Gunn would require critical thinking and the courage to take risks, which is antithetical to the "groupthink/don't rock the boat" mindset that got them to their cushy positions in the first place.
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I love a good clickbait position reversal.

Last week it was all about how outrageous it was that he was fired for these tweets (it sucked but certainly wasn't outrageous in today's climate), then it was pundits talking about how much power Pratt has and he could get this undone (which seemed like a stretch), and now it's "Duh! Of course they fired him and we're right to do so and the actors aren't in control here."

Whichever way the wind is blowing, many of these people dive in on it all the way and back it up like it's gospel. Funny.
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Or... there are a plethora of varied opinions on this board and some of us are capable seeing things from different perspectives or changing our minds as more news is released and more voices are considered.
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TCTTS said:

Or... there are a plethora of varied opinions on this board and some of us are capable seeing things from different perspectives or changing our minds as more news is released and more voices are considered.

I think Alias was speaking more to the predominant coverage of a topic in the media, not here on this board...how the top trending articles on a particular subject one week will be of one opinion, then the following week the consensus opinion (at least according to the news conglomeration sites) are a complete 180.
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Ah, gotcha. Apologies, Alias. I read right past the clickbait bit.
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Fun little extras on Infinity War, there's a 5 minute featurette on the different Marvel characters meeting for the first time, going back to the Avengers then talking about Civil War and Infinity War.

Along with that is a page of scene selections where you can watch the first time all the different characters in Infinity War meet each other
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So, I just realized that y'all were saying that I could watch infinity war on my roku through Amazon... it's $19.99, but I think I'm gonna pull the trigger (that's the extra cost of being too big of a pansy to watch in a theatre) and watch tonight and live type reactions (all in one post unless suggested otherwise). I kept myself 80% spoiler free. I know there is a snap, but I dont know who and I don't know anything else.

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Do it.
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This gon be gud
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Okay Live thoughts, Let me know if I should move t the other thread.

holy balls that is a dark beginning. I literally thought it was going to open with Thor's death or loss of the other eye.

I will never not love Loki and Hulk interactions.

Heimdallllllllllll badass to the end. sad face

Loki...I can never believe he is actually dead. The whole point is that he is the Trickster. I won't get upset yet.

That setting looked very much like Iron Man's premonition for the end of the world.

Um did Ben and Jerry actually make ice creams cause Hulk of burning fudge sounds awesome.

"Tony you lost another super bot?!?" yesss

having to contact Steve on a flip phone is too perfect.

Tony's pants are super ******y.

That guy does really look like squidward.

Sidenote, unrelated....Amazon on Roku is very annnoying trying to turn on captions and general rewind and fast forward.

Shower thought if the Wakanda Black Panther had signal is for black people only,can we white people have the Doctor Strange one, cause that is pretty awesome.

Banner performance issues are kinda hilarious but the latest ironman suit is kick ass.


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Post a picture of the dog.
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Spoiler tags don't like special punctuation or images (including emojis)
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She made it to the destination she wanted
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Okay I'm struggling with the spoiler tags.
So annoying. I spent most of the Spideyfight trying to fix it, but the new car thing is quintessential Spidey.
When did Pepper Potts turn from badass to annoying? She is the worst.

Them finding Thor. I'm dying. I giggled. I laughed. The knowhere conversation made me really happy that I watch with captions. I probably wouldn't have understood it well without them.

Why on earth would they let Thor, Groot, and Rocket go off on their own.. thats dumb...although I'm okay with that being Thor 3.

I like vision better looking like he looks as Vision. I don't want him to die, I don't want him to die, I don't want him to die, I know he's gonna die but I don't want him to die. WANDA SAVE HIM SAVE HIM WANDA. I mean, we always knew but cmon. You can totally do this. You are low key the two most powerful. Cmon. NOoooo stop stabbing his forehead it isn't nice.

STEVE!!!! Black Widow, yes you want to kill them. You definitely want t kill them.

Bruce Almighty
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This is mildly entertaining
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I was about to say, "Do we really need spoiler tags? Are there still people who haven't seen it?" And then I realized... the whole reason this exercise is happening is because someone still hasn't seen it.

Keep it up!
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If it is even slightly annoying I will stop for reals. I dun wanna be annoying.
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I love it! This is fun.
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Are you pausing to reply? Or typing as you go?
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Typing as I go, pressing enter when I pause and rewind for something.
This is fun for me, because it makes me feel kinda like I'm not watching alone.

....that's the lamest thing I've ever said. But whatever. I'm an internet nerd.
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The Thanos/Gamora scene.. woah. meet your maker. the little blade.

Drax is low key the best thing in the universe. THE BEST. I believe him when he says he's invisible.

I'm really hoping for a Howard the Duck cameo here. Can he save the Collector?

I'm very confused by him telling mantis and gamora to go right, while pointing right and then saying the other right...she went the way he said? I don't think Mantis moved though? Am I that bad at right and left.

Gamora is way too sad about this. Wait...was it all a glamour? Oh he has the reality stone and was showing what she would hope DRAX! MANTIS! ****.

Peter, shame on you for calling her a booty call. Dad still gave his approval? really? And bubbles are shockingly whimsical for Thanos.

Bruce and Widow are gonna need to make out soon.

So hawkeye and antman are gonna be called up right? I don't care about there deal and clearly no one else does.

Okay, so I'm still in the scene with Vision/Widow/Wanda/Steve/Bruce/Falcon etc...but are Drax and Mantis dead or were those reality tricks? I really don't want to rewind that far but like... is Starlord all by himself out there?!?!?

Sex Panther
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Just wait til Superman comes back to life


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The uh wakanda scene seems fairly non important after everything else going on. Like "hey look at these guys on vacay!"

The microsurgery tools on the guy who did microsurgery is a convenient touch... am I the only person cracking up at the cape though? Doctor Strange's cape is basically Aladdin's magic carpet. If anyone tells me that it wasn't inspired by that, I will them they are a liar to their fast.

Where did Wong go? He should have been at HQ with Bruce?

Spidey is so good at doing the adorable teen along for the ride persona. It's great.

Why do I kinda love the seeing Thanos as dad scenes so much? I think it is the big hands/tiny things that makes it kinda cute.

Nebula is basically a character just made to be tortured. I kinda hate it. There is no time in her character's existence in which she is not getting her ass kicked. It sucks. She's not a particularly likable character, but she is so pathetic.

Speaking Groot is the most Thor skill that could happen. I kinda miss the Thor from Thor 1 that was kind of a dumb brute.

ew the eye thing. also..that was really good acting from Hemsworth on the in tears and in rage and ruefulness...but like I said before...Thor is a completely different character now from when he first was introduced. most drastic character arch in the show.

I'm going to need to rewatch the dwarf scene. bigass dwarf

they sure sucked at flying the circle ship.

The Alien references are hilarious. Definitely thought starlord was antman for a hot second.

WHY IS GAMORA. Why is Drax the best thing in my life right now.
Jesus is my master. Omg I'm dying laughing.

Rocket's funniest movie is GOTG1. His funniest stuff this movie has mostly been him getting called rabbit.

brb rewatching that whole scene of plan making.
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when Tony calls Starlord a dip****, in my head I heard Cap "Language!"

That stupefied silence after Mantis "take names kick ass" thing makes me want a tv show of Drax and Mantis..like interglactic buddy cop show

Doctor Strange is my least favorite. There. I said it. I didn't enjoy the movie that much and he's kind of a drag in general. Which is annoying since he basically has to survive the movie and I know like no one does.

my stupid captions are super slow..which I guess is better than being super ahead.
frak he's gonna kill Gamora for the soul stone. he damn sure doesn't love nebula. but does he love gamora enough for it to work? I was surprisingly emotional for that little dragging scene...I kinda felt like it should have lasted longer. or he should have hesitated a second longer. FYI the best sacrifice scene in any movie/t v show is The Fall of Troy. Why did he lay down in the water? was he told to?

I really want to do the pigtail bun things with my hair. I need to practice that. I love it so much. Baby Sister is my spirit animal.

Hulk tripping and m'baku's look of disgust is beautiful. Okay wakanda war scene is different than I thought it would be. I love Bucky...so hot.


the monster things going though the force field makes me thing of running angora goats in the rain, piling up...or penguins ready to jump in the water.

I feel like the hammer thing is a bit of a distraction. We kinda need more than just the hammer. Wouldn't that burn groots...woah Groot Arm Axe is way cooler than the original. but it doesn't explain how quickly they travelled.

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So when Thanos approaches Doctor Strange, he sounds shockingly like Tony.

don't kill the carpet! (I mean cape)...Thanos is slightly jafar like though..

That whole fight is terribly unsatisfying.
Does Thanos have vany healing powers? Cause his calves are cut. lol magic.

oh cmon Nebula. ffs. why do you suck so bad.

Mantis actually kinda kicking ass right there. STARLORD BE MORE USEFUL. BE MORE USEFUL HELP GET THE GLOVE OFF YOU DUMMY.
Surprisingly lots of cursing in this.
well crap. Quill dummy. you could killed him after the glove. but let's be honest, it's kinda Nebula's fault for bringing it up. Even Drax could keep his cool. cmon.

That imagery of them all tugging at him very much made me think of Gulliver's travels tie down

OMG I never thought of Rocket and Bucky being such a perfect team. but Rocket shouldn't call anything a "Space dog" cause... you know.. he's a space rabbit

frakking space dogs man.
Wanda is too powerful for this bullsh.

oh no, Hulk doesn't want to come out cause he was sad for Thor or scared huh? betting he comes out as soon as he sees Thor.

I am not sure I understand the multi strange thing. It didn't seem very effective.

Holy crap is Iron Man about to die? oh ***** Tony. Sometimes Thanos is kinda tender/noble and it makes him an amazing villain. What? Shut up Strange, don't give him the stone. Where was starlord that whole time? Where is Spidey? Did I miss something?

Okay, all we have left is Vision. crap, I thought Strange would keep his stone and be the one who would reverse time and stuff.

sidenote, when Thanos killed Loki and said "no resurrections this time" I 100% understood that as a Coulson reference.

temperature guage for everybody, could you kill your boyfriend to save the world?

oh gravy this is heartbreaking. I don't like this much. Who is still alive besides Wanda? break stone break.

WHAT NO HE DIDNT NOOOOO **** Visions brain! I was okay with his death when he was all for the cause. NO THAT WAS A PUN WITH THE TIME FOR MOURNING


I totes thought cap was dead. wait bucky dissolved? oh everyone ...literally half? BP was dissolveed! NOT GROOT! Okay Wanda is okay to peace, she's been through alot and never seems to understand her power.
Don't you take my Drax. DON'T YOU TAKE MY DRAX.

what the hell Strange would be the one that could fix this and omg Spidey is making me cry. crap did Pepper make it? How did Nebula make it through this seriously?

Strange ....oh I expect Wong will come out to help. He has to. Someone has to be able to reverse time.

crap. well it's ime for the post credit scene.

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I'm a need some time to digest this guys.
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That was throughly entertaining, thanks for sharing.

And yeah, we all felt that way.
double aught
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This has been great.

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Swim's live blog of Infinity War was better than Batman vs Superman.
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unfortunately my liveblog of that would be falling asleep :/
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