So, what mark number will ironman be up to at the start of Ultron?
I bet they start a new scheme. Letters, or something.
I was actually kind of hoping that, since they introduced Extremis in IM3, that they would go with the Extremis Iron Man from the comics. Would be utterly and completely un-believable and impossible, but the notion that the suit comes from within his body and isn't an external suit he has to put on. But the previews make it look like a suit very similar to the ones in IM3.
As for the order of the MCU films.....man that's a tough call. I think Winter Soldier actually tops the list for me, even though Iron Man is my favorite character (mostly due to RDJ awesome performance). Winter Soldier just had so many scenes where I just geek'd out (especially Cap taking out all the guys on the ship at the start of the movie)
1. Captain America: Winter Soldier
2. Avengers
3. Iron Man
4. Guardians of the Galaxy
5. Iron Man 2
6. Captain America
7. Iron Man 3
8. Thor
9 Thor: The Dark World
10. The Incredible Hulk