Really dig the use of Intergalactic by Beastie Boys on the trailer. Good hook.
Man, I really don't think I'd like if they tried to go back to the well for reskinned versions of the big heroes from the infinity wars saga. Plus, I think it would be super hard to pull off a non-RDJ Iron Man, non-Chris Evans Captain America, etc.Aggie_Journalist said:
a new universe where mutants have been around forever and some heroes like Ironman and captain America haven't emerged or retired / died yet. You get to reintroduce a whole new generation of everyone's favorite heroes + mutants
One thing to factor in to the first Captain Marvel movie that I didn't think about at first…..this film had the entire MCU fan base focused on it due to the ending of Infinity War and how it was going to potentially tie in to Endgame.Farmer1906 said:I get what you're saying. I do. And a lot of other factors are involved in box office #s.TCTTS said:
I'm not so sure. Hardly anyone knows who Teyona Parris/Monica Rambeau is, same as Iman Velloni/Kamala Khan. Compared to the rest of the MCU, those are two incredibly minor characters suddenly leading a blockbuster. Yes, the small audience who watched Ms. Marvel is passionate about the character, but again… it's a small audience. And it's not like Brie Larson as Captain Marvel was a huge hit. Beyond the three of them I was expecting some extra x-factor but I'm just not seeing it. Granted, again, it could end up being a fantastic movie, and if so maybe that gets its over the hump, but I'd be surprised.
I also don't think people realize how big the Dune sequel is going to be. The first movie was almost universally well-received, and its status/audience has only grown considerably since its release. It also stars FOUR of the biggest 20-something actors on the planet… Chalamet, Zendaya, Florence Pugh, and Austin Butler. There's absolutely no competing with that cast, and in that regard (if not in all regards) The Marvels pales in comparison.
Captain Marvel = not a huge hit at 1.131 B
Dune = universally well-received at 402 M
I was thinking after Ant-Man that they should have either had Kang win that, or maybe in a future movie. Just have Kang absolutely dominate, and have the hero(es) lose and/or kill some off. Then the post credit scene is Strange and America Chavez teleporting in to a ruined NYC, and Strange says something like "Damn, another Earth has fallen," and they teleport away. When you go back and watch the movie a second time, you notice little things in the background that don't quite mesh up with the prime MCU, hinting the whole time that you were watching a variant Earth fall. I think that kind of twist might piss a lot of people off, but I think that it would be a bold move, and you could set up how powerful he is, and why it may take a multiversal effort to defeat him.Quote:
Imagine Kang or some other big bad succeeds and destroys the MCU we know, but one or two characters manage to flee through the multiverse to a new universe where mutants have been around forever and some heroes like Ironman and captain America haven't emerged or retired / died yet. You get to reintroduce a whole new generation of everyone's favorite heroes + mutants *and* you'd have the threat of the big bad who destroyed the current universe lurking out there and one or two multi-universal refugees trying to get the new universe's heroes ready and aligned to stop that big bad when they get there
Sorry, meant Far From Home. That was the one right on the tails of EndgameBeat40 said:To your first paragraph, No Way Home came out after Black Widow, Eternals, and Shang-Chi. Sure, all of those were in the same year, but No Way Home should have been the first movie of Phase 4. I entirely agree with your point on Black Widow and even think it should have been made and released before Endgame.bluefire579 said:I think it's much less your first point and more your second point. Remember, you had No Way Home immediately after Endgame, plus Black Widow should have been considered a big property given the role she played in the Avengers. Of course, her movie a) came after she was already dead, and b) wasn't particularly good.Beat40 said:The Porkchop Express said:
The real key for the Marvels success might lie in how good GOTG3 and Secret Invasion are. If those 2 projects get Marvel back on track, then the Marvels will have the chance to ride that crest as some of companies have done in the past, including the original Captain Marvel.
I'm sure Dune will be a more satisfying movie for fans of the first film and the books, which many of us are, but having the Marvels as an option for Thanksgiving and into Christmas is a great way to get a lot of families to go see it. I dont' think a ton of families are going to go see Dune Part 2 together. So not sure how much those audiences are going to overlap.
I think Marvel suffered from not releasing a big name property followed by a new name property for the beginning of Phase 4. Either that or at the end of the new name properties, the end credits should have tied to the big name properties. Honestly, both is what they probably should have done.
I realize the pandemic changed things, and they were most likely banking on the momentum of Endgame to get them through Eternals, Black Widow, and Shang-Chi.
But, there is no overall connection between the movies in Phase 4, and I think that was a mistake by Marvel. Marvel did so well putting a scene from the next or next to next movie in the credits, and it just built a wave. They easily could have put some sort of short teaser for GOTG3 or Antman at the end of Thor and started some momentum. Don't know why they decided against doing so.
I will be honest, I watched every Marvel movie in theater up to Endgame. I did not see Dr. Strange 2, Eternals, Antman & Wasp, or Black Panther in theater. I think it's because I don't feel a sense I need to watch them to have all the parts for a bigger story. I think that's why a lot of people aren't watching and why they are "bombing" in comparison to themselves.
The lack of connection is definitely on point. I know we've discussed plenty on here how rudderless the MCU has felt throughout Phase 4. I feel like they had a real chance to tie in Cap and Iron Man being gone to create a weakness for someone like a Kang or Doom to emerge as a threat, but I think they genuinely did not know what direction they wanted to go and didn't want to lose momentum, so they just continued pushing out individual movies.
I also wonder if instead of going with the multi-verse of maddness route, they should have done secret invasion.
One of the background details could be A&m winning the national championship in football, proving it's another universe.TexasAggie_02 said:I was thinking after Ant-Man that they should have either had Kang win that, or maybe in a future movie. Just have Kang absolutely dominate, and have the hero(es) lose and/or kill some off. Then the post credit scene is Strange and America Chavez teleporting in to a ruined NYC, and Strange says something like "Damn, another Earth has fallen," and they teleport away. When you go back and watch the movie a second time, you notice little things in the background that don't quite mesh up with the prime MCU, hinting the whole time that you were watching a variant Earth fall. I think that kind of twist might piss a lot of people off, but I think that it would be a bold move, and you could set up how powerful he is, and why it may take a multiversal effort to defeat him.Quote:
Imagine Kang or some other big bad succeeds and destroys the MCU we know, but one or two characters manage to flee through the multiverse to a new universe where mutants have been around forever and some heroes like Ironman and captain America haven't emerged or retired / died yet. You get to reintroduce a whole new generation of everyone's favorite heroes + mutants *and* you'd have the threat of the big bad who destroyed the current universe lurking out there and one or two multi-universal refugees trying to get the new universe's heroes ready and aligned to stop that big bad when they get there
but he wasn't confirmed as one until after she wasC@LAg said:akshually....redline248 said:
I feel like the mutant discussion is a good time drop a reminder for anyone who might need it...Kamala Khan is the first official mutant in the MCU.
Namor was a mutant long before she was.
redline248 said:but he wasn't confirmed as one until after she wasC@LAg said:akshually....redline248 said:
I feel like the mutant discussion is a good time drop a reminder for anyone who might need it...Kamala Khan is the first official mutant in the MCU.
Namor was a mutant long before she was.
The Porkchop Express said:
Really dig the use of Intergalactic by Beastie Boys on the trailer. Good hook.
The Porkchop Express said:
TC, you're going to go see it and the final box office will be $585,000,007 thanks to you.
He needs a pod race or a snippet of political diatribeTCTTS said:
What's so bad about it? Granted, I couldn't care less about the story itself, but the CGI looks good for a change, it's got a great song choice, they're actually letting Brie Larson have fun this time, etc. While it certainly doesn't look like the best Marvel movie, I don't at all understand what about it justifies a barf gif.
Brian Earl Spilner said:
- A very clear knockoff of the Spider-Man joining the Avengers storyline
- The typical Marvel zaniness that was old about 3 movies ago
- Basically just Ms Marvel Season 2
Just did nothing for me whatsoever. But I'll spare the thread my negativity.
Brian Earl Spilner said:
- A very clear knockoff of the Spider-Man joining the Avengers storyline
- The typical Marvel zaniness that was old about 3 movies ago
- Basically just Ms Marvel Season 2
Just did nothing for me whatsoever. But I'll spare the thread my negativity.
For all the criticism the first Captain Marvel movie received, they absolutely NAILED the music. Really enjoyed the 90's vibe.The Porkchop Express said:
Really dig the use of Intergalactic by Beastie Boys on the trailer. Good hook.
The Beastie Boys used to be pretty tight with their licensing because of Yauch's will. Maybe that changing?The Porkchop Express said:
Really dig the use of Intergalactic by Beastie Boys on the trailer. Good hook.
Pretty sure every entertainer on earth is now driven by this gif from pitch meetingtysker said:The Beastie Boys used to be pretty tight with their licensing because of Yauch's will. Maybe that changing?The Porkchop Express said:
Really dig the use of Intergalactic by Beastie Boys on the trailer. Good hook.
we were part of the GoldieBlox kickstarter that took a lot of **** for its use of Girls
I would expect that Yauch's will is limited to his own stuff. I tend to doubt his estate has ownership of the Beastie Boys catalog.tysker said:The Beastie Boys used to be pretty tight with their licensing because of Yauch's will. Maybe that changing?The Porkchop Express said:
Really dig the use of Intergalactic by Beastie Boys on the trailer. Good hook.
we were part of the GoldieBlox kickstarter that took a lot of **** for its use of Girls
TCTTS said:
Not smack dab in the middle of the fall, with school and sports and everything else that's going on. There's a huge swath of people who won't be going to the theater two weekends in a row, and will choose one movie or the other. My bet is more of them choose the one that comes out first, and will almost assuredly be better.
MBAR said:TCTTS said:
Not smack dab in the middle of the fall, with school and sports and everything else that's going on. There's a huge swath of people who won't be going to the theater two weekends in a row, and will choose one movie or the other. My bet is more of them choose the one that comes out first, and will almost assuredly be better.
Uh your idea of what is going to rewatch a bigger audience is way off here my friend. Dune, for as awesome as it was is far more niche than any marvel movie. People with kids aren't rushing to see Dune 2.
Dune two is by far the movie I am looking forward to this year but there is no way it outperforms marvel.
I think he was assuming you meant Dune would make more money because you said it was going to be the movie of the year.TCTTS said:MBAR said:TCTTS said:
Not smack dab in the middle of the fall, with school and sports and everything else that's going on. There's a huge swath of people who won't be going to the theater two weekends in a row, and will choose one movie or the other. My bet is more of them choose the one that comes out first, and will almost assuredly be better.
Uh your idea of what is going to rewatch a bigger audience is way off here my friend. Dune, for as awesome as it was is far more niche than any marvel movie. People with kids aren't rushing to see Dune 2.
Dune two is by far the movie I am looking forward to this year but there is no way it outperforms marvel.
Please show me where I stated that people are going to bring their kids to Dune: Part Two or that it is going to outperform Marvel. Obviously, neither of those things will happen. Dune: Part Two *will* be stiff competition, though, and in its second weekend *will* take dollars away from The Marvels. That's all I'm saying.