Star Wars Discussion Thread

6,611,159 Views | 45382 Replies | Last: 13 hrs ago by YouBet
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TCTTS said:

You're leaving out some key facts here. The primary "A Star Wars Story" movies planned post-Solo were a Boba-Fett-centered movie and an Obi-Wan-centered movie, both of which became series instead. Basically, two things happened in 2018/2019 that changed everything - Solo failed at the box office, while The Mandolorian saw massive success on Disney+. Given those two factors, and the fact that they couldn't crack Boba Fett's and Obi-Wan's stories as movies, they redeveloped each as Disney+ series. That, and then the pandemic in 2020 was a huge reason to shift to series/productions that could essentially be shot in a controlled environment on sound stages in Manhattan Beach, as opposed to traveling to exotic locations for movies (Andor being the exception). The point is, none of those decisions had much, if anything at all, to do with the reception itself to The Last Jedi/The Rise of Skywalker. Yes, there was some vague Poe/Finn Disney+ series that was rumored at one point, and then there was the failed Rogue Squadron movie as well, but that was about it (the latter of which would have been out by now, but it sounds like Patty Jenkins could crack it/the script was never up to snuff). Sure, the reception to the sequel trilogy certainly didn't help any of this, but the reason there hasn't been a new movie since 2019 has way more to do with the failure of Solo, the succession of Disney+, and the pandemic than anything else. Now they're simply taking their time to get the first post-TROS movie right, which I'm thankful for.

Yes, Solo was a collosal failure and killed (or delayed in retrospect) a lot of future projects. That's why I said Disney took a break after RoS and Solo. Solo was objectively bad on its own, but the unpopularity of TLJ 6 months before it was released really did it no favors. I agree with why things got pushed to D+, but then again a lot of what we've seen on D+ since 2019 is really just things like Boba Fett and Kenobi that were cancelled shelved after Solo in 2018. As bad as Solo performed, it couldn't kill those projects entirely. It wasn't entirely a dead end.

What is kind of dead, for now, is new SW movies and any kind of content from the sequels. For that, I think we can thank the sequels. Solo bears some blame as well, but things seemed to be going well for the SWCU idea until TLJ (R1 had just over a $1 billion at the box office), which only had 65% of TFA's box office. Then things kind of went off a cliff. Since then, we've seen very little serious effort to develop anything post sequel or sequel based, and we won't see anything from it until probably 2025. There's also been no real news content development aside from taking advantage of The Mandalorian. Solo may have shelved/delayed ASWS projects Disney was exploring at the time, but RoS really killed any thought of a near term movie or sequel based content.

Had RoS done better, I think we would have seen follow up content, or at least talk of it, on movies/stories about Poe, Finn, etc. After all, new content like R1 was proven to be profitable, while fan service backstory like Solo was not. It could be reasoned, if RoS was successful, that shelving Boba Fett and Kenobi while moving forward with Poe and Finn or even someone else made sense. ASWS projects and the wider idea of the SWCU could have been based around that and been successful, but instead were killed for the foreseeable future because RoS's performance signaled a continued decline in SW theatrical releases and that the source content just wasn't popular enough to move forward with in any form. Think about it: Clone Wars came about 3 years after RotS, so content from the prequels was being discussed and produced fairly quickly. Despite having a streaming platform for it, Disney has done nothing with the sequel content.

You could certainly pin some of this on the pandemic, but the MCU released several movies from 2020-2022 and has more set to release. They also produced and released several D+ series at the same time. It's not like Disney couldn't have done the same with SW.
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Solo gets so much undue hate
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Solo is better than all three saga sequel movies, and is second only to Rogue One (which I consider the best of the Disney era movies). Give me Solo over Mando and TBOBF as well.
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You can take Grogu from my cold dead hands
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Chipotlemonger said:

Solo gets so much undue hate
Yeah, Solo is just sitting there minding its own business and then all of a sudden it's taking strays whenever people talk about the sequels.
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TCTTS said:

Solo is better than all three saga sequel movies, and is second only to Rogue One (which I consider the best of the Disney era movies). Give me Solo over Mando and TBOBF as well.

It's also way better than the travesty that was Kenobi which should have never been made if thats what they were going to put out.
double aught
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Solo was objectively bad on its own
No it wasn't. Your statement is objectively false however.
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Enfys Nest or whatever the f-ck they called that character was a worse addition to Star Wars than Rose Tico

Ok, that's crazy talk, but you get my point.
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How? She was a behind a mask for 90% of the movie, and then we hardly saw her with her real identity there at the end. All things considered, the character didn't do all that much, and was just fine, if not appropriately mysterious/intimidating. Even when she took her helmet off, personally, I have absolutely nothing against the character/performance.

Are you getting her charter mixed up with the character that same actress played The Falcon and the Winter Solider? Because that character definitely sucked.
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Does it matter how or why I think it? I personally hated it.
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And I'm asking why? It's a message board. Most people usually explain why something did or didn't work for them. They don't just say something sucked and then refused to explain why.
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redline248 said:

Enfys Nest or whatever the f-ck they called that character was a worse addition to Star Wars than Rose Tico

Ok, that's crazy talk, but you get my point.
This is definitely crazy talk. She at least had a motive for what she was doing.
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Because it was an unimaginative big scary bad guy that was really just Robin Hood. Lame.

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I thought that was a cool/clever twist, but to each their own.
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And just for full disclosure I enjoyed Solo the movie.
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TCTTS said:

I thought that was a cool/clever twist, but to each their own.

Especially her being just a kid.

And I love the character design. I have her Black Series figure with her swoop bike in my office.
The Porkchop Express
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My favorite thing each year, the unvailing of the art show at SW Celebration. heavy duty on Ahsoka this year, which I like.

Cue the Obi-Wan triggers.

Love this one.

This one has a very interesting, potential crossover TV event name "Guardians of the New Republic"
Unfortunately Luke looks like I traced him out of the ROTJ storybook I had in 1984.


Robot Chicken?

"Every Day, They Get Stronger"

If we were RL friends, I would buy this for your birthday, Spilner

Coming soon to the ceiling of Spilner's bedroom

Super bad-ass

They can't all be winners

Man, I can't wait for an Ahsoka series trailer

Another one i want

Deep cut with Bravo Team

Life is better with a beagle
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double aught said:


Solo was objectively bad on its own
No it wasn't. Your statement is objectively false however.

It's the only SW movie (anything?) to ever lose money. Boom. Roasted.
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It was collateral damage to TLJ.
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Chipotlemonger said:

It was collateral damage to TLJ.
Some keep telling us that since the sequels made so much money they are great movies. Can't have it both ways, can we?
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You're misconnecting arguments. I never said TLJ was good in my post, did I?

Commercial success isn't the only measure when looking at this stuff. Heck, I bet a lot of our favorite movies were box office bombs that picked up steam later over the years.
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Have they used the little owl thing on any of the artwork? My girls love that creature.
The Porkchop Express
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jeffk said:

Have they used the little owl thing on any of the artwork? My girls love that creature.

I didn't see it but I posted them all really late at night. I know morai has been in previous art and was very briefly In ahsokas mando episode
Life is better with a beagle
Cinco Ranch Aggie
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ABATTBQ11 said:

double aught said:


Solo was objectively bad on its own
No it wasn't. Your statement is objectively false however.

It's the only SW movie (anything?) to ever lose money. Boom. Roasted.
The fascination with how much money a particular movie makes is misplaced, I believe. Lots of movies don't make much money, and lots of movies lose money. Yeah, that can be considered an objective reason why a movie might be bad, but not in this case. I thought Solo was a fine movie. It had some parts that I didn't enjoy much, and it was full of fan service, but I really enjoyed the youthful Han Solo and Lando Calrissian portrayals, as well as his hottie girlfriend and the story the movie told. But the reality is, Solo came out less than 6 months after the subjectively worst Star Wars movie ever made.

Note that I used "subjectively" - because it is my opinion. Yeah, The Last Jedi made a ton of money, but that fact does not mean it was a good movie IMO. Even if my opinion is [insert Lebowski "that's your opinion man" gif], I will also point out that it is definitely the most divisive movie in the franchise. A lot of people hate much of what goes on in TLJ, hate how Rian Johnson turned on its head everything that TFA setup for him, and hate the tearing down of what make the Jedi so special (i.e., broom boy nobody at the end). That was the environment into which Solo was released.
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Chipotlemonger said:

You're misconnecting arguments. I never said TLJ was good in my post, did I?

Commercial success isn't the only measure when looking at this stuff. Heck, I bet a lot of our favorite movies were box office bombs that picked up steam later over the years.
I'm not really directing the comment at you, and I don't really agree anyway. I'm just pointing out that others keep throwing box office earning around for a sign of success for the sequels, and then don't want to hold box office failure against Solo.

For my part, Solo is better than 2 of 3 sequels.
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Agree that Solo was tanked by negative reaction to TLJ + terrible press leading up to its release. There were stories about how a new director had to be brought in to fix the movie and how the lead Solo actor needed an acting coach midway through filming. It's really hard to get folks excited for a film when they're being told it's going to suck and its predecessor was terrible.

I ended up being pleasantly surprised by Solo and thinking it was really fun. Not a classic, but fun.
Thanks and gig'em
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Aggie_Journalist said:

Agree that Solo was tanked by negative reaction to TLJ + terrible press leading up to its release. There were stories about how a new director had to be brought in to fix the movie and how the lead Solo actor needed an acting coach midway through filming. It's really hard to get folks excited for a film when they're being told it's going to suck and its predecessor was terrible.

I ended up being pleasantly surprised by Solo and thinking it was really fun. Not a classic, but fun.
Solo is rewatchable for me, it's not great, but much better than some other star wars movies.
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+1 on loving Solo. It's my favorite new Star Wars movie.
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ABATTBQ11 said:

double aught said:


Solo was objectively bad on its own
No it wasn't. Your statement is objectively false however.

It's the only SW movie (anything?) to ever lose money. Boom. Roasted.
Only Sith deal in absolutes.
Brian Earl Spilner
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You guys know I'm never one for the declaration of a movie being "objectively" bad or good.

Solo is technically well made, with solid actors and a decent plot.

My issue with that movie is never justified its own existence to me. We didn't really learn anything new that shed further light on that character, much less enough to justify recasting one of the most iconic characters of all time.

Aside from the fact that the movie feels very cookie-cutter, safe, and made by committee. It's somewhat of the same feeling you get from TFA, but more so here.

It's just not one I find myself ever itching to rewatch, as huge a SW as I am.
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Brian Earl Spilner said:

You guys know I'm never one for the declaration of a movie being "objectively" bad or good.

Solo is technically well made, with solid actors and a decent plot.

My issue with that movie is never justified its own existence to me. We didn't really learn anything new that shed further light on that character, much less enough to justify recasting one of the most iconic characters of all time.

Aside from the fact that the movie feels very cookie-cutter, safe, and made by committee. It's somewhat of the same feeling you get from TFA, but more so here.

It's just not one I find myself ever itching to rewatch, as huge a SW as I am.
Fan service but I loved that they went out of the way to make him shoot first and shoot early. They offset retconned Lucas's retcon.

Also got intrigued with his GF's Crime Boss life that she apparently entered that I guess we won't ever hear about again.
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Brian Earl Spilner said:

You guys know I'm never one for the declaration of a movie being "objectively" bad or good.

Solo is technically well made, with solid actors and a decent plot.

My issue with that movie is never justified its own existence to me. We didn't really learn anything new that shed further light on that character, much less enough to justify recasting one of the most iconic characters of all time.

Aside from the fact that the movie feels very cookie-cutter, safe, and made by committee. It's somewhat of the same feeling you get from TFA, but more so here.

It's just not one I find myself ever itching to rewatch, as huge a SW as I am.
I agree with this point but in a very different way. TFA and Solo both feel like Star Wars. When I watch them they capture what Star Wars is in my head. I think Rogue One kind of got this right too. TLJ didn't... at all and neither did Rise of Skywalker.
The Porkchop Express
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YouBet said:

Brian Earl Spilner said:

You guys know I'm never one for the declaration of a movie being "objectively" bad or good.

Solo is technically well made, with solid actors and a decent plot.

My issue with that movie is never justified its own existence to me. We didn't really learn anything new that shed further light on that character, much less enough to justify recasting one of the most iconic characters of all time.

Aside from the fact that the movie feels very cookie-cutter, safe, and made by committee. It's somewhat of the same feeling you get from TFA, but more so here.

It's just not one I find myself ever itching to rewatch, as huge a SW as I am.
Fan service but I loved that they went out of the way to make him shoot first and shoot early. They offset retconned Lucas's retcon.

Also got intrigued with his GF's Crime Boss life that she apparently entered that I guess we won't ever hear about again.

Life is better with a beagle
Brian Earl Spilner
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Rogue One to me feels decidedly not "safe". You wouldn't really expect all your heroes to die at the end.
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Yeah, but i don't really count the comic books although i realize they are canon. I do count the video games so I'm a hypocrite i guess.
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