Star Wars Discussion Thread

6,639,909 Views | 45410 Replies | Last: 1 day ago by TCTTS
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I can't think of any but I've never read the books.

One thing to consider (if this is dealing with your pitch idea) is if a Jedi has messed up good, instead of there being a official "place" for them to go perhaps in the story there's another Jedi who thinks they can "fix" this Jedi who's having issues even though there's no official plan or teachings to do so…

Cause they never come right out and say it but it seemed evident that if a Jedi screwed up pretty good (got laid, strayed towards dark, etc) it was pretty much one strike and you're done type of deal….

OR…maybe there is a place for this and it's so secret that most Jedi don't even know about it and the council doesn't speak of it out of fear it will make a Jedi more susceptible to break rules and threaten the order… a way it's existence being a hypocrisy of the Jedi itself as its fear that keeps it a secret…..

I don't know just spitballing here but it's a cool idea having a place like that and what you could do with it
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Good to know, and yeah, I hear what you're saying. Basically, without giving too much away, the idea is that there's an old, disgruntled Jedi (50's/60s) who has a problem with who/what the Jedi have become, circa the late prequel era. He's more of an old school purist, it's war time (the Clone Wars), which depresses him even more, he's losing faith in the Order, etc, and he finally falls off the wagon at a Coruscant dive bar. There are probably some underlying personal issues there as well, but that's the gist of it. It's nothing too horrible, but I basically need him to be sent off-world, to a specific planet/location, to get his head straight, center himself, etc. Something along those lines. If there was a blatant or obvious answer from the shows/books/comics, I was going to mention it in the pitch, otherwise I can just keep it nameless for now and say we can invent a location.
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So basically qui gon going to rehab
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If the Jedi'd had any balls, they'd have made themselves into a caste of Eunuchs (pun intended) ... I mean if they were really principled in not forming attachments and dampening emotions, they'd let go of their attachments to their own genitalia.
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jokershady said:

I can't think of any but I've never read the books.

One thing to consider (if this is dealing with your pitch idea) is if a Jedi has messed up good, instead of there being a official "place" for them to go perhaps in the story there's another Jedi who thinks they can "fix" this Jedi who's having issues even though there's no official plan or teachings to do so…

Cause they never come right out and say it but it seemed evident that if a Jedi screwed up pretty good (got laid, strayed towards dark, etc) it was pretty much one strike and you're done type of deal….

OR…maybe there is a place for this and it's so secret that most Jedi don't even know about it and the council doesn't speak of it out of fear it will make a Jedi more susceptible to break rules and threaten the order… a way it's existence being a hypocrisy of the Jedi itself as its fear that keeps it a secret…..

I don't know just spitballing here but it's a cool idea having a place like that and what you could do with it
I think the concensus was Jedi looked inward to right wrongs.

I think there were several that went on essentially Jedi walkabouts to re-center their spirits / selves internally, but this usually involved finding their own simple backwater planet full of life and devoid of drama or setting up a hermitage away from "people".
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Take it even further….I think it'd be cool if this "rehab teacher" was the polar opposite of someone like Yoda.

He (or she that could be fun) is disgruntled, rough, DGAF about much of anything and would rather beat you over the head with the book rather than teach it to you again….

Might be even more interesting is if say this teacher has never been successful….in your idea don't know if Itd work but what if this person has tried "fixing" Jedi before but to quote Yoda in RotJ, "Once your start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny."

So maybe this person is so negative/cynical because the only Jedi this person encounters are those that are pretty much as stone throw away from being dark side users anyways, and through constant failure becomes less and less caring towards what he sought out to do in the first place.

Man I think that's a really fun idea!
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While we're on the subject of fun topics. Make the Mentor a functional alcoholic ... he became so jaded with failures, he took up the bottle. The protege comes to him and finds him a mess, and has to clean him up and get him off the bottle.

However, as he cleans up, the mentor becomes "distant" from the force and the only way for him to tap into his full power is to imbibe. They get into a situation and the only way out is for the master to get full ****-faced drunk to unlock his full powers - it'd be like Jedi Legend of the Drunken Master.

Malachi Constant
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Robin Williams' character in Good Will Hunting.
Brian Earl Spilner
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powerbelly said:

So basically qui gon going to rehab
Was gonna say this.

Maybe inadvertently, you're basically writing Qui-Gon.
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Can't think of any but also haven't read any of the books. The closest thing I can think of is Ashoka opting to not become a full Jedi because she just couldn't reconcile her personal beliefs with the order.
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TCTTS said:

Random question…

Are there any instances in the animated series, or official books, comics, etc of any Jedi essentially falling from grace, so to speak, yet not being outright kicked out of the Order, but instead being sent to some form of Jedi "rehab"? Like, is there a place or a planet where Jedi are sent to center themselves should they stray from the path in any way? I'm not talking about dabbling with the Dark Side (though I guess that's not out of the question), but more, say, having been tempted by the flesh and/or engaging in a sexual relationship, drinking, abusing Jedi powers, continually being at odds with the Jedi Council, etc. Basically, is there canon protocol for wayward Jedi, and if so, has it ever involved them being sent to a specific location, almost like the Jedi equivalent of rehab, AA, or SAA?

Not rehab, but this is probably the closest thing that I'm aware of in the EU
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Would love to see more of Jedah. Could be a possible place for an inward-looking Jedi to make a pilgrimage.
Ancient Jedi temple, large quantity of kyber crystals, plenty of other robed pilgrims a Jedi could blend in with.
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Here's a dumb idea I came up with while I was attaching randomly different colored lightsabers together at my kid's birthday party; a force user with Dissociative Identity Disorder . One personality is Jedi, the other Sith. Maybe you don't know which is present until he ignites his/her lightsaber and you see the color. Anywho, there's my dumb thought of the hour, I mean day.
The Porkchop Express
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heddleston said:

Here's a dumb idea I came up with while I was attaching randomly different colored lightsabers together at my kid's birthday party; a force user with Dissociative Identity Disorder . One personality is Jedi, the other Sith. Maybe you don't know which is present until he ignites his/her lightsaber and you see the color. Anywho, there's my dumb thought of the hour, I mean day.
There's actually a Star Wars Tales comic that deals with this exact subject. The Jedi is hunting down a Sith and only at the end realizes it's herself.

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The Porkchop Express
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TCTTS said:

Random question…

Are there any instances in the animated series, or official books, comics, etc of any Jedi essentially falling from grace, so to speak, yet not being outright kicked out of the Order, but instead being sent to some form of Jedi "rehab"? Like, is there a place or a planet where Jedi are sent to center themselves should they stray from the path in any way? I'm not talking about dabbling with the Dark Side (though I guess that's not out of the question), but more, say, having been tempted by the flesh and/or engaging in a sexual relationship, drinking, abusing Jedi powers, continually being at odds with the Jedi Council, etc. Basically, is there canon protocol for wayward Jedi, and if so, has it ever involved them being sent to a specific location, almost like the Jedi equivalent of rehab, AA, or SAA?
The example I think of first is Quinlan Vos, who has appeared in quite a few incarnations, very briefly in the movies, and survived Order 66 - Obi-Wan mentions him during the recent series as well. He had difficult not abusing his Powers, and ultimately went rogue to infiltrate the Separatists and try to kill Dooku. He fell to the dark side and then got brought back to the light, after which time in the comics the Council sent him to the outer rim to basically do grunt work - tracking down illegal arms and spice on a space station world where he wasn't around anyone else who could use the Force and was having to kind of work with the slime of society. I think you could compare that to someone who has gotten in trouble with the law having to do community service or work in a soup kitchen or something like that.

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So they sent him to the Wall?
Cinco Ranch Aggie
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What movie did this character appear in briefly?
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kdm_01 said:

Would love to see more of Jedah. Could be a possible place for an inward-looking Jedi to make a pilgrimage.
Ancient Jedi temple, large quantity of kyber crystals, plenty of other robed pilgrims a Jedi could blend in with.
Probably very accessible nowadays. Very good access to deeply buried deposits.
The Porkchop Express
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Cinco Ranch Aggie said:

What movie did this character appear in briefly?

Phantom Menace
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Cinco Ranch Aggie said:

What movie did this character appear in briefly?

IIRC this was just a background character and then Vos was designed to look like him in later media.
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Might be able to tie them in somewhere in Chiss Space. I'm not sure if the Ashoka series is headed there. I could see a guy like that thinking he's found some peace only to realize it's an even more chaotic part of the universe.
The Porkchop Express
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He's also mentioned by Obi-Wan to Anakin when Anakin late to a council strategy meeting -

"Master Vos has moved to Boz Pity (where the grass is green and the girls are pretty."

And he trained Aayla Secura, which is one of the best reasons to fall to the dark side I can think of.

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Decay said:

kdm_01 said:

Would love to see more of Jedah. Could be a possible place for an inward-looking Jedi to make a pilgrimage.
Ancient Jedi temple, large quantity of kyber crystals, plenty of other robed pilgrims a Jedi could blend in with.
Probably very accessible nowadays. Very good access to deeply buried deposits.

And that's part of the appeal. I'm Clone Wars period you can have anything in the universe happen in Jedah, knowing that Rogue 1 will wipe that particular slate clean.
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The Porkchop Express said:

heddleston said:

Here's a dumb idea I came up with while I was attaching randomly different colored lightsabers together at my kid's birthday party; a force user with Dissociative Identity Disorder . One personality is Jedi, the other Sith. Maybe you don't know which is present until he ignites his/her lightsaber and you see the color. Anywho, there's my dumb thought of the hour, I mean day.
There's actually a Star Wars Tales comic that deals with this exact subject. The Jedi is hunting down a Sith and only at the end realizes it's herself.

Theres also arguably the best episode of the Star Wars: Visions Season 1, Episode 5, The Ninth Jedi which is similar to this regarding lightsabers….

Such a great episode
Cinco Ranch Aggie
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powerbelly said:

Cinco Ranch Aggie said:

What movie did this character appear in briefly?

IIRC this was just a background character and then Vos was designed to look like him in later media.
Thanks. I recall the scene but do not ever recall ever wondering who that guy was.
The Porkchop Express
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Ewan McGregor in Smartless podcast today!
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Closest guy I can think of might be Rahm Kota from the Force Unleashed game. Not exactly what you're looking for, but has the fallen from grace element.
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Not exactly what TC asked for, but there was also the Jedi Corp of Engineers (can't remember the real name) where the council sent all the failed padawans.
The Collective
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LOL, engineer smack in the middle of a Star Wars thread. Fun times.
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redline248 said:

Not exactly what TC asked for, but there was also the Jedi Corp of Engineers (can't remember the real name) where the council sent all the failed padawans.
Jedi Service Corps.
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Thanks for the responses, everyone. Seeing as there isn't a concrete, go-to answer tells me I can basically make something up. I like the idea that SpreadsheetAg mentioned in that Jedi essentially look inward to right wrongs, might go on walkabouts to re-center, etc. So if there's not an "official" Jedi "rehab" program/location, this particular Jedi could essentially be sent to some random planet known for its serenity or healing powers or walkabouts or whatever. And it's less of an official thing and more of a "go here and seek out this place or person" kind of thing.

Once at this planet, though, I need X, Y, and Z to happen, so it becomes less about the rehab itself and more about something unexpected going on behind the scenes; something secret and nefarious going on with the war.

And yes, while this character and Qui-Gon would be somewhat similar, I see this character as having way more disdain for the current state of affairs, is more disgruntled, curmudgeon, etc, and we actually see him fall off the wagon, in his introduction. My comps are Denzel Washington, Russell Crowe, or Javier Bardem - basically a big-name actor in their 50s/60s.
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How about (slightly older I think and retired) DDL? Would pay to see him as a disgruntled Jedi.
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If we could get him out of retirement, absolutely.

Otherwise, I'm going with Denzel.
The Porkchop Express
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TCTTS said:

I see this character as having way more disdain for the current state of affairs, is more disgruntled, curmudgeon, etc, and we actually see him fall off the wagon,

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My guy isn't dabbling with the Dark Side. Also, in a weird way, compared to my guy, Docku actually has his sh*t together.
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