I'm going with $245M
Flagging this for wrong thread.Brian Earl Spilner said:
On the 8th day till Sithmas, my true love gave to me...
Five Golden Rods,
Four falling Sheevs,
Three hench of Ren,
Two crystal foxes,
And a Baby Yoda in a force tree.
I see what you did there, and I like it.Quote:
no, there is another.
I did like it, actually. in AOTC, Obi-wan and Padme act like their old friends when they exchanged 1 line of dialogue in TPM and then never saw each other for 10 years.Brian Earl Spilner said:
I know it's random, but the fact that Rey and Poe introduced themselves at the end of TLJ is one of the things that bugs me most about that movie. Like, what? How can you try to imply they've never met? They were within feet of each other at the end of TFA! (Not to mention it clearly had been a few days that they'd all been at the Resistance base before Rey leaves to Ach-to.)
tk for tu juan said:
...or Obi-Won saying he doesn't know R2D2 in ANH when he clearly had scenes with him in the prequels
I feel like Padawan Obi-Wan would be about as awkward around Natalie Portman as I would be at any age around Natalie Portman.Brian Earl Spilner said:
They traveled across the galaxy in the same ship.
That's like saying nobody in the galaxy has ever used a bathroom.