shizz is upside down yo

shizz is upside down yo
I'm wondering at what point in the movie the part with Jyn walking on that catwalk with what looked like a limp and the TIE raising up is at.
Vader's shoulders aren't wide enough, or his helmet is too big. something
like a kid in a costume
I hate to overanalyze, but I agree. Something looks off. Shoulders definitely not wide enough.
quote:This shot and the eclipse shot. Just beautiful.
shizz is upside down yo
quote:I don't know if it is because of the lack of "the force" but something doesn't grab me and excite me.
I'm starting to think any Star Wars movie not centered around Jedi/Sith isn't going to hold up as well as ones that do. I'm not overly optimistic about the Solo flick cause it's pretty much a guarantee there will be zero Force influence in that movie.
quote:The trailer has the right look, but it doesn't feel like Star Wars to me. To me, Star Wars always had the feel of an adventure to it, even when it got dark.
No doubt they can be great movies, but they won't feel overly Star Warsy. I'm just hoping that in a few years we get a Star Wars Story focusing on Jedi.
quote:TC bringing logic into this discussion. LOL.
Did you forget what thread you're on?
quote:To me this feels like a war movie with some adventure and heist movie stuff thrown into it. How much adventure there is in it, well, I guess we will find out come December.
The trailer has the right look, but it doesn't feel like Star Wars to me. To me, Star Wars always had the feel of an adventure to it, even when it got dark.
I'm not saying I'm not going to get in line to see it opening night (well, maybe not) and that it can't potentially be a great movie, but I'm not as excited as I thought it would be.
Then I want Vader to force choke them all to death or kill them in two lightsaber strikes. Make it really jarring and brutal.
What I really want out of this film is for these characters to get built up the whole time only to be slaughtered brutally by Vader at the end. We spend a lot of time hearing about how menacing Vader is, but we never get to see it.
They can spend all movie wrecking storm troopers and droids. Have the audience think, 'hey, these guys are really good and powerful.'
Then I want Vader to force choke them all to death or kill them in two lightsaber strikes. Make it really jarring and brutal.
That honestly kind of creeps me out. It was all in good fun, and Williams is super cool about it, but people lingering outside celebrity's homes is almost never a good thing.
quote:You should show the Focus thread to all the people you've talked about in there.
That honestly kind of creeps me out. It was all in good fun, and Williams is super cool about it, but people lingering outside celebrity's homes is almost never a good thing.
Don't know how I missed this till today.
John Williams is the best.
quote:I don't know if I'd necessarily go to Clint Eastwood's place.
That honestly kind of creeps me out. It was all in good fun, and Williams is super cool about it, but people lingering outside celebrity's homes is almost never a good thing.
quote:I might bookmark this one to point out to TC at a date TBD
Re: this narrow-shoulder Vader talk, you guys have to realize how nitpicky-nerdy-cliche you sound, right? Besides, he's CLEARLY standing at an angle. Have you never seen another human being from that perspective?
I think we may see Vader more like at the end of the second act, which propels the film into its final chase/escape phase. It will become clear that they're not gonna make it out, at least not all of them, and the final 30 minutes of the movie is the Rebels staying a step ahead of the Dark Lord and his troops.
In fact, I'd guess that the original theft of the plans is what brings Vader into play. Successful Rebel heist, smiling faces, then cut to the bridge of the Devastator where some poor sap has to tell Vader.
Another thought. What does Vader care more about at this time? Recovering the plans or finding the Rebel base? We know the answer in iv. I wonder if he feels differently to start.