Multiple women (basic *****es) mocked me and mentioned how they'd never seen the films and they were glad that their husbands didn't watch that 'crap'.
Their husbands sound like they are a joy to talk to at the office parties......
Most of them are finance people that make awesome money. I work in medicine & exercise. We don't have a lot of crossover. Luckily, I see them tops like 3x a year
I'm such a people pleaser I can't imagine having to have that conversation, but man if you piss me off I can 180 on your ass really quick!!!
Seriously, who says that... makes fun of a man for doing something he enjoys on a day off work and then goes so far as to say 'glad my husband isn't like that'. Again, I'm a people pleaser, but I'm pretty sure I would have gone "Red Ross" on her! Probably would have busted out with something like, "well, believe me lady, if I was your husband I probably wouldn't watch it either after you killed my will to live having to lay in the same bed with you every night!"
I'm sorta pissed off just hearing the story honestly! If you live anywhere near Austin and need backup you just let me know pal!