Star Wars Discussion Thread

7,093,323 Views | 46407 Replies | Last: 1 day ago by YouBet
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I hadn't thought much about it, but I bet you're right that Poe gets captures in that first scene. We've seen two shots of him around an X-Wing at night with a gun in his hand. Probably the same night raid scene at the beginning.

Went back and looked at that trailer teaser shot of Poe...

He definitely has the jacket on in this shot, meaning this scene almost assuredly takes place before all the Finn / village raid stuff (since Finn defects shortly after and ends up with Poe's jacket either on the Star Destroyer or in the TIE fighter after). The background looks like the same desert setting as the village raid as well.

We also know BB8 ultimately belongs to Poe. So, here's what I'm thinking... whatever Poe is doing out there under the cover of night (how cool would it be if he's having some kind of clandestine meeting with Luke?), whatever object he has (Luke's lightsaber?), he hides it in BB8 just before he's captured, and BB8 manages to get away. And then that unknown "fateful event" I mentioned earlier in reference to Rey... it's BB8 randomly finding her / sticking with her for whatever reason. Finn and Rey then serendipitously meet - the First Order is after Finn because he defected, and they're after Rey because BB8 has the whatever-thing-a-ma-jig - and we're off to the races.

I also just realized how much this would match the events / pacing of the opening to A New Hope, and think we may yet again be on to something...
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Pulled this from the youtube comments. I seriously doubt they would go this route, but it's an interesting scenario..

Episode 1: Maul kills Qui Gon
Episode 4: Vader kills Obi Wan
Episode 7: Kylo kills Luke

Hamill has already shot scenes for Episode VIII.
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Not doubting, but where was that confirmed?
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There's a location in Ireland used in Episode VII that they're using again for Episode VIII. They can only film there a certain part of the year because of the weather, so they knocked out a scene or two with Hamill last month, before principal photography begins in January. But even outside of the Ireland thing, it's been known for a while that he's coming back for Episode VIII in a more expanded role than he has in this one.
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And after skipping TCTTS' post and a few others, this where I bow out for spoilers. Y'all seem to be TRYING to figure out the plot of the movie in advance (after complaining that most trailers give too much stuff away). No complaints, but I'm out. Prefer to have everything (even opening scenes) be a surprise. Have fun!

For me and many others, trying to figure it all out is part of the experience. I love it because wondering during the movie whether you were right or not can be just as much fun as not knowing at all. It's a different kind of thrill. That said, I know most others don't think that way, and even though we're just guessing and playing around, I'll cut back on the speculation. That picture post guessing the sequences is the only one of those I'll do.
Fat Bib Fortuna
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Pulled this from the youtube comments. I seriously doubt they would go this route, but it's an interesting scenario..

Episode 1: Maul kills Qui Gon
Episode 4: Vader kills Obi Wan
Episode 7: Kylo kills Luke

Hamill has already shot scenes for Episode VIII.
Having the Grand Jedi Master killed by some hero-worshipping poser would have leave the theater. Be like having Maul kill Yoda.
Brian Earl Spilner
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Mark shooting scenes for Ep 8 doesn't tell us much. Alec Guinness was in Empire.
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Pulled this from the youtube comments. I seriously doubt they would go this route, but it's an interesting scenario..

Episode 1: Maul kills Qui Gon
Episode 4: Vader kills Obi Wan
Episode 7: Kylo kills Luke

Hamill has already shot scenes for Episode VIII.
Having the Grand Jedi Master killed by some hero-worshipping poser would have leave the theater. Be like having Maul kill Yoda.
That's introducing Jar Jar levels of stupidity.
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I also just realized how much this would match the events / pacing of the opening to A New Hope, and think we may yet again be on to something...

Indeed... I think we are on to something. I didn't go so far to think of Rey and BB8 in terms of Poe being in that first scene. But it makes sense that he would see Poe captured and escape only to find Rey.

Does BB8 have something? Something small and known to fit inside Droids? What was Poe doing down there anyway. Is it coincidence the first order shows up, or were they chasing him. Perhaps there is no Luke connection here, but rather he had "stolen plans" and that is why BB8 is then pursued after Poe is interrogated.

I seriously doubt they would use the stolen plans bit again. I hope there is a Luke connection in this first scene to really kick things off.
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Does BB8 have something? Something small and known to fit inside Droids? What was Poe doing down there anyway. Is it coincidence the first order shows up, or were they chasing him. Perhaps there is no Luke connection here, but rather he had "stolen plans" and that is why BB8 is then pursued after Poe is interrogated.

That's my guess. Not plans, but the first thing. From the trailers, BB-8 is the astromech in Poe's X-Wing. Maybe BB-8 was his first and somehow came to Rey.I'm guessing Poe was in that village for the same reason Rylo was, and BB-8 has it.
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And after skipping TCTTS' post and a few others, this where I bow out for spoilers. Y'all seem to be TRYING to figure out the plot of the movie in advance (after complaining that most trailers give too much stuff away). No complaints, but I'm out. Prefer to have everything (even opening scenes) be a surprise. Have fun!

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Pulled this from the youtube comments. I seriously doubt they would go this route, but it's an interesting scenario..

Episode 1: Maul kills Qui Gon
Episode 4: Vader kills Obi Wan
Episode 7: Kylo kills Han
Remember Rey crying over the jacketed person? And this would hurt me more emotionally...

Plus I think we see Rey at the controls of the Millenium Falcon in some pictures or video - and Chewie beside her?
Ag Since 83
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Good to see TCTTS posting "non-spoilers" about Episode VIII already.
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Does BB8 have something? Something small and known to fit inside Droids? What was Poe doing down there anyway. Is it coincidence the first order shows up, or were they chasing him. Perhaps there is no Luke connection here, but rather he had "stolen plans" and that is why BB8 is then pursued after Poe is interrogated.

That's my guess. Not plans, but the first thing. From the trailers, BB-8 is the astromech in Poe's X-Wing. Maybe BB-8 was his first and somehow came to Rey.I'm guessing Poe was in that village for the same reason Rylo was, and BB-8 has it.

I really hope you are right. I'm just trying to figure out how that would makes sense to a general audience. Obviously the end of the opening crawl would have to say something like, "Pursued by the First Order, Poe Dameron is on a secret mission given to him by Princess Leia. If he fails it could spell certain doom for the Resistance trying to maintain peace in the galaxy..."

But if it is Anakin's/Luke's Lightsaber, why is it important? Could it be explained to the general audience without having to go into a midichloreans type discussion. Perhaps that is the purpose of the Maz Kanata character as some have speculated... to come in around the middle of the movie and explain to the heroes (and the audience) what the heck is going on and why. Perhaps she has been a trusted ally by Luke throughout the years and she knows why BB8 now carries the lightsaber & why it's important.
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Pulled this from the youtube comments. I seriously doubt they would go this route, but it's an interesting scenario..

Episode 1: Maul kills Qui Gon
Episode 4: Vader kills Obi Wan
Episode 7: Kylo kills Han
Remember Rey crying over the jacketed person? And this would hurt me more emotionally...

Plus I think we see Rey at the controls of the Millenium Falcon in some pictures or video - and Chewie beside her?

Someone is biting the dust in this movie, but I'm not sure it's in that scene.
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I think the biggest thing is WHY is the lightsaber important. I don't get what "power" it holds.
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Good to see TCTTS posting "non-spoilers" about Episode VIII already.

But seriously, not sure what else we are suppose to talk about in this thread now that we've seen 3 trailers and some of us have read books or magazine articles directly talking linking to events in this movie. We are gonna start figuring stuff out.

If we aren't doing that we are simply having a big circle jerk about who would win in a Jedi fight, how it's totally possible Boba Fett escaped a big vagina with teeth, etc.
The Collective
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Can it just be that Kylo is obsessive? Or perhaps he is trying to gather artifacts to erase history of the jedi?
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Maybe the one Kylo uses is not "correct" (that's why it's more fizzly / flamey looking) and he needs to obtain another lightsaber built by someone actually adept enough to build one - so that he can deconstruct it to see where he went wrong with his? Reverse Engineering
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I mean, I don't see us speculating as to the plot as a spoiler. WE are just spitballing.
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I think the biggest thing is WHY is the lightsaber important. I don't get what "power" it holds.

In Rebels they use some sort of "force crystal" as the power source for lightsabers. I never read any of the books etc so I don't know if that's new or not. Still, it does have a touch of midichlorian to it so hopefully that's not what they are going with for the movie plot.
Ag Since 83
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I agree to some extent. I just finished reading the novel Lost Stars, which was actually interesting if you can ignore all the Young Adult star-crossed lover crap. And, it actually does give some information which answers one of the questions we've gotten from the trailers. I wouldn't talk about it without a *****spoiler**** warning, though.

But, as far as who is filming Episode VIII, I think that should be completely off limits, because that does contain major spoiler information for both VII and VIII.

So, since the thread is headed that way, I probably am gone. Hope you guys enjoy the movie. See you in two months.
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I agree to some extent. I just finished reading the novel Lost Stars, which was actually interesting if you can ignore all the Young Adult star-crossed lover crap. And, it actually does give some information which answers one of the questions we've gotten from the trailers. I wouldn't talk about it without a *****spoiler**** warning, though.

But, as far as who is filming Episode VIII, I think that should be completely off limits, because that does contain major spoiler information for both VII and VIII.

Just because someone is in the next movie it doesn't mean they aren't dead

Brian Earl Spilner
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Duncan Jones / Rian Johnson twitter fight:
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Duncan Jones / Rian Johnson twitter fight:
That's some serious nerd rage.
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That was awesome.

And Duncan got worked.
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I think the biggest thing is WHY is the lightsaber important. I don't get what "power" it holds.

In Rebels they use some sort of "force crystal" as the power source for lightsabers. I never read any of the books etc so I don't know if that's new or not. Still, it does have a touch of midichlorian to it so hopefully that's not what they are going with for the movie plot.
That was gonna be my response. I watched Rebels with my 5 year old son last year and they made the whole Jedi temple force crystal thing cannon. So it could be as simple as "The Jedi and the art of building lightsabers is all but extinct". So Kylo is pursuing it and Luke is trying to keep it safe and / or pass it down (he does after all still have his green one).

But still feels like we are pulling stuff out of our butts and are still missing multiple key details. Namely, who really does have the Lightsaber and how did they ever get it..... oh snap... I just figured out Max Von Sydow's character... he was a janitor on cloud city and one day when he drew the short straw to go clean the lowest level of cloud city.....
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That was awesome.

And Duncan got worked.
That wasn't even close. When Duncan had to start resorting to "Lucas will make all the money and not you" it was over.
Brian Earl Spilner
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@ManMadeMoon All kidding aside, I'll be there opening night. I am so curious to see how you squeezed a fourth movie out of The Hobbit.

Fat Bib Fortuna
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I think the biggest thing is WHY is the lightsaber important. I don't get what "power" it holds.

In the original screenplay for Empire Strikes Back, Obi-wan has hidden a map to Dagobah in the base of Luke's lightsaber as insurance that if he died, Luke would be able to find Yoda. Perhaps it's something like that.
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We also know BB8 ultimately belongs to Poe. So, here's what I'm thinking... whatever Poe is doing out there under the cover of night (how cool would it be if he's having some kind of clandestine meeting with Luke?), whatever object he has (Luke's lightsaber?), he hides it in BB8 just before he's captured, and BB8 manages to get away. And then that unknown "fateful event" I mentioned earlier in reference to Rey... it's BB8 randomly finding her / sticking with her for whatever reason. Finn and Rey then serendipitously meet - the First Order is after Finn because he defected, and they're after Rey because BB8 has the whatever-thing-a-ma-jig - and we're off to the races.

I also just realized how much this would match the events / pacing of the opening to A New Hope, and think we may yet again be on to something...
Any chance Finn and Rey are siblings and don't know it? How crazy would THAT be...
The Collective
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What is the significance of Vader's mask, and do we know how or why it was acquired?
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What is the significance of Vader's mask, and do we know how or why it was acquired?
main bad guy is a major Vader fan boy. Luckily, he learned his lightsaber skills from the fat star wars kid video and his lightsaber is constructed from parts obtained in Toys R us.
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What is the significance of Vader's mask, and do we know how or why it was acquired?
Ewok black market.
Atreides Ornithopter
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What is the significance of Vader's mask, and do we know how or why it was acquired?
no idea. There is conjecture that Kylo is just a collector of sorts and just wants things of Vader/Jedi or that there is actually some sort of power or understanding associated with these things, but we don't know.

and I thought it was canon before Rebels that to become a Jedi you had to construct your own lightsaber. Isn't that what Vader says to Luke after Luke turns himself in. " I see you have constructed a new lightsaber, your training is now complete"
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