I hadn't thought much about it, but I bet you're right that Poe gets captures in that first scene. We've seen two shots of him around an X-Wing at night with a gun in his hand. Probably the same night raid scene at the beginning.
Went back and looked at that trailer teaser shot of Poe...

He definitely has the jacket on in this shot, meaning this scene almost assuredly takes place before all the Finn / village raid stuff (since Finn defects shortly after and ends up with Poe's jacket either on the Star Destroyer or in the TIE fighter after). The background looks like the same desert setting as the village raid as well.
We also know BB8 ultimately belongs to Poe. So, here's what I'm thinking... whatever Poe is doing out there under the cover of night (how cool would it be if he's having some kind of clandestine meeting with Luke?), whatever object he has (Luke's lightsaber?), he hides it in BB8 just before he's captured, and BB8 manages to get away. And then that unknown "fateful event" I mentioned earlier in reference to Rey... it's BB8 randomly finding her / sticking with her for whatever reason. Finn and Rey then serendipitously meet - the First Order is after Finn because he defected, and they're after Rey because BB8 has the whatever-thing-a-ma-jig - and we're off to the races.
I also just realized how much this would match the events / pacing of the opening to A New Hope, and think we may yet again be on to something...