Star Wars Discussion Thread

7,059,708 Views | 46363 Replies | Last: 1 hr ago by G.I.Bro
Fat Bib Fortuna
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Guess nobody got the reference.
chasing amy
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Never mind, I apparently don't know how to embed a tweet.
Brian Earl Spilner
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Just post the link.
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Wait so we are ****ting on return of the Jedi now? What makes that movie so unlikeable? And if that is the case why do you care about Star Wars at all when you don't like 4 of the 6 movies
Bruce Almighty
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Nobody is saying they don't like Return of the Jedi. I actually like five of the six movies, I just think ROTJ was the beginning of the decline.
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It's the Inverse Lucas Effect. The less Lucas has to do with a film, the better it is. That's why Empire is the best, then Star Wars, then Jedi. I fully expect The Force Awakens to be the best of the bunch.
Jugstore Cowboy
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Wait so we are ****ting on return of the Jedi now? What makes that movie so unlikeable? And if that is the case why do you care about Star Wars at all when you don't like 4 of the 6 movies

It's the Internet thing to do. Empire was great. Every other installment gets progressively worse each time a nerd posts on a message board. Forget how awesome RoJ was when we saw it in theaters as 6 year olds; we're on the Internet now and we have a lot to prove.
Brian Earl Spilner
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It's the Inverse Lucas Effect. The less Lucas has to do with a film, the better it is. That's why Empire is the best, then Star Wars, then Jedi. I fully expect The Force Awakens to be the best of the bunch.

Lucas did not direct Jedi.
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Regarding the earlier discussion of ring theory and whether Lucas was doing it on purpose, just ripping off his old movies, does it mean that the prequels are better than we appreciate, etc:

It may be worth noting that Lucas is actually a fairly well-regarded figure in the world of mythology/storytelling. A big part of the reason episodes IV in particular is so compelling is its use of the "hero's journey" monomyth. This is something Lucas did very intentionally. If you've read any Campbell, you see it everywhere in Star Wars. He uses similar devices in the prequels along with various and clearly intentional contrasts with the originals. Lucas has also credited and referenced Campbell going back to 1977; it's not revisionist history.

However, TPM and AOTC are still bad movies, and ROTS and ROTJ are still flawed. It's yet another example of Lucas's big picture brilliance and tone-deaf execution. The mythology of Star Wars is iconic, all the way through. The journeys his heroes undertake are epic and compelling... but in the prequels and to a lesser extent ROTJ, the genius is buried under six feet of uncomfortable dialogue, ambiguous direction, visual clutter, and animated future children's toys. IV has some issues with the dialogue, but the direction is substantially better and the story is a lot tighter than I-III and VI.

I've said it before, but if you list out the facts of the rise and fall of Anakin Skywalker, it's a really good story! Everything you need to explain his motives and the way his character is built and twisted is there, but it's diluted across three movies and the acting and dialogue are so poor as to jar you out of the story. This incomprehensibly powerful person grew up a slave, never knew his father, held his mother as she died from torture, slaughtered an entire village, was warped and manipulated by a Sith lord for years, felt marginalized by the Jedi and trapped by his inability to save the woman he loved the same way he had failed to save his mother. And yet, somehow, when the crucial moment comes it seems strange that he could fall to the dark side so easily. That is a failure in execution, not a failure to provide adequate cause.
Brian Earl Spilner
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Full catalog of the toys and action figures releasing on force Friday.
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It's the Inverse Lucas Effect. The less Lucas has to do with a film, the better it is. That's why Empire is the best, then Star Wars, then Jedi. I fully expect The Force Awakens to be the best of the bunch.

Lucas did not direct Jedi.
But he was far more directly involved in the production than in either Empire or Star Wars because he did it without Kurtz, who was the balancing force against George's more terrible impulses.
Brian Earl Spilner
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Now these are interesting. Probably indicators of suits/costumes we'll be seeing.

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The only thing that made me scratch my head was the blade builders thing..... I dunno what to say about that.
Brian Earl Spilner
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Also, daaaaamn that black trooper armor looks baller as fook!

Fat Bib Fortuna
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never understood the hate for Jedi, I love Jedi to death, in fact I'm going to watch it tonight.

Things that are awesome about Jedi

1) Gold bikini
2) Unfrozen Corellian smuggler
3) GREEN lightsaber, mofo
4) Skywalker v. Fett
5. Skywalker showing off bad-ass Jedi choke, mind trick and lightsabering, first time we'd see all of that on display at once.
6) Jabba the Hutt - magnificent feat of puppeteering.
7) Oola
8) Bossk and Dengar wandering around in the background at Jabba's.
9) Leia choking Jabba out
10-50) ITS A TRAP
51) Yoda's death scene "There is anoth .... er ...... SKyyyyyyyy ... Walkkkkk-er"
52) Obi-Wan's point of view
53) General Solo, is your strike team assembled?
54) Lando betrays Han and Leia, 6 months later, he's a general, that's a smoooth talkin' brotha
55) Wedge goes 2 for 2 on surviving attacks on Death Stars
56) Luke/Leia conversation about remembering their mothers.
57) Luke floating 3PO around to freak out the ewoks
58) Luke/Vader talk on the moon; every line of it so charged with emotion.
59) The feeling I always had that Lando had no idea what Nien Nunb was saying, and was just hoping it would all work out.
60) The Ewoks' bag of tricks
61) Han copping a feel after Leia gets shot.
62) Chewie driving the AT-ST
63) Ackbar's heartfelt "May the Force Be With Us" - one of my favorite moments of all 6 movies.
64) Admiral Piett - survives all of Vader's temper tantrums, gets killed by random A-Wing
65) The Space Battle, TIEs everywhere, B-wings! Y-wings! X-Wings! A-Wings!
66) Palpy tempting Luke, then laughing it off like a boss.
67) Vader taunting Luke out by mentioning Leia and Luke going so dark that it makes Hayden Christensen just look that much more terrible in his "fall"
68) Luke on the offensive vs. Vader, beating him down and finally taking the hand off .. then realizing what he's done and who he's become.
69) Luke with his greatest line of the trilogy, "You've failed your Highness ... I'm a Jedi, like my father before me."
70) The look Palps gives him after that.
71) Force Lightning - terrified me as a child
72) The shield generator goes down and you suddenly realize they're going to fly INTO the Death Star; Lando, you old pirate.
73-10,000) The greatest moment of all 6 movies; Vader's redemption. Not even the actual picking up of Palpatine to throw him to the death, but the moment where he moves to do it, because of the incredible transition in the music from Palpatine's chorus of doom to the soaring, Vader-tinged Force theme, the Chosen One bringing balance to the force by destroying the greatest of the Sith Lords, not to take his place, but out of love.
10,001) Lando clapping to Ewok music. Something tells me Lando got ****-faced drunk that night and hit on everything that smelled vaguely female.
Brian Earl Spilner
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double aught
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Mr. White
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never understood the hate for Jedi, I love Jedi to death, in fact I'm going to watch it tonight.

Things that are awesome about Jedi

1) Gold bikini
2) Unfrozen Corellian smuggler
3) GREEN lightsaber, mofo
4) Skywalker v. Fett
5. Skywalker showing off bad-ass Jedi choke, mind trick and lightsabering, first time we'd see all of that on display at once.
6) Jabba the Hutt - magnificent feat of puppeteering.
7) Oola
8) Bossk and Dengar wandering around in the background at Jabba's.
9) Leia choking Jabba out
10-50) ITS A TRAP
51) Yoda's death scene "There is anoth .... er ...... SKyyyyyyyy ... Walkkkkk-er"
52) Obi-Wan's point of view
53) General Solo, is your strike team assembled?
54) Lando betrays Han and Leia, 6 months later, he's a general, that's a smoooth talkin' brotha
55) Wedge goes 2 for 2 on surviving attacks on Death Stars
56) Luke/Leia conversation about remembering their mothers.
57) Luke floating 3PO around to freak out the ewoks
58) Luke/Vader talk on the moon; every line of it so charged with emotion.
59) The feeling I always had that Lando had no idea what Nien Nunb was saying, and was just hoping it would all work out.
60) The Ewoks' bag of tricks
61) Han copping a feel after Leia gets shot.
62) Chewie driving the AT-ST
63) Ackbar's heartfelt "May the Force Be With Us" - one of my favorite moments of all 6 movies.
64) Admiral Piett - survives all of Vader's temper tantrums, gets killed by random A-Wing
65) The Space Battle, TIEs everywhere, B-wings! Y-wings! X-Wings! A-Wings!
66) Palpy tempting Luke, then laughing it off like a boss.
67) Vader taunting Luke out by mentioning Leia and Luke going so dark that it makes Hayden Christensen just look that much more terrible in his "fall"
68) Luke on the offensive vs. Vader, beating him down and finally taking the hand off .. then realizing what he's done and who he's become.
69) Luke with his greatest line of the trilogy, "You've failed your Highness ... I'm a Jedi, like my father before me."
70) The look Palps gives him after that.
71) Force Lightning - terrified me as a child
72) The shield generator goes down and you suddenly realize they're going to fly INTO the Death Star; Lando, you old pirate.
73-10,000) The greatest moment of all 6 movies; Vader's redemption. Not even the actual picking up of Palpatine to throw him to the death, but the moment where he moves to do it, because of the incredible transition in the music from Palpatine's chorus of doom to the soaring, Vader-tinged Force theme, the Chosen One bringing balance to the force by destroying the greatest of the Sith Lords, not to take his place, but out of love.
10,001) Lando clapping to Ewok music. Something tells me Lando got ****-faced drunk that night and hit on everything that smelled vaguely female.

Post of the thread
Mr. White
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64) Admiral Piett - survives all of Vader's temper tantrums, gets killed by random A-Wing

Laughed at this
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The force is strong with MuckRaker
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10,001) Lando clapping to Ewok music. Something tells me Lando got ****-faced drunk that night and hit on everything that smelled vaguely female.
Fat Bib Fortuna
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My only true wish for the sequel trilogy is either Leia, Han, or Luke seeing c3po for the first time in a while and saying, "WTF happened to your arm?"
Atreides Ornithopter
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I want to hear R2 beep some things and 3PO say. " that is ridiculous R2, I was not constructed by Master Luke's father."
W.C. Griffin '09
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Ag Since 83
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The ewoks were cheesy. Well, at the time I was 9 and loved them but in hindsight they were pretty bad.

But they were still 10x better than the Gungan BS. At least in the ewok battle, ewoks killed Stormtroopers, real live soldiers. They smashed them with rocks and beat their heads in with primitive clubs. Never mind the fact that tiny furry being somehow hung two massive logs in the air and got a walker to step in between them - that mofo in the cab got squashed like a cockroach. And.....ewoks died, as in, it's war and some of them actually caught a few lazers.

Compared to the Gungan/Droid battle, the ewoks/Stormtroopers was like Saving Private Ryan. Night and day.

This x1000

The Ewoks for all their silliness actually helped win a battle by doing things intentionally (even if they weren't always what the humans wanted them to do, like stealing a speeder bike). Jar Jar helped win a battle by getting a battle droid stuck on his foot, trying to shake it off, and managing to accidentally shoot another droid with its gun every time he made the kicking/shaking motion. And then there's Anakin, who hides in a spaceship and manages to accidentally stumble into the perfect position to blow up the droid control ship, while saying gems such as "THIS is pod racing!"

Give me the Ewoks over Jar Jar and Anakin accidentally winning a battle any day.

As for rankings, I'd put AOTC ahead of TPM by a large margin. As bad as Christensen was, the stupidity of Jar Jar and little boy Anakin cannot be overestimated. If Lucas really wanted to mirror the story of the original trilogy, he should have started Episode I with Anakin being the same age Luke was at the beginning of IV. Instead, we got that stupid kid in a 2 hour toy commercial, while also turning the Jedi into a tyrannical organization that kidnapped toddlers from their parents' homes across the galaxy, never to be seen again.
Definitely Not A Cop
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The ewoks were cheesy. Well, at the time I was 9 and loved them but in hindsight they were pretty bad.

But they were still 10x better than the Gungan BS. At least in the ewok battle, ewoks killed Stormtroopers, real live soldiers. They smashed them with rocks and beat their heads in with primitive clubs. Never mind the fact that tiny furry being somehow hung two massive logs in the air and got a walker to step in between them - that mofo in the cab got squashed like a cockroach. And.....ewoks died, as in, it's war and some of them actually caught a few lazers.

Compared to the Gungan/Droid battle, the ewoks/Stormtroopers was like Saving Private Ryan. Night and day.

This x1000

The Ewoks for all their silliness actually helped win a battle by doing things intentionally (even if they weren't always what the humans wanted them to do, like stealing a speeder bike). Jar Jar helped win a battle by getting a battle droid stuck on his foot, trying to shake it off, and managing to accidentally shoot another droid with its gun every time he made the kicking/shaking motion. And then there's Anakin, who hides in a spaceship and manages to accidentally stumble into the perfect position to blow up the droid control ship, while saying gems such as "THIS is pod racing!"

Give me the Ewoks over Jar Jar and Anakin accidentally winning a battle any day.

As for rankings, I'd put AOTC ahead of TPM by a large margin. As bad as Christensen was, the stupidity of Jar Jar and little boy Anakin cannot be overestimated. If Lucas really wanted to mirror the story of the original trilogy, he should have started Episode I with Anakin being the same age Luke was at the beginning of IV. Instead, we got that stupid kid in a 2 hour toy commercial, while also turning the Jedi into a tyrannical organization that kidnapped toddlers from their parents' homes across the galaxy, never to be seen again.

On the other hand, we did get n64 pod racing out of it.
Brian Earl Spilner
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If Anakin had somehow used the force to destroy the Trade Federation ship, that whole battle would've been so much better. At least the lightsaber duel and music made up for it.
Duncan Idaho
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Shadow's of the Empire was 1000x better than the pod racing game.

Hell the vector graphics version of x-wing was 100000x better than the pod racing game.

Duncan Idaho
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That is one angry black man
Brian Earl Spilner
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Pod Racer was awesome.

Brian Earl Spilner
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So I was looking at the released dates for TFA around the world. 32 countries get the movie before we do. United Arab Emirates get it on December 15.

Starting to think it will be best to avoid the internet altogether that whole week.
Duncan Idaho
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A real fan would get on a plane
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Brian Earl Spilner
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Pretty sure those are OT stormtroopers. Interesting.
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