Agoodlittleag04 said:
I happen to know someone who is a subject matter expert about ballistics related to vehicles specifically. If you get a better pic tomorrow, I'll have him look at it and see what he thinks.

Agoodlittleag04 said:
I happen to know someone who is a subject matter expert about ballistics related to vehicles specifically. If you get a better pic tomorrow, I'll have him look at it and see what he thinks.
chiken said:
Also, hello shirtless white boy
ellebee said:
Did they say if they've had other reports?
third coast.. said:
I'm telling you, thisis how you get on the news. This is your chance to get one of the local smoke shows out to your house
Agoodlittleag04 said:
He wants to know if that's a piece of metal stuck in the glass? In the middle of the second photo you posted?
tandy miller said:
I was driving down 59 and all of a sudden I hear this crack... like a thunder clap or gunshot or something.... scared the ever living **** out of me. Look over to my left and drivers window is shattered. Thought it was a rock, but I was all the way over on the left, and was only going about 25 due to traffic. No idea what it was
This is your moment to become a texags legend! Somehow mention the GB in your interview!!!tandy miller said:
Currently waiting on Channel 2 news to call me back
HC said:This is your moment to become a texags legend! Somehow mention the GB in your interview!!!tandy miller said:
Currently waiting on Channel 2 news to call me back
PrincessButtercup said:
Doooo it!
SparkE said:
Remember any motorcyclists near you when this happened?
Hang in there little fella. We're all pulling for you. Hopefully they send this Iranian hottie to do an interview with you.tandy miller said:
UPDATE: Just got a phone call. KPRC is covering some breaking news right now but hope to be able to get an interview set up for this evening.
george92 said:Hang in there little fella. We're all pulling for you. Hopefully they send this Iranian hottie to do an interview with you.tandy miller said:
UPDATE: Just got a phone call. KPRC is covering some breaking news right now but hope to be able to get an interview set up for this evening.
She knows how to use her tongue.
And there's a chance you might be taller than her. But not likely.
I can stand in and do the interview if your nervous.george92 said:Hang in there little fella. We're all pulling for you. Hopefully they send this Iranian hottie to do an interview with you.tandy miller said:
UPDATE: Just got a phone call. KPRC is covering some breaking news right now but hope to be able to get an interview set up for this evening.
She knows how to use her tongue.
And there's a chance you might be taller than her. But not likely.
Amazing Moves said:I can stand in and do the interview if your nervous.george92 said:Hang in there little fella. We're all pulling for you. Hopefully they send this Iranian hottie to do an interview with you.tandy miller said:
UPDATE: Just got a phone call. KPRC is covering some breaking news right now but hope to be able to get an interview set up for this evening.
She knows how to use her tongue.
And there's a chance you might be taller than her. But not likely.