Oh gotcha. Thanks!
What do I do? Just keep buying more moons?
I feel like I'm stuck.
I have no hires I can make, I've made all the upgrades, and I have 4 moons.
how do you get that ****ing chemist? i have everything else
Black Holes and Joe Bob
The second page of upgrades unlocks when you click on joe bob the flying angel. He will randomly appear to the right of your dealers or cooks after you have aquired the goodbye earth achievement. By clicking him you unlock the second page of upgrades.
To get the upgrades on the second upgrades page you have to feed groups of 100million dealers to a blackhole.
I think you need the crack baby.
I still have mine running at work since I left Saturday. Should I go to the office today and export it home or just let it keep running and look at it tomorrow morning when I go in??