the only way we can hurt LSU is if we start winning on the field. us winning and them struggling can tilt the scales in our favor, not stealing a few 4 star guys. the reason we have been pulling some quality kids is b/c we can offer early playing time- thats a valuable tool, but as we build depth, we will lose that card to play.
This is true, but if we continue to suck, then Sherman won't be here for THAT long anyway. Still, getting a foothold in LA is important for later.
i keep saying this, and i feel like a broken record, but why is LA more fertile than TX? we can go into LA and fight off the SEC, or stay home and fight most of the bigXII. i just dont see what the difference is. we can pull 4 star guys from across E/SE TX... no need to cross the sabine IMO
Well, first off a lot of Louisiana is actually closer to College Station than a lot of Texas is. Secondly, you can't just assume that all of that talent in SE texas will want to come here since out of state schools have a significant presence in Texas, that even if we start lighting the world on fire, we aren't going to be able to get rid of. Thirdly, what is the point of limiting yourself to just in-state prospects when you can pick up a better prospect from across the border?
It isn't like we're going into Louisiana for half our recruits, but if we can continue to get higher quality guys from LA, then there is absolutely no reason not to.