BadAzzBohemian said:
Day 0 - scratchy throat, burning nose
Day 1 - scratchy throat, 101 fever, chills, body ache, headache burning inner nose at throat
Day 2 - sore throat, back rib cage pain, dreams all night trying to solve or reconcile something that makes no sense
In the first place.
Day 3 - repeat of day 2
Day 4 - repeat of day 2 except knives sore throat
Today - repeat of day 2
One Moderna shot and COVID positive with 5 others close to me having exact symptoms and positive tests.
Day 1 - scratchy throat
Day 2 - sore throat, body aches and fever, congestion
Day 3 - knives in throat, body aches, fatigue, headache, cough, fever 100.9, congestion
Day 4 (today) - knives in throat, fever 100, fatigue, minor congestion