ttha_aggie_09 said:
Fitch said:
Wasn't exactly the thrust of my original point regarding the breakdown in logic re: acquiring immunity but fair enough observation on the unintended slight to the (?)% of the population that had covid, adamantly doesn't want the vax and is grumpy the government de jour isn't fair.
I humbly repent.
6% of your posts are on this board, so I am not surprised in the condescending part in bold... You do realize that people got Covid PRIOR to the availability of the vaccine, right? You do realize that the majority of those, myself included, had very mild cases, right?
If you want to assume everyone that has had Covid and that wants to know more about natural immunity before getting vaccinated is an idiot, go for it. I'll continue to follow the data until it indicates that my approach is flawed.
Meanwhile you do whatever you see fit and maybe try avoiding the assumption that everyone that is interested in natural immunity is anti-vaxx and/or some partisan hack...
Not being argumentative, but I think we're talking around two separate things.
I've never espoused that immunity acquired through a disease course is anything other than equal to (maybe even better than) vaccine-derived immunity
after the fact. The point I probably could have made better on page 1 is that holding the two avenues equal when one has not
already had covid is illogical...

The sardonic point in the above quoted text really was just meant to highlight that the percent of the population that has (1) recovered from 'rona, (2) is subject to public policy measures like "no entry without vax card" and (3) feels strongly enough to not get a booster vaccine is (I'm guessing) not a lot.
Not that it's a perfect representation of the broad range across the US, but in my own family, social and professional circles I know maybe 4-5? people that have vocalized a hard-no resistance to getting vaccinated, maybe 30-40+ who have had covid and
all subsequently got vaccinated and the balance are all vaccinated without ever getting sick. I can honestly say other than on TexAgs I've heard of no one who got covid and subsequently decided to not get a booster vaccine.
Something like 60-75% of the country is either single or double vaccinated, representing a majority and supermajority that in most other subjects you can pretty safely plan public policy around. Ignoring for a moment the propriety of the aforementioned "no entry without vax card" policies, if there were a simple way to evidence natural immunity a la a vaccine card would that dispel the consternation, or is it more a question over the perceived double standards in public health measures?