wbt5845 said:
I am thinking about starting a podcast about how guys over 50 can get more healthy.
And notice I didn't say "lose weight" - I said get healthy. It's my belief the key should be to get healthy and the weight takes care of itself.
I've lost close to a hundred pounds and didn't really try to lose weight. I did make some very drastic changes to the way I ate - which is the key over 50. You cannot outrun your fork. But I also got a lot more active as well.
I encourage all older guys not to give up. Start by getting hooked up with a good nutritionist. Then convince your wife to support your choices. If your wife nags you as much as mine did, you might think that's easy - until she realizes this will affect her eating as well.

bingo! "healthy" is truly a lifestyle. It is a multi pronged designed way of life that includes every aspect of your life. What and when you eat, your sleep, how to manage stress, when, where and how you train (an exercise program with a purpose designed to make one more athletic and functional), how you approach work, family and all of life. Gone are the days of just eating whatever and saying you'll get to the gym and when you go you might walk on the tread mill. That's how one successfully "losses" the weight. They become an athlete and not a number. Look, if you are devout religiously, than you get what you must do to become healthy. It's psychologically a very similar mindset.
One of my favorite follows is Ethan Suplee. So awesome and how it needs to be done. Maybe it's a bit much for some but its truly the path to the absolute best health one can have in their life.