bay fan said:
The point is not all areas of the Hosptital take the same level of precautions, not all jobs have patient contact yet they do come in contact with those that do. It's an environment it is more then fair to expect vaccines because one persons health effects another and most hospitalized people are already in a weakened condition. This is common sense.
The statement you made that I was responding to was about patients.
If you're a patient, do you want the vaccinated staff or unvaccinated staff in your non covid room? I don't hang out inside with unvaccinated people even well.
Look, some jobs require a higher level of accountability and that's fair.
You refuted me with a different situational example from my response. To have a rational discussion we keep the focus on the same set of facts.
I was responding as if I was a vaccinated patient and the employee is dealing with me. In those cases I am pretty sure all employees are wearing mask. I have yet to be in a medical environment in the last year where the patient facing employees were not wearing mask and in all cases the visitors were also required to wear a mask as well unless they are in the process of being attended to.
I'm not looking for common sense without scientific reasoning, which is not necessarily always factual but rather evidence based. In the case I proposed the patient is vaccinated and the employee is using PPE and hygiene as protection from spread to me or from me. In that case the risk of infection, and more importantly severe COVID infection, for me is sufficiently low in my estimation that I am not concerned that the worker is not vaccinated. I am trusting all the other precautions that are in place including my vaccination.
What happens when that person goes to an area in the hospital where there are not patient facing protocols, perhaps human resources, is not my concern as a patient. If the HR employee and the patient facing employee choose to be both unvaccinated and not use PPE when dealing with each other in their area, then common sense says it doesn't involve me and scientific reasoning says my risks remain very low.
I also bet you would find the non-patient facing employees are required to wear masks anytime they are in a room with any other employee and that all areas require employees to be masked or distanced from one another when they are together. That is the policy at at least one of the largest Texas hospital systems according to my friend that works in administration there and likely at most all of the others as well.