BadMoonRisin said:
Proposition Joe said:
So the media wants you scared and in your home.
And they want you vaccinated.
And they have a counter on their websites pushing big vaccination numbers (thirsty for more vaccinations!).
So mass vaccinations will result in people leaving their homes... But the media doesn't want you to leave your home... But the media is also pushing for people to get vaccinated.
That logic is absolutely astounding.
Wanna tell me the logic of why I have to wear a mask, with no proven science behind it, when I have been vaccinated, smart guy? Im not even anti-vaccine. I got the J&J 3 weeks ago.
Regarding the media, I'm just saying its yet another goalpost moved. "two weeks to stop the spread", "5000 deaths a day" (deaths tank), "xxxx cases per day" (cases tank), "number of people over 16 vaccinated", "you gotta keep wearing a mask even if you are vaccinated, wouldnt want people to think that we can go back to normal now!" -- next will undoubtedly be "ZOMG Variants!" -- they are already starting to trot that one out. This will never end and it has not been about public health messaging. It's fear porn.
And its not only the media, its policy. There are states out there that still have schools closed. That's not the media telling people to stay in their homes. Its the government forcing a non-at-risk-population to stay home, to the detriment of their education and mental health. More 15-24 year olds have killed themselves in the last year than have died from COVID19.
Logic left the conversation a year ago.
(some of my rambling thoughts on all of this. Skip down to the bolded part if TL;DR)
The goal posts, honestly, weren't "moved" as much as misrepresented. Maybe many in charge of calling for the shut downs intended for it to be a 2 week thing, but many others had no intention of it being 2 weeks or short term. While it was supposed to be about hospitals not being overfilled, taxing healthcare for all, there were way too many that intended this to be about getting to a point that no one can contract this virus. I also think a lot of this was an opportunity to certain leaders to push their political agenda forward that had nothing to do with the virus. What else explains the absolute divide between red and blue states? Of course this became political from the very start and its a shame. Also, it is extremely difficult to place the responsibility to not spread the virus upon individuals who are not at risk. It is screwy logic. It sounds fantastic, but is not realistic or really even effective. Way too many have died. Would more have died if there were no restrictions? Probably so and so I do not have a problem with a certain amount or level of restrictions. But the evidence of open states vs closed states shows that restrictions were not really a determining factor in all of this. Heck, these same restrictions and the finger pointing/making people feel guilty for gathering outside just had the effect of pushing more inside where the virus did spread more. People were always going to socialize. Especially when this virus is not a death sentence nor even a long term situation for the vast majority who contract it.
So what have we learned from all of this? Messages need to be clear and only change if science truly dictates a need for change. Masks were a great example. Nothing changed in terms of the science and knowledge behind their usage. What changed was the message when the real reason to discourage the public from stocking up on them initially was so that medical personnel would have access to PPE. So just say that. Don't say masks don't work and then turn around and tell us to mask up. Then turn around and say we need to double mask (lol, wat?!?!?!). Do not shut schools and people's livelihoods down without a real plan. Businesses are not operating on the notion that there could be a pandemic in the future so have that "pandemic day" fund ready for when we shut down your business for "2 weeks" only for it to stretch out, in some cases, for over a year. Find a way to allow the healthy to be out, and the at risk to stay home. And once vaccinated, let these people be able to be accounted for so that they can resume a normal life in total. Obviously, there's a lot more I missing on all of this. This whole thing has been an absolute failure. From the top to the bottom and on both sides of the aisle.
And someone NEEDS to hold the media accountable for their messages. Freedom of the press is vital, but unfortunately, the press is more about getting clicks for advertisers than about disseminating correct information. They can push agendas and be as dangerous as any regime of government and have been for years, whether encouraging a war with Spain in the early 1900's or one in Nam in the mid 60's to working to position which ever political party through agenda laden stories that the masses "trust" in. They have done almost nothing but use fear and misrepresent the dangers of this virus from the start and to this day these "disturbing" videos of college students and young people doing what young people will do and honestly need to do. These folks NEED to be able to freely socialize. The virus will not kill them much at all and I have to say that even if it does effect the older generations to a certain degree with virus transmission, so be it. Hey, I hate that but it's just how I feel. Greater good is accomplished by letting youth and younger people be open and free vs shut out and locked down. Open the schools, the playgrounds, the bars and clubs, the world to these people. Again, it's just my opinion here and I get others will not agree, but I have to take the stance I truly believe in. The media has people in such fear over this that we see people wearing masks outsude by themselves or driving in cars alone. We see my new neighbor who is young and healthy wearing gloves to get his mail and leaving all his packages outside his house for days to "kill the virus" and not letting his young daughter play with all our children. She is 5 or 6 and sees all these kiddos playing and running around and he and his wife won't let her say hi. The media and their messaging are to blame here. Not my neighbor in my mind. It's sad./rant over. Sorry if this derailed anything.
Regarding the vaccine: I think the risks long term of the vaccine are outweighed by the opportunity the vaccine presents to getting society back to a healthy normal existence.