I also think the Wu Flu has been stateside for a lot longer than reported.
Something started to hit me 12/18; could tell something wasn't right. Was feeling worse on 12/19, like a bad cold was coming on. 12/20 was horrible (I remember this, because it's when we had the shooting day at the farm for the Rib's company Christmas Party). Cold's typically hit me and last 5 days, max. Start with drainage, then a very sore throat, then my head stops up, then I start coughing, then I start to feel better, hack for a few days, then back to normal. I got the flu shot this year before #2 was born, and this was definitely not flu. This thing was like a combo of flu & cold. I was down all of Christmas week, and have been trying to shake the cough for 3 months now. Sinuses have been giving me fits since December, and the cough is just now becoming sporadic.
I stopped riding the DART train several weeks before #2 was born, so I'd have some flexibility if I got the "Call". After he was born (early) and in the NICU, I rode the train a few times in late November/early December. Lots of professionals on the train going to downtown Dallas, but there are also lots of the dregs of society on there as well, especially in foul weather. Point being, I probably picked up whatever I got on the train, from either of the aforementioned groups.
Also,#2 got "bronchiolitis" in early February, and all the hospital could tell us was that it was some kind of viral infection. Two nights in the hospital on O2 and an IV, and he was able to come home.
So look at the infection/spread timeline and do the math. Two weeks before it hit me, I was in fairly large crowds of unknown masses. Don't remember much about late December/early January, but it hit #2 in early February. We're both fine now, but the coincidence/anecdotal evidence pointing to this thing being here before news escaping China and the mass media picking it up. And several other members of my family came down with something nasty after being around me as well.