Thank you so much!
I'm curious about the accuracy of data on the website you linked. Do you think the updating is happening more quickly now or is there still a lag time? As of yesterday, there were 40 active cases in Wylie ISD. The link you posted led me to
this page for Collin County data. That link says there are 83 active cases in C.C. That seems low when there are 40 in WISD. But, that could certainly be attributed to lag time in data updates. I'm just curious about what you're seeing as far as data collection recently. Thanks!
Editing to add more Collin County data:
Plano ISD - 65 active cases as of 10/9/20
Allen ISD- 10 active cases (I'd love to know what they're doing!)
McKinney ISD - 29 active cases
Prosper ISD- 55 active cases
Anyway, you get the idea. There's clearly a lag. I'm just wondering how long it is. You may not have any idea, but if you do, I'd love to know!
Also, thanks for sharing your football analysis. It was a nice bit of normal!