Covid-19 Update Aggie Physician

1,249,873 Views | 3660 Replies | Last: 1 yr ago by tamc91
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TexansAg2011 said:

How likely is it that we return to normal activity in the next 2-3 months? Is there a real threat to college football season?
It appears the threat is at least real enough that schools are calling higher donors to start to get thoughts on how to handle refunds if that does happen.
Player To Be Named Later
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TexansAg2011 said:

How likely is it that we return to normal activity in the next 2-3 months? Is there a real threat to college football season?

Let's be honest, if nothing much changed on the ability to test/speed to get results plus any lack of fairly productive treatment, it would be nuts to start throwing 80,000+ fans together in a stadium.

Even if they started the season on time, without progress made on those 2 fronts, the smart folks are going to watch on TV.
John Francis Donaghy
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Player To Be Named Later said:

TexansAg2011 said:

How likely is it that we return to normal activity in the next 2-3 months? Is there a real threat to college football season?

Let's be honest, if nothing much changed on the ability to test/speed to get results plus any lack of fairly productive treatment, it would be nuts to start throwing 80,000+ fans together in a stadium.

Even if they started the season on time, without progress made on those 2 fronts, the smart folks are going to watch on TV.

So we'll finally have a home field advantage like LSU?
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TexansAg2011 said:

How likely is it that we return to normal activity in the next 2-3 months? Is there a real threat to college football season?
I'm teaching an undergrad class at A&M next semester, and I'm being told there is a strong possibility my face-to-face course will become online.
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Dr. Coates,

Have you and your staff been seeing any patients with Covid-19? Have any of you become sick? If not, for you think that the supplements you are taking have helped prevent this from happening?

Thanks for all of your updates and information!

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Next semester as in, Fall? Or Summer 1?
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FrecklesDad said:

Dr. Coates,

Have you and your staff been seeing any patients with Covid-19? Have any of you become sick? If not, for you think that the supplements you are taking have helped prevent this from happening?

Thanks for all of your updates and information!

Me and staff have remained safe. However, we have mad e significant changes in the way we do business to help keep our patients and staff safe.

You can see on the link.

Yes I know my website sucks but it is functional enough. LOL

As for COVID-19 patients yes unfortunately, we have seen some of our patients be infected with COVID-19. I have sent many for testing but the turn around on results is what has to improve. Most of my patients take 3-5 days to get the results. I sent a hospital nurse, Wal-mart and Kroger employee all for testing last Friday. But won't likely know their results for a few more days. I am certainly ready for a test that we can get the results back in a 24 hr time frame at worst. Would prefer a quick simple nasal swab like FLU test that everyone can do in office in 15 minutes.

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TexansAg2011 said:

How likely is it that we return to normal activity in the next 2-3 months? Is there a real threat to college football season?
Number one question I get and usually try to avoid it. Was scared about going on the air on Texags because I didn't want to answer that one!

My honest answer is I sure hope we play football in the fall. I live for college football!!! However, the doctor in me knows that is very likely if we have the season it is probably without fans. We need some type of serious breakthrough like the study with HCQ for prophylaxis. This could be used to protect healthcare workers and dramatically reduce transmission.

If we can start taking this to prevent the disease that along with identifying all of already been infected will allow a lot of the population to be at NO RISK of transmission. Of course a vaccine would work but that is likely a year or more away. Funny thing is if they would have finished the original SARS vaccine we now believe it would have likely been effective at preventing this.

This thing will likely slow way down in the summer and everyone will begin to feel safe again. But we have to have something to prevent it from spiking again in the fall before we can honestly in good faith put 100,000 in a single place. Just my opinion but as a doctor, even as much as I LOVE TEXAS AGGIE FOOTBALL! And my patients think I am crazy, I just can't see us doing it unless it becomes significantly safer.

P.S. I am praying and looking for things everyday to change my opinion because working 10 to 12 hr days, my big hope and stress reliever has always been watching A&M play in almost any sport but my favorite is football for sure.

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Reveille said:

TexansAg2011 said:

How likely is it that we return to normal activity in the next 2-3 months? Is there a real threat to college football season?
Number one question I get and usually try to avoid it. Was scared about going on the air on Texags because I didn't want to answer that one!

My honest answer is I sure hope we play football in the fall. I live for college football!!! However, the doctor in me knows that is very likely if we have the season it is probably without fans. We need some type of serious breakthrough like the study with HCQ for prophylaxis. This could be used to protect healthcare workers and dramatically reduce transmission.

If we can start taking this to prevent the disease that along with identifying all of already been infected will allow a lot of the population to be at NO RISK of transmission. Of course a vaccine would work but that is likely a year or more away. Funny thing is if they would have finished the original SARS vaccine we now believe it would have likely been effective at preventing this.

This thing will likely slow way down in the summer and everyone will begin to feel safe again. But we have to have something to prevent it from spiking again in the fall before we can honestly in good faith put 100,000 in a single place. Just my opinion but as a doctor, even as much as I LOVE TEXAS AGGIE FOOTBALL! And my patients think I am crazy, I just can't see us doing it unless it becomes significantly safer.

P.S. I am praying and looking for things everyday to change my opinion because working 10 to 12 hr days, my big hope and stress reliever has always been watching A&M play in almost any sport but my favorite is football for sure.

I understand and respect your point. It is unreasonable to not think this is a possibility. If this comes true, you will have to add to it many if not most of the other things that are currently shut down. If we can't have 100,000 in a stadium then we can't have 60,000 students on campus attending classes, living in close proximity in dorms and apartments, attending parties of 100-200 or more, etc. etc. etc. We also would have to assume professional sports, all professional and fraternal conferences, church group worship, and primary and secondary schools would remain non-existent.

Now two months ago we didn't expect to have the current conditions for even two weeks and one month ago we didn't imagine two months of this. Both of those are very real now. So the same conditions in the fall should not be scoffed at but personally I just don't think those kind of conditions will remain regardless of cures, prophylaxis, or vaccines. I think it would be more likely that we would assume the ability to manage the case load and rely on ever increasing herd immunity as well as masks, gloves, and heightened hygiene to accept the remaining consequences of the illness.

Now that may result in a stadium attendance of 70,000 or less rather than 100,000 but I think that is more likely than the odds of a season without CFB.

But as I first stated, I respect the thoughts of Dr. Coates and all others who may choose to disagree with my opinion and discernment of the forward outlook.

Oh, and a hearty Gig 'Em to all.
3rd Generation Ag
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12 man masks perhaps?
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BogieAggie said:

Next semester as in, Fall? Or Summer 1?

ALL summer is online. I'm being told fall will probably be online.
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Hoping we have a football season this fall and an on-field recognition for Dr Coates!
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What's your source for fall probably being online. The official university stance is they have had conversations about it.
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Caleb12 said:

What's your source for fall probably being online. The official university stance is they have had conversations about it.
Multiple full professors that I trust.
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Gateman said:

Hoping we have a football season this fall and an on-field recognition for Dr Coates!
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Got a question about asymptomatic carries. I recognize this may be really dumb, but here goes....

Are people asymptomatic because, A.) They have better immune systems, B.) They caught a weak strain of the virus, C.) Randomness?

I understand that wearing masks is more about keeping sick people from spreading, not well people healthy. I wore a mas today to the store because I recognize I could be carrying the virus and not know it. However, if the strain of the virus is weaker and has lower viral load, then shouldn't we want these weaker strains going around quicker to achieve herd immunity?
Rock Too
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Reveille said:

Rock1983 said:

Question for the doctors on this thread:

I'm late 50's in decent health, generally fit, slightly overweight and had bronchitis for the first time 2 yrs ago....I still have a mostly full steroid inhaler from treating it. I also use a CPAP machine with a water reservoir, though you wouldn't think I would need one if you saw me, but I can't sleep on my back without one.

Though I'm doing all the things you guys recommend to keep from the getting the disease, I'm now preparing to have to fight it eventually....hopefully not, but want to be prepared. Considering the above I have a couple of questions:

- what considerations or precautions should I take with using the cpap machine?
-considering I have a water reservoir are there things I could add to the water to help symptoms or fight the virus.
-is the inhaler I mentioned still good and would that help fight the disease.
-any other thoughts relative to preparing to fight the disease....otc stuff I'll need

apologize if this has been covered already. I did try to look thru history to see if it had been discussed
Interesting questions that I am not sure we have covered yet. As for CPAP we now believe that the virus can aerolsize with ventilators, nebulizers and probably the CPAP machine. So if you catch the virus it would potentially spread through the air.

Not sure what you can do to the water. Inhalers don't help fight the disease but you need your lungs healthy in case you get ill.

Thanks Doc, appreciate the response and all the information you are providing. Its invaluable.
Hey Nav
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My honest answer is I sure hope we play football in the fall. I live for college football!!! However, the doctor in me knows that is very likely if we have the season it is probably without fans.
Would you be offended if I got a second opinion, Doc?
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Hey Nav said:


My honest answer is I sure hope we play football in the fall. I live for college football!!! However, the doctor in me knows that is very likely if we have the season it is probably without fans.
Would you be offended if I got a second opinion, Doc?
No I would prefer it!! I still believe!!! There has to be a way!

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CowtownAg06 said:

Got a question about asymptomatic carries. I recognize this may be really dumb, but here goes....

Are people asymptomatic because, A.) They have better immune systems, B.) They caught a weak strain of the virus, C.) Randomness?

I understand that wearing masks is more about keeping sick people from spreading, not well people healthy. I wore a mas today to the store because I recognize I could be carrying the virus and not know it. However, if the strain of the virus is weaker and has lower viral load, then shouldn't we want these weaker strains going around quicker to achieve herd immunity?
Really good question. It is hypothesized that the innate immune system has to do with. Which makes sense because most children and young people have strong innate immune systems. They weaken as we age and thus the older the more at risk you are.

One of the reasons we have been aggressively researching supplements is to find ways to help strengthen the immune system. Make more people asymptomatic and you have less needing hospitalization and the problem is essentially solved.
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"Funny thing is if they would have finished the original SARS vaccine we now believe it would have likely been effective at preventing this."

Dumb question, why didn't they finish it and why can't they finish it now. Wouldn't that give us a head start on vaccine?
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Good read about why CHQ+ZPAK+ZINC works:

Also why ventilators aren't fixing the main problem which is in your blood.
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H2Ag said:

"Funny thing is if they would have finished the original SARS vaccine we now believe it would have likely been effective at preventing this."

Dumb question, why didn't they finish it and why can't they finish it now. Wouldn't that give us a head start on vaccine?
Disease faded away and no one felt like it was profitable anymore. Lesson from this is finish the work no matter what. Government needs to fund it if private companies stop.

And yes they are picking up where they left off as it appears to be able to provide immunity for this disease also so they have a big head start.
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Reveille said:

CowtownAg06 said:

Got a question about asymptomatic carries. I recognize this may be really dumb, but here goes....

Are people asymptomatic because, A.) They have better immune systems, B.) They caught a weak strain of the virus, C.) Randomness?

I understand that wearing masks is more about keeping sick people from spreading, not well people healthy. I wore a mas today to the store because I recognize I could be carrying the virus and not know it. However, if the strain of the virus is weaker and has lower viral load, then shouldn't we want these weaker strains going around quicker to achieve herd immunity?
Really good question. It is hypothesized that the innate immune system has to do with. Which makes sense because most children and young people have strong innate immune systems. They weaken as we age and thus the older the more at risk you are.

One of the reasons we have been aggressively researching supplements is to find ways to help strengthen the immune system. Make more people asymptomatic and you have less needing hospitalization and the problem is essentially solved.
Could also be the amount of exposure. The increase in viral load and number of infected cells should be exponential. And there is an amount of time for your immune system to recognize a new pathogen and develop antibodies (initially IgM). If you get a small enough dose that you have time for the immune system to kick in and get a handle on things before some of the really bad stuff happens, good for you. If you get a heavy virus dose and the virus wreaks havoc before the immune system can get up to speed, bad for you.
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H2Ag said:

"Funny thing is if they would have finished the original SARS vaccine we now believe it would have likely been effective at preventing this."

Dumb question, why didn't they finish it and why can't they finish it now. Wouldn't that give us a head start on vaccine?
Funding for clinical trials. I'm sure that was vaccine design was updated for this one and then started again. There are some other candidate vaccines that have already entered clinical trials too. Largely because of all the research that has gone in to understanding SARS and MERS and probably other corona viruses (cows, pigs, etc), people were able to design vaccines pretty quickly and get them tested in animal models. We already had a mouse model with the right receptor to try things out in too because of all the previous work.

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ham98 said:

H2Ag said:

"Funny thing is if they would have finished the original SARS vaccine we now believe it would have likely been effective at preventing this."

Dumb question, why didn't they finish it and why can't they finish it now. Wouldn't that give us a head start on vaccine?
Once SARS was contained the potential profit on the vaccine disappeared
A lot of that was govt funded, so not just the companies lost interest, but the govt found other funding priorities.
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Whitetail said:

Good read about why CHQ+ZPAK+ZINC works:

Also why ventilators aren't fixing the main problem which is in your blood.
I feel like we talked about the heme issues weeks ago, especially as a reason why diabetics (high A1C) are at high risk.

Also that article seems to have a lot wrong. I can't wrap my head around what they are trying to say about HCQ and DNA and heme.

Also, malaria isn't a bacteria, it is a single cellular eukaryote.

And with that, random person who doesn't seem to understand the basic science posting an article on medium lost all credibility.
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BiochemAg97 said:

ham98 said:

H2Ag said:

"Funny thing is if they would have finished the original SARS vaccine we now believe it would have likely been effective at preventing this."

Dumb question, why didn't they finish it and why can't they finish it now. Wouldn't that give us a head start on vaccine?
Once SARS was contained the potential profit on the vaccine disappeared
A lot of that was govt funded, so not just the companies lost interest, but the govt found other funding priorities.

Oh damn that's really sad then!
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Today's update

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Reveille said:

Today's update

Fck the naysayers, your blog is appreciated !
buffalo chip
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Whitetail said:

Good read about why CHQ+ZPAK+ZINC works:

Also why ventilators aren't fixing the main problem which is in your blood.
Very interesting. Thanks for posting. The author admits not being a medical doctor, but I did not see his background. It would be interesting to get the opinions of the washed regarding this thesis.
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Thanks for the replies.

Praying we may soon have a vaccine or a breakthrough on effective supportive care for most critical.

I'm very thankful we have you guys working on it.

buffalo chip
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BiochemAg97 said:

Whitetail said:

Good read about why CHQ+ZPAK+ZINC works:

Also why ventilators aren't fixing the main problem which is in your blood.
I feel like we talked about the heme issues weeks ago, especially as a reason why diabetics (high A1C) are at high risk.

Also that article seems to have a lot wrong. I can't wrap my head around what they are trying to say about HCQ and DNA and heme.

Also, malaria isn't a bacteria, it is a single cellular eukaryote.

And with that, random person who doesn't seem to understand the basic science posting an article on medium lost all credibility.
Thanks, Biochem. I appreciate your opinion.
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BiochemAg97 said:

ham98 said:

H2Ag said:

"Funny thing is if they would have finished the original SARS vaccine we now believe it would have likely been effective at preventing this."

Dumb question, why didn't they finish it and why can't they finish it now. Wouldn't that give us a head start on vaccine?
Once SARS was contained the potential profit on the vaccine disappeared
A lot of that was govt funded, so not just the companies lost interest, but the govt found other funding priorities.
I bet they could make a profit now!
LongLurking Ag
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Thinking forward, let's say we get this phase under control and cases go down. Unless there are vaccines available it probably will be back again (fall or winter). Would people who were exposed this year have an immunity for the next cycle or would the virus have mutated to make them susceptible again?
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